@article{sanei_barnes_vaillancourt_ley_2007, title={Experimental infection of chickens and turkeys with Mycoplasma gallisepticum reference strain S6 and North Carolina field isolate RAPD type B}, volume={51}, ISSN={["0005-2086"]}, DOI={10.1637/0005-2086(2007)051[0106:EIOCAT]2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract During an epidemic of mycoplasmosis in chicken and turkey flocks in North Carolina between 1999 and 2001, isolates of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) from affected flocks were characterized by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and eight distinct RAPD types were identified. MG RAPD type B accounted for more than 90% of the isolates and was associated with moderate-to-severe clinical signs and mortality. The virulence of MG RAPD type B for chickens and turkeys was compared with sham-inoculated negative controls and MG S6 (a virulent strain)-inoculated positive controls. Clinical signs occurred in chickens and turkeys inoculated with either MG RAPD type B or MG S6. However, they were not as frequent or severe as those seen in naturally affected flocks, and there was no mortality in the experimental groups. Based on gross and microscopic findings, MG RAPD type B was equal to or more virulent than MG S6. All MG-inoculated birds were culture and PCR positive at 7 and 14 days postinoculation (PI). Among serological tests, the serum plate agglutination test was positive for the majority of chickens and turkeys (58%–100%) infected with either strain of MG at both 7 and 14 days PI. The hemagglutination inhibition test was negative for all birds at 7 days PI and positive for a few chickens (8%–17%) and several turkey sera (40%–60%) at 14 days PI. Only a single serum was positive by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (an MG S6-infected turkey) at 14 days PI.}, number={1}, journal={AVIAN DISEASES}, author={Sanei, B. and Barnes, H. J. and Vaillancourt, J. P. and Ley, D. H.}, year={2007}, month={Mar}, pages={106–111} } @article{pakpinyo_ley_barnes_vaillancourt_guy_2003, title={Enhancement of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli pathogenicity in young turkeys by concurrent turkey coronavirus infection}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0005-2086"]}, DOI={10.1637/0005-2086(2003)047[0396:EOEECP]2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract In a previous study, turkey coronavirus (TCV) and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) were shown to synergistically interact in young turkeys coinfected with these agents. In that study, inapparent or mild disease was observed in turkeys inoculated with only TCV or EPEC, whereas severe growth depression and high mortality were observed in dually inoculated turkeys. The purpose of the present study was to further evaluate the pathogenesis of combined TCV/EPEC infection in young turkeys and determine the role of these agents in the observed synergistic interaction. Experiments were conducted to determine 1) effect of EPEC dose, with and without concurrent TCV infection, and 2) effect of TCV exposure, before and after EPEC exposure, on development of clinical disease. Additionally, the effect of combined infection on TCV and EPEC shedding was determined. No clinical sign of disease and no attaching and effacing (AE) lesions characteristic of EPEC were observed in turkeys inoculated with only EPEC isolate R98/5, even when turkeys were inoculated with 1010 colony forming units (CFU) EPEC (high dose exposure). Only mild growth depression was observed in turkeys inoculated with only TCV; however, turkeys inoculated with both TCV and 104 CFU EPEC (low dose exposure) developed severe disease characterized by high mortality, marked growth depression, and AE lesions. Inoculation of turkeys with TCV 7 days prior to EPEC inoculation produced more severe disease (numerically greater mortality, significantly lower survival probability [P < 0.05], increased frequency of AE lesions) than that observed in turkeys inoculated with EPEC prior to TCV or simultaneously inoculated with these agents. Coinfection of turkeys with TCV and EPEC resulted in significantly increased (P < 0.05) shedding of EPEC, but not TCV, in intestinal contents of turkeys. These findings indicate that TCV infection predisposes young turkeys to secondary EPEC infection and potentiates the expression of EPEC pathogenicity in young turkeys.}, number={2}, journal={AVIAN DISEASES}, author={Pakpinyo, S and Ley, DH and Barnes, HJ and Vaillancourt, JP and Guy, JS}, year={2003}, pages={396–405} } @article{vaillancourt_martinez_2002, title={Inflammatory process (IP) causes and control strategies}, ISBN={0392-0593}, number={6}, journal={Zootecnica International}, author={Vaillancourt, J. P. and Martinez, A.