@article{wu_sa o'neill_brousseau_mcconnell_shultz_linderman_feldheim_2000, title={Synthesis of nanometer-sized hollow polymer capsules from alkanethiol-coated gold particles}, ISSN={["1359-7345"]}, DOI={10.1039/b001019g}, abstractNote={A tripodal alkythiolate ligand has been assembled on gold nanoparticles, which upon metathesis polymerization and particle etching, yields crosslinked spherical hollow polymer capsules.}, number={9}, journal={CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS}, author={Wu, ML and SA O'Neill and Brousseau, LC and McConnell, WP and Shultz, DA and Linderman, RJ and Feldheim, DL}, year={2000}, pages={775–776} } @article{linderman_siedlecki_oneill_sun_1997, title={Conformational bias by a removable substituent. Synthesis of eight-membered cyclic ethers via ring-closing metathesis}, volume={119}, ISSN={["0002-7863"]}, DOI={10.1021/ja9711674}, abstractNote={ADVERTISEMENT RETURN TO ISSUEPREVCommunicationNEXTConformational Bias by a Removable Substituent. Synthesis of Eight-Membered Cyclic Ethers via Ring-Closing MetathesisRussell J. Linderman, James Siedlecki, Stacy A. O'Neil, and Hao SunView Author Information Department of Chemistry North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8204 Cite this: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 29, 6919–6920Publication Date (Web):July 23, 1997Publication History Received14 April 1997Published online23 July 1997Published inissue 1 July 1997https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ja9711674https://doi.org/10.1021/ja9711674rapid-communicationACS PublicationsCopyright © 1997 American Chemical SocietyRequest reuse permissionsArticle Views480Altmetric-Citations64LEARN ABOUT THESE METRICSArticle Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days.Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon will load a page at altmetric.com with additional details about the score and the social media presence for the given article. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Share Add toView InAdd Full Text with ReferenceAdd Description ExportRISCitationCitation and abstractCitation and referencesMore Options Share onFacebookTwitterWechatLinked InRedditEmail Other access optionsGet e-AlertscloseSupporting Info (1)»Supporting Information Supporting Information SUBJECTS:Cyclization,Ethers,Materials,Metathesis,Molecular structure Get e-Alerts}, number={29}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={Linderman, RJ and Siedlecki, J and ONeill, SA and Sun, H}, year={1997}, month={Jul}, pages={6919–6920} }