@article{sharma_metz_1976, title={BIOLOGY OF COLLEMBOLA XENYLLA-GRISEA AXELSON AND LEPIDOCYRTUS-CYANEUS-F-CINEREUS FOLSOM}, volume={1}, ISSN={["0307-6946"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1365-2311.1976.tb01224.x}, abstractNote={Abstract Xenylla grisea Axelson and Lepidocyrtus cyaneus f. cinereus Folsom were reared on brown whole wheat flour in culture jars containing a base of plaster of paris and charcoal. Sexes in X.grisea may be differentiated by the combination of three characters: length, colour and body shape. No parthenogenesis was observed in either species. At room temperature (25–27°C), females of X.grisea began laying eggs after the fourth moult and required 10–15 days (mean of 12.6) to reach sexual maturity from the day of hatching. With L.cyaneus f. cinereus, average periods from hatching to maturity were 16.8, 27.4 and 43.2 days at temperatures of 26.5, 22 and 15°C, respectively. }, number={3}, journal={ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY}, author={SHARMA, GD and METZ, LJ}, year={1976}, pages={209–212} }