}, year={2002}, pages={48} } @article{pakpinyo_ley_barnes_vaillancourt_guy_2002, title={Prevalence of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in Naturally Occurring Cases of Poult Enteritis–Mortality Syndrome}, volume={46}, ISSN={0005-2086 1938-4351}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1637/0005-2086(2002)046[0360:poeeci]2.0.co;2}, DOI={10.1637/0005-2086(2002)046[0360:POEECI]2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={SUMMARY. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) previously were identified in poult enteritis–mortality syndrome (PEMS)-affected turkeys and associated as a cause of this disease. In the present study, the prevalence of EPEC in PEMS-affected turkeys was examined retrospectively with archived tissues and intestinal contents collected from 12 PEMS-affected turkey flocks in 1998. Formalin-fixed intestinal tissues were examined by light and electron microscopy for attaching and effacing (AE) lesions characteristic of EPEC, and frozen (−75 C) intestinal contents were examined for presence of EPEC. Escherichia coli isolates were characterized on the basis of epithelial cell attachment, fluorescent actin staining (FAS) test, and presence of E. coli attaching/effacing (EAE), shigalike toxin (SLT) type I, SLT II, and bundle-forming pilus (BFP) genes by polymerase chain reaction procedures. EPEC isolates were examined for pathogenicity and ability to induce AE lesions in experimentally inoculated young turkeys. AE lesions were identified by light microscopy in Giemsa-stained intestines from 7 of 12 PEMS-affected turkey flocks. Lesions consisted of bacterial microcolonies attached to epithelial surfaces with epithelial degeneration at sites of attachment and inflammatory infiltration of the lamina propria. Electron microscopy confirmed the identity of AE lesions in six of seven flocks determined to have AE lesions by light microscopy. EPEC were identified in 4 of 12 flocks on the basis of the presence of EAE genes and absence of SLT I and SLT II genes; all isolates lacked BFP genes. EPEC isolates produced AE lesions and variable mortality in turkeys coinfected with turkey coronavirus. In total, EPEC were associated with 10 of 12 (83%) naturally occurring PEMS cases on the basis of identification of AE lesions and/or EPEC isolates. These findings provide additional evidence suggesting a possible role for EPEC in the pathogenesis of PEMS.}, number={2}, journal={Avian Diseases}, publisher={American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP)}, author={Pakpinyo, S. and Ley, D. H. and Barnes, H. J. and Vaillancourt, J. P. and Guy, J. S.}, year={2002}, month={Apr}, pages={360–369} } @article{carver_vaillancourt_stringham_2002, title={Risk factors associated with poult enteritis mortality syndrome-positive turkey flocks}, volume={46}, ISSN={["0005-2086"]}, DOI={10.1637/0005-2086(2002)046[1021:RFAWPE]2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={SUMMARY. Poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS) has been an economically devastating disease in North Carolina since the early 1990s. Though much is known about the disease, many questions remain unanswered about the syndrome, including its cause, transmission of causative agent(s), and control methods. This study was designed to investigate the association between PEMS and farm management factors. A prospective longitudinal study was conducted by collecting farm data and monitoring weekly mortality in 54 commercial turkey flocks raised in PEMS-affected regions. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses revealed that enhancing rodent control methods was negatively associated (P = 0.0228) with PEMS.}, number={4}, journal={AVIAN DISEASES}, author={Carver, DK and Vaillancourt, JP and Stringham, M}, year={2002}, pages={1021–1024} } @article{vaillancourt_2001, title={Biosecurity for turkey breeders}, ISBN={0392-0593}, number={7}, journal={Zootecnica International}, author={Vaillancourt, J. P.}, year={2001}, pages={30} } @article{vaillancourt_2001, title={How do you determine the cost-benefit of a biosecurity system?}, ISBN={0392-0593}, number={6}, journal={Zootecnica International}, author={Vaillancourt, J. P.}, year={2001}, pages={20} } @article{carver_vaillancourt_stringham_guy_barnes_2001, title={Mortality patterns associated with poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS) and coronaviral enteritis in turkey flocks raised in PEMS-affected regions}, volume={45}, ISSN={["0005-2086"]}, DOI={10.2307/1592878}, abstractNote={Poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS) is an economically devastating disease. To date, many questions about the syndrome remain unanswered, including its cause, transmission of causative agent(s), and control methods. Turkey coronavirus (TCV) infection has been associated with some outbreaks of PEMS, with areas having a higher prevalence of TCV infection also experiencing an increased incidence of