@article{rhinehart_felder_ferrell_1987, title={DYNAMIC MODELING OF A PILOT-SCALE FLUIDIZED-BED COAL-GASIFICATION REACTOR}, volume={26}, ISSN={["0888-5885"]}, DOI={10.1021/ie00064a019}, abstractNote={This paper describes a dynamic mathematical model of a pressurized fluidized-bed coal-gasification reactor, developed and used to correlate data from a pilot-scale reactor. The model accounts for pyrolysis, oxidation, char gasification, and subsequent gas-phase reactions, fines elutriation, and heat losses from the reactor, and simulates both transient and steady-state operation. If the values of three model parameters are adjusted to fit data obtained during steady-state operation, the model yields good predictions of 11 reactor state variables and dynamic response to an upset in operating conditions, and so provides an excellent basis for adaptive supervisory control of the reactor.}, number={4}, journal={INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH}, author={RHINEHART, RR and FELDER, RM and FERRELL, JK}, year={1987}, month={Apr}, pages={738–745} }