@article{siegel_kornegay_thrall_1996, title={Postoperative irradiation of spinal cord tumors in 9 dogs}, volume={37}, ISSN={["1058-8183"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1740-8261.1996.tb01214.x}, abstractNote={Between 1985 and 1993, nine dogs with spinal cord tumors were treated postoperatively with cobaltradiation at North Carolina State University‐Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Total doses ranged between 33.3–48.0 Gy given in 10–12 fractions of 3–4 Gy over a four week period. Five dogs were euthanized due to recurrence of the tumor or neurologic signs and two dogs were euthanized due tounrelated problems. Two dogs were alive but lost to follow‐up at 12 and 25 months. Survival time ranged from 6.5–70.0 months. Median survival time (95% confidence interval) was 17 (12–70) months. Results of this study suggest decompressive surgery followed by irradiation can be an effective treatment for dogs with spinal cord tumors.}, number={2}, journal={VETERINARY RADIOLOGY & ULTRASOUND}, author={Siegel, S and Kornegay, JN and Thrall, DE}, year={1996}, pages={150–153} }