PEMS. This study was designed to establish mortality patterns for flocks experiencing excess mortality and TCV infection in PEMS-affected regions and to delineate the possible role of TCV in PEMS-affected flocks. Fifty-four commercial turkey flocks on farms in areas with and without a history of TCV infection were monitored for weekly mortality and for antibodies to TCV. Flocks were chosen on the basis of placement dates and were monitored from day of placement until processing. All flocks were tested for TCV by an indirect fluorescent antibody assay. PEMS status was determined with the use of the clinical definition of mortality greater than 2% during any 3-wk period from 2 wk of age through the end of brooding due to unknown cause. Of the 54 flocks, 24 remained healthy, 23 experienced PEMS, and 7 tested positive for TCV but did not experience PEMS. Ten flocks experienced PEMS and tested positive for TCV, whereas 13 flocks experienced PEMS and did not test positive for TCV. Four health status groups were evident: healthy, PEMS positive, TCV positive, and PEMS + TCV positive. Distinct mortality patterns were seen for each of the four health status groups. Whereas TCV was associated with PEMS in 43% of PEMS cases, 13 cases (57%) of PEMS did not involve TCV. Additionally, 7 out of 17 cases of TCV (41%) did not experience excess mortality (PEMS) at any time during brooding of the flock. The results of this study indicate that TCV can be associated with PEMS but is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause PEMS.}, number={4}, journal={AVIAN DISEASES}, author={Carver, DK and Vaillancourt, JP and Stringham, M and Guy, JS and Barnes, HJ}, year={2001}, pages={985–991} } @article{carver_vaillancourt_stringham_2001, title={Risk factors associated with Poult Enteritis Mortality Syndrome}, ISBN={0392-0593}, number={9}, journal={Zootecnica International}, author={Carver, D. K. and Vaillancourt, J. P. and Stringham, M.}, year={2001}, pages={48} } @article{mallia_barbut_vaillancourt_martin_mcewen_2000, title={A dark, firm dry-like condition in turkeys condemned for cyanosis}, volume={79}, ISSN={["1525-3171"]}, DOI={10.1093/ps/79.2.281}, abstractNote={A case-control study (n = 130) was conducted on toms condemned for cyanosis. Color (CIE L*a*b*), pH, and physical characteristics were measured on the Pectoralis major at slaughter and after 24 h. Meat from carcasses condemned for cyanosis had dark, firm, dry-like traits. It was darker and redder and showed higher water-holding capacity, lower cooking loss, and higher gel strength than did controls. Perimortem pH was negatively correlated with the lightness (L*) of meat at the time of slaughter (r = -0.58) and at 24 h postmortem (r = -0.64), positively correlated with water-holding capacity (r = 0.73) and gel strength (r = 0.43) and negatively correlated with cooking loss (r = -0.50). Ultimate pH was negatively correlated with lightness (L*) of meat at slaughter time (r = -0.62) and at 24 h postmortem (r = 0.79) was positively correlated with water-holding capacity (r = 0.87) and gel strength (r = 0.61) and negatively correlated with cooking loss (r = -0.52). Tests based on pH and L* of the P. major were also assessed; tests based on pH had a sensitivity in the range of 0.79 to 0.89 and specificity (Sp) of 0.60 to 0.94. Tests based on L* showed sensitivity of 0.75 to 0.92, and specificity of 0.79 to 0.97. The repeatability of measurements varied from good (L*: rho = 0.6) to excellent (pH: rho = 0.92). Overall, turkey breast condemned for cyanosis showed dark, firm, dry-like traits. Tests based on color and pH are described as a means of identifying turkeys condemned for cyanosis.}, number={2}, journal={POULTRY SCIENCE}, author={Mallia, JG and Barbut, S and Vaillancourt, JP and Martin, SW and McEwen, SA}, year={2000}, month={Feb}, pages={281–285} } @article{mallia_barbut_vaillancourt_martin_mcewen_2000, title={A dark, firm, dry-like condition in breast meat of roaster chickens condemned for ascites, valgus-varus deformity and emaciation}, volume={80}, ISSN={["0008-3984"]}, DOI={10.4141/A99-015}, abstractNote={ Chicken carcasses with dark, firm, dry traits (DFD) are currently condemned in Canada for cyanosis. Reconsideration of the current policy requires tests for distinguishing DFD carcasses from those that are inadequately bled. Birds in other categories such as ascites (AS), emaciation (EM), and valgus-varus deformity (VVD) may also present a dark carcass color. Chickens condemned for DFD and inadequate bleeding (IB), and also for AS, EM and VVD were collected, and visually separated into "light" or "dark" groups. Color (Commission Intern. de l'Eclairage L*a*b*) and pH were measured at slaughter, on four fixed sites of the pectoralis major. pH was highly and negatively correlated with L* for AS (r = –0.57), EM (r = –0.64), and VVD (r = –0.66). The dark