@article{heddleson_allen_1997, title={Relative immunogenicity of beta-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin, and a model acid whey product}, volume={17}, ISSN={["0271-5317"]}, DOI={10.1016/s0271-5317(97)00014-6}, abstractNote={The relative immunogenicities of bovine ß-lactoglobulin (ß-LG) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were investigated using a rat model system. ELISAs were developed to quantify antibody titers in Sprague-Dawley rats injected intraperitoneally with dosages of ß-LG ranging from 0.01 to 1000 μg, and dosages of BSA ranging from 0.1 to 1000 μg. Primary IgG and IgE responses to BSA increased with increasing dosage of BSA, with a minimum of 100 and 1000 μg (respectively) necessary for responses significantly (P < 0.05) greater than that of untreated controls. Secondary (boosted) IgE responses to BSA were not significantly (P < 0.05) greater than primary responses. Greater specific IgG and IgE responses to ß-LG occurred at 3 than 2 weeks post-injection, and at lower dosages (0.1 or 1.0 μg). Compared over a range of dosages, the immunogenicities of BSA and ß-LG did not differ significantly (P > 0.05). The results of this study may aid in developing operating parameters for affinity absorption methods that selectively remove allergenic proteins from milk or acid whey.}, number={3}, journal={NUTRITION RESEARCH}, author={Heddleson, RA and Allen, JC}, year={1997}, month={Mar}, pages={505–514} } @article{heddleson_doores_anantheswaran_1994, title={PARAMETERS AFFECTING DESTRUCTION OF SALMONELLA SPP BY MICROWAVE-HEATING}, volume={59}, ISSN={["0022-1147"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1365-2621.1994.tb06987.x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE}, author={HEDDLESON, RA and DOORES, S and ANANTHESWARAN, RC}, year={1994}, pages={447–451} }