@article{cardinal_lee_guthrie_bing_austin_veldboom_senior_2006, title={Mapping of factors for resistance to leaf-blade feeding by European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) in maize}, volume={51}, number={1}, journal={Maydica}, author={Cardinal, A. J. and Lee, M. and Guthrie, W. D. and Bing, J. and Austin, D. F. and Veldboom, L. R. and Senior, M. L.}, year={2006}, pages={93–102} } @article{mickelson_stuber_senior_kaeppler_2002, title={Quantitative trait loci controlling leaf and tassel traits in a B73 x MO17 population of maize}, volume={42}, ISSN={["0011-183X"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2002.1902}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTLight penetration into the canopy of maize (Zea mays L.) production fields is an important determinant of grain yield. Factors affecting light penetration include agricultural practices such as planting density and plant morphological factors such as leaf angle, leaf size, and tassel size. The objectives of this experiment were to identify genomic regions controlling the inheritance of leaf angle and tassel morphology in a B73 × Mo17 recombinant inbred population. Three quantitative trait loci (QTL) for tassel branch angle were detected which explained 35.6% of the phenotypic variation. Six QTL were detected for tassel branch number with three of these QTL on chromosome 2. Nine QTL were detected for leaf angle in one or more environments. Significant phenotypic correlations were detected between tassel branch angle and tassel branch number and between tassel branch number and leaf angle. Overlapping support intervals were identified between QTL detected for leaf angle and for tassel branch number on chromosome 2 near marker umc53a. Additionally, a QTL near marker bnl6.10 on chromosome 5 identified for tassel branch angle was in the same region as a QTL identified for leaf angle. The results of this study indicate that common genetic relationships exist between tassel traits and leaf angle.}, number={6}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Mickelson, SM and Stuber, CS and Senior, L and Kaeppler, SM}, year={2002}, pages={1902–1909} } @article{eberhart_goodman_yeutter_senior_2000, title={Charles W. Stuber - A laudation}, volume={45}, number={3}, journal={Maydica}, author={Eberhart, S. A. and Goodman, M. and Yeutter, C. and Senior, L.}, year={2000}, pages={151–161} } @article{marcon_kaeppler_jensen_senior_stuber_1999, title={Loci controlling resistance to high plains virus and wheat streak mosaic virus in a B73 x Mo17 population of maize}, volume={39}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci1999.0011183X003900040037x}, abstractNote={High Plains disease has the potential to cause significant yield loss in susceptible corn (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, especially in the central and western USA. The primary causal agent, High Plains virus (HPV), is vectored by wheat curl mite (WCM; Aceria tossicheila Keifer), which is also the vector of wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV). In general, the two diseases occur together as a mixed infection in the field. The objective of this research was to characterize the inheritance of HPV and WSMV resistance using B73 (resistant to HPV and WSMV) × Mo17 (moderately susceptible to HPV and WSMV) recombinant inbred lines. A population of 129 recombinant inbred lines scored for 167 molecular markers was used to evaluate resistance to WSMV and to a mixed infection of WSMV and HPV. Loci conferring resistance to systemic movement of WSMV in plants mapped to chromosomes 3, 6, and 10, consistent with the map position of wsm2, wsm1, and wsm3, respectively. Major genes for resistance to systemic spread of HPV in doubly infected plants mapped to chromosomes 3 and 6, coincident or tightly linked with the WSMV resistance loci. Analysis of doubly infected plants revealed that chromosome 6 had a major effect on HPV resistance, consistent with our previous analysis of B73 × W64A and B73 × Wf9 populations. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting resistance to localized symptom development mapped to chromosomes 4 (umc66), 5 (bnl5.40), and 6 (umc85), and accounted for 24% of the phenotypic variation. Localized symptoms may reflect the amount of mite feeding or the extent of virus spread at the point of infection. Identification of cosegregating markers may facilitate selection for HPV and WSMV resistance in corn breeding programs.}, number={4}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Marcon, A and Kaeppler, SM and Jensen, SG and Senior, L and Stuber, C}, year={1999}, pages={1171–1177} } @article{stuber_polacco_lynn_1999, title={Synergy of empirical breeding, marker-assisted selection, and genomics to increase crop yield potential}, volume={39}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci1999.3961571x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTThis paper was presented as part of the symposium entitled “Post‐Green Revolution Trends in Crop Yield Potential: Increasing, Stagnant or Greater Resistance to Stress.” In this presentation, we have focused on (i) uses of marker technology in determining the genetic basis of phenotypic expression and the manipulation of phenotypic variation in plants. This included the use of markers in understanding heterosis, in attempts to improve hybrid predictions, in quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification and mapping, in marker‐assisted selection (MAS), and in enhancing breeding success in the development of improved lines and hybrids; (ii) the role of genomics in developing a precise understanding of the genetic basis of phenotypic expression which will then provide more precision in the manipulation of phenotypic variation; and (iii) some attempts to integrate marker technology and genomics into empirical breeding strategies. In addition, we have focused on what has been successful as well as what has fallen short of expectations, and have suggested some of the possible reasons for the lack of success. Because of page limitations, we could not include an exhaustive review of the plant literature and have limited many of our examples to investigations in maize (Zea mays L).