classes of EM and VVD were not significantly different (P > 0.05) for pH, L*, and a* from DFD carcasses, but the dark AS class was redder and less acidic than DFD carcasses. Color and pH were not correlated in the inadequately-bled group, which was lighter, less red, and more acidic than the DFD group. Tests based on pH and a*, used to distinguish DFD from inadequately bled carcasses, showed good sensitivity and specificity. The agreement beyond chance between the pH and a* tests was good (Kappa = 0.65). We conclude (1) that a DFD-like condition was present in the dark classes of AS, EM and VVD, and (2) that inadequately bled chickens can be distinguished from those with DFD traits by the use of tests based on pH and a*. Key words: Poultry color, rapid tests, chicken, dark firm dry meat, cyanosis }, number={1}, journal={CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE}, author={Mallia, JG and Barbut, S and Vaillancourt, JP and Martin, SW and McEwen, SA}, year={2000}, month={Mar}, pages={45–49} } @article{mallia_hunter_vaillancourt_irwin_muckle_martin_mcewen_2000, title={Bacteriological and histological profile of turkeys condemned for cyanosis}, volume={79}, ISSN={["0032-5791"]}, DOI={10.1093/ps/79.8.1194}, abstractNote={Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has adopted the term cyanosis to describe a category of condemnation for poultry that is dark but has no other condemnable lesions. Two case-control studies (n = 30 pairs; n = 65 pairs) of 18-wk-old tom turkeys were conducted. A case was defined as a carcass condemned by the veterinary inspector for cyanosis, and a control carcass was one that passed inspection. Microbiological tests were conducted on samples of Pectoralis major and Gastrocnemius lacteralis. A modified Rappaport Vassiliadis medium was used for Salmonella, and a Petrifilm method was used to assess aerobic counts, coliform counts, and Escherichia coli. The Salmonella (qualitative) test was negative for all cases and controls, and there were no significant differences between the aerobic counts, coliform counts, and E. coli counts of case and control carcasses. Two pathologists conducted a blind histopathological study: there were no lesions compatible with those of septicemia-toxemia, as defined by CFIA and the USDA, nor any significant histopathological differences between the skin, P. major, G. lateralis, kidney, liver, spleen, small intestine, pancreas, lung, and heart of cases and controls. The inter-rater agreement between pathologists ranged from good to excellent (Kappa = 0.7 to 1.0). In the absence of important lesions and microbial contamination, carcasses with this color change alone should be suitable for human consumption.}, number={8}, journal={POULTRY SCIENCE}, author={Mallia, JG and Hunter, B and Vaillancourt, JP and Irwin, R and Muckle, CA and Martin, SW and McEwen, SA}, year={2000}, month={Aug}, pages={1194–1199} } @article{guy_smith_breslin_vaillancourt_barnes_2000, title={High mortality and growth depression experimentally produced in young turkeys by dual infection with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and turkey coronavirus}, volume={44}, ISSN={["0005-2086"]}, DOI={10.2307/1592513}, abstractNote={Six-day-old turkeys were inoculated with turkey coronavirus (TCV) and an enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) (isolate R98/5) that were isolated from poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS)-affected turkeys. Turkeys inoculated with only R98/5 did not develop clinically apparent disease, and only mild disease and moderate growth depression were observed in turkeys inoculated with only TCV. Turkeys dually inoculated with TCV and R98/5 developed severe enteritis with high mortality (38/48, 79%) and marked growth depression. R98/5 infection resulted in attaching/effacing (AE) intestinal lesions characteristic of EPEC: adherence of bacterial microcolonies to intestinal epithelium with degeneration and necrosis of epithelium at sites of bacterial attachment. AE lesions were more extensive and were detected for a prolonged duration in dually inoculated turkeys compared with turkeys inoculated with only R98/5. An apparent synergistic effect in dually inoculated turkeys was indicated by increased mortality, enhanced growth depression, and enhanced AE lesion development. The results suggest that TCV promoted intestinal colonization by R98/5; however, R98/5 did not appear to alter TCV infection. The present study provides a possible etiologic explanation for PEMS.