@article{vanbreemen_schmitz_schwartz_1993, title={CONTINUOUS-FLOW FAST-ATOM-BOMBARDMENT LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY MASS-SPECTROMETRY OF CAROTENOIDS}, volume={65}, ISSN={["1520-6882"]}, DOI={10.1021/ac00056a003}, abstractNote={High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with UV/visible absorbance detection is currently the method of choice for the separation and identification of thermally labile and nonvolatile carotenoids. However, UV/visible adsorption data used in combination with HPLC retention characteristics permit only tentative identification of carotenoids. In order to identify carotenoids eluting from chromatographic columns more rigorously and to obtain data complementary to absorbance spectroscopy, carotenoid molecular ions were identified using continuous-flow fast atom bombardment (FAB) liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) with coaxial flow addition of the FAB matrix, 3-nitrobenzyl alcohol}, number={8}, journal={ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY}, author={VANBREEMEN, RB and SCHMITZ, HH and SCHWARTZ, SJ}, year={1993}, month={Apr}, pages={965–969} } @article{van breeman_canjura_schwantz_1991, title={High-performance liquid chromatography-continuous-flow fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry of chlorophyll derivatives}, volume={542}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Chromatography. A}, author={Van Breeman, R. B. and Canjura, F. L. and Schwantz, S. J.}, year={1991}, pages={373} } @article{freeman_hao_sokolowska-gajda_vanbreemen_1991, title={Matrix selection in the FAB mass spectral analysis of synthetic dyes}, volume={16}, number={4}, journal={Dyes and Pigments}, author={Freeman, H. S. and Hao, Z. and Sokolowska-Gajda, J. and VanBreemen, R. B.}, year={1991}, pages={317} } @article{freeman_van breeman_esancy_hao_ukponmwan_hsu_1990, title={Fast atom bombardment and desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry in the analysis of involatile textile dyes}, volume={22}, number={5}, journal={Textile Chemist and Colorist}, author={Freeman, H. S. and Van Breeman, R. B. and Esancy, J. F. and Hao, Z. and Ukponmwan, D. O. and Hsu, W. N.}, year={1990}, pages={23} }