@article{sipes_schmitt_barker_1992, title={FERTILITY OF 3 PARASITIC BIOTYPES OF HETERODERA-GLYCINES}, volume={82}, ISSN={["0031-949X"]}, DOI={10.1094/Phyto-82-999}, abstractNote={Fertility was determined for seven isolates of Heterodera glycines representing three biotypes (B0, B3, and B2,3) collected from North Carolina, Arkansas, and Illinois on Glycine max Lee 68'. Females produced an average of 300 progeny, 29% of which were deposited in the gelatinous matrix. The covariante between eggs deposited in the matrix and the cyst was small (