}, number={1}, journal={AVIAN DISEASES}, author={Guy, JS and Smith, LG and Breslin, JJ and Vaillancourt, JP and Barnes, HJ}, year={2000}, pages={105–113} } @misc{barnes_guy_vaillancourt_2000, title={Poult enteritis complex}, volume={19}, ISSN={["0253-1933"]}, DOI={10.20506/rst.19.2.1234}, abstractNote={Poult enteritis complex (PEC) is a general term that encompasses the infectious intestinal diseases of young turkeys. Some diseases, such as coronaviral enteritis and stunting syndrome, are relatively well characterised, while others, such as transmissible viral enteritis, poult growth depression and poult enteritis mortality syndrome, remain ill-defined. All forms of PEC are multifactorial, transmissible and infectious. Salient clinical features include stunting and poor feed utilisation that result from enteritis. In the more severe forms, runting, immune dysfunction and mortality are reported. Gross and microscopic lesions of enteritis are present in all forms but tend to be non-specific. Other lesions may be present, depending on the agents involved. The basic pathogenesis involves the following: a) alteration of the intestinal mucosa, generally by one or more viruses infecting enterocytes; b) inflammation; c) proliferation of secondary agents, usually bacteria. Non-infectious factors interplay with infectious agents to modulate the course and severity of disease. Diarrhoea is believed to be primarily osmotic because of maldigestion and malabsorption, but may also have a secretory component. Transmission is primarily faecal-oral. No public health significance is recognised or suspected. Prevention is based on eliminating the infectious agents from contaminated premises and preventing introduction into flocks. This is accomplished by an effective cleaning, disinfection and biosecurity programme. All-in/all-out production or separate brooding and finishing units are helpful. Control may require regional co-ordination among all companies producing turkeys, especially if the production is highly concentrated, and a quarantine programme for more severe forms of PEC. No vaccines or specific measures for controlling the organisms involved in PEC are available. Treatment is supportive for the viral component, while antibiotics, especially those with efficacy against Gram positive bacteria, may help to reduce the impact to bacterial infections. Evidence suggests that PEC occurs wherever turkeys are raised commercially, but this is not well documented and distribution of the various organisms that have been associated with PEC is largely unknown. The disease causes enormous economic loss, mostly from failure of the turkey to reach its genetic potential.}, number={2}, journal={REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE-OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DES EPIZOOTIES}, author={Barnes, HJ and Guy, JS and Vaillancourt, JP}, year={2000}, month={Aug}, pages={565–588} } @article{de buysscher_tonkonogy_vaillancourt_barnes_2000, title={Quantitation of thymic and bursal lymphocytes populations in normal and PEMS affected turkeys}, volume={49}, number={2000}, journal={Proceedings of the ... Western Poultry Disease Conference}, author={De Buysscher, E.V. and Tonkonogy, S. and Vaillancourt, J.P. and Barnes, H.J.}, year={2000}, pages={95–97} } @article{mallia_vaillancourt_martin_mcewen_2000, title={Risk factors for abattoir condemnation of turkey carcasses due to cyanosis in southern Ontario}, volume={79}, number={6}, journal={Poultry Science}, author={Mallia, J. G. and Vaillancourt, J. P. and Martin, S. W. and McEwen, S. A.}, year={2000}, pages={831–837} } @article{mallia_barbut_vaillancourt_martin_mcewen_2000, title={Roaster breast meat condemned for cyanosis: A dark firm dry- like condition?}, volume={79}, number={6}, journal={Poultry Science}, author={Mallia, J. G. and Barbut, S. and Vaillancourt, J. P. and Martin, S. W. and McEwen, S. A.}, year={2000}, pages={908–912} } @article{tablante_vaillancourt_martin_shoukri_estevez_2000, title={Spatial distribution of cannibalism mortalities in commercial laying hens}, volume={79}, ISSN={["1525-3171"]}, DOI={10.1093/ps/79.5.705}, abstractNote={The distribution of cannibalism cases in a flock of 19,776 Babcock White Leghorns was monitored from 21 to 54 wk of age. The hens were kept in a single-floor house consisting of four banks of two-deck stair-step cages. Each of the 4,944 cages held four hens at a density of 152 cm(2) (60 inches(2)) per hen. Each cage was assigned a number from 1 to 4,944, and each dead bird was tagged according to its cage of origin. Dead birds were collected daily, kept in a freezer, and necropsied weekly. Farm personnel routinely transferred a live hen from an end cage to a cage where a mortality had occurred. The cause of death, age, cage number, and cage location were recorded for each dead hen. Of the 1,173 hens that died during the study period, 253 (21.6%) died from egg peritonitis, 184 (15.7%) from hypocalcemia, 167 (14.1%) from cannibalism, 164 (14%) from neoplastic disease, and the rest from various other causes. Cannibalism cases were analyzed statistically for clustering. Cannibalism was defined as death from tissue trauma and hemorrhage inflicted by cage mates. A spatial analysis showed that cannibalism is not a random event but one that occurs in clusters. The incidence of cannibalism was also found to be significantly higher on the top rows of cages as compared with the bottom rows.