}, number={6}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Stuber, CW and Polacco, M and Lynn, M}, year={1999}, pages={1571–1583} } @article{vuylsteke_mank_antonise_bastiaans_senior_stuber_melchinger_lubberstedt_xia_stam_et al._1999, title={Two high-density AFLP (R) linkage maps of Zea mays L.: analysis of distribution of AFLP markers}, volume={99}, ISSN={["1432-2242"]}, DOI={10.1007/s001220051399}, number={6}, journal={THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS}, author={Vuylsteke, M and Mank, R and Antonise, R and Bastiaans, E and Senior, ML and Stuber, CW and Melchinger, AE and Lubberstedt, T and Xia, XC and Stam, P and et al.}, year={1999}, month={Oct}, pages={921–935} } @article{senior_murphy_goodman_stuber_1998, title={Utility of SSRs for determining genetic similarities and relationships in maize using an agarose gel system}, volume={38}, ISSN={["0011-183X"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci1998.0011183X003800040034x}, abstractNote={Among maize (Zea maize L.) breeders, there is a heightened awareness of the necessity for both maintaining genetic diversity for crop improvement and improving the quality of genetic resource management. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and isozymes can serve as genetic markers for estimating divergence or diversity; however, the limited number of polymorphic isozyme loci available and the labor intensive and time consuming nature of RFLPs make their use for this purpose prohibitive. Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), when resolved using agarose gels, may be a viable and costeffective alternative to RFLPs and isozymes. Ninety‐four elite maize inbred lines, representative of the genetic diversity among lines derived from the Corn Belt Dent and Southern Dent maize races, were assayed for polymorphism at 70 SSR marker loci using agarose gels. The 365 alleles identified served as raw data for estimating genetic similarities among these lines. The patterns of genetic divergence revealed by the SSR polymorphisms were consistent with known pedigrees. A cluster analysis placed the inbred lines in nine clusters that correspond to major heterotic groups or market classes for North American maize. A unique fingerprint for each inbred line could be obtained from as few as five SSR loci. The utility of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based markers such as SSRs for measuring genetic diversity, for assigning lines to heterotic groups and for genetic fingerprinting equals or exceeds that of RFLP markers, a property that may prove a valuable asset for a maize breeding program.}, number={4}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Senior, ML and Murphy, JP and Goodman, MM and Stuber, CW}, year={1998}, pages={1088–1098} } @article{smith_chin_shu_smith_wall_senior_mitchell_kresovich_ziegle_1997, title={An evaluation of the utility of SSR loci as molecular markers in maize (Zea mays L): comparisons with data from RFLPS and pedigree}, volume={95}, ISSN={["1432-2242"]}, DOI={10.1007/s001220050544}, number={1-2}, journal={THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS}, author={Smith, JSC and Chin, ECL and Shu, H and Smith, OS and Wall, SJ and Senior, ML and Mitchell, SE and Kresovich, S and Ziegle, J}, year={1997}, month={Jul}, pages={163–173} } @article{senior_chin_lee_smith_stuber_1996, title={Simple sequence repeat markers developed from maize sequences found in the GENBANK database: Map construction}, volume={36}, ISSN={["0011-183X"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci1996.0011183X003600060043x}, abstractNote={Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are rapidly becoming an important class of DNA markers that are being widely used to map both plant and animal genomes. SSRs have the advantage of providing a codominant marker system based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodology. Although the presence of SSRs is now well documented in the plant kingdom, a mapped set of primer sequences in maize (Zea mays L.) is not available. Polymorphic primer pairs developed from maize sequences in GENBANK were mapped to 42 loci in maize by means of either a B73 × Mo17, Mo17 × H99, or B73 × G35 recombinant inbred population. All SSR loci were found to be linked to one or more adjacent restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and/or isozyme loci. Segregation followed a pattern of Mendelian inheritance with one SSR locus deviating from expected ratios at a 1% level of significance. The SSRs were distributed throughout the maize genome with no evidence of clustering. Each SSR marker detected a single locus.}, number={6}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Senior, ML and Chin, ECL and Lee, M and Smith, JSC and Stuber, CW}, year={1996}, pages={1676–1683} } @article{senior_chin_smith_1995, title={Simple sequence repeats in maize: A progress report}, number={69}, journal={Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter}, author={Senior, M. L. and Chin, E. and Smith, S.}, year={1995}, pages={119} }