}, number={5}, journal={POULTRY SCIENCE}, author={Tablante, NL and Vaillancourt, JP and Martin, SW and Shoukri, M and Estevez, I}, year={2000}, month={May}, pages={705–708} } @article{halip_vaillancourt_luescher_1998, title={A descriptive study of 189 cats engaging in inappropriate elimination behaviors}, volume={26}, number={4}, journal={Feline Practice}, author={Halip, J. W. and Vaillancourt, J. P. and Luescher, U. A.}, year={1998}, pages={18–21} } @article{vaillancourt_carver_1998, title={Biosecurity: Perception is not reality}, volume={57}, number={6}, journal={Poultry Digest}, author={Vaillancourt, J. P. and Carver, D. K.}, year={1998}, pages={28} } @article{elfadil_vaillancourt_duncan_1998, title={Comparative study of body characteristics of different strains of broiler chickens}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1056-6171"]}, DOI={10.1093/japr/7.3.268}, abstractNote={Abstract Body characteristics have been suggest as possible predisposing factors for disease conditions such as skin scratches and cellulitis in broiler chickens. In this study, two experiments were conducted to investigate the relationship between certain body characteristics and to compare two different strains of broiler chickens. In the first experiment, the association between body weight and total skin surface area (TSSA) and abdominal skin surface area (ASSA) was investigate in 30 male birds from one genetic line. Body weight was significantly associated with total skin surface area (P≤.0001) and abdominal skin surface area (P≤.0001). In the second experiment, 30 male birds each from two different strains (A and B) were examined to investigate whether significant differences existed regarding certain body characteristics. Strain A had a significantly greater abdominal circumference and shorter legs than Strain B. However, no significant difference was observed in body weight or abdominal skin surface area.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH}, author={Elfadil, AA and Vaillancourt, JP and Duncan, IJH}, year={1998}, pages={268–272} } @article{vaillancourt_barnes_guy_carver_wages_brugere-picoux_1997, title={Poult enteritis mortality syndrome = Syndrome enteritique mortel du dindonneau}, volume={70}, number={3}, journal={Bulletin de l'Academie Veterinaire de France}, author={Vaillancourt, J. P. and Barnes, J. and Guy, J. and Carver, D. and Wages, D. and Brugere-Picoux, J.}, year={1997}, pages={243} } @article{scott_hurlock_wages_vaillancourt_1997, title={Use of ATP bioluminescence in hatchery quality control}, volume={46}, number={1997}, journal={Proceedings of the ... Western Poultry Disease Conference}, author={Scott, K. and Hurlock, W. and Wages, D. and Vaillancourt, J. P.}, year={1997}, pages={16} } @article{nespeca_vaillancourt_morrow_1997, title={Validation of a poultry biosecurity survey}, volume={31}, ISSN={["0167-5877"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0167-5877(96)01122-1}, abstractNote={A questionnaire for farm managers was designed, to obtain information regarding biosecurity on Ontario commercial broiler chicken and turkey operations, and then pre-tested. The questions that could be validated were verifiable by seeing the facility, by using farm records or by interviewing technical personnel other than the survey respondent. The survey was validated using a convenience sample of 24 farms from two companies. For 15 questions with dichotomous responses, the sensitivity ranged from 16.7 to 100%; the specificity ranged from 0 to 100%. For example, fences and gates seen during the farm visit were not accurately reported on the survey (poor sensitivity). Chance-corrected agreement was low (kappa < 0.4) for 34 questions, fair to good (0.4 < kappa < 0.8) for 25 questions, and excellent (kappa > 0.8) for seven questions. The percent agreement for questions where only one of the possible options was observed on validation ranged from 60.9 to 100%. Five questions with continuous numeric variables were analysed. A difference was observed (P < 0.1) between the survey and validation data for three questions regarding the number of birds, the bird sources and the downtime between flocks. In spite of pre-testing, the lack of clear wording and the absence of definitions for technical terms appeared to reduce validity. Response bias seems to be an issue with biosecurity surveys. The value of validating questionnaires before their use in epidemiologic research is confirmed.}, number={1-2}, journal={PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE}, author={Nespeca, R and Vaillancourt, JP and Morrow, WEM}, year={1997}, month={Jul}, pages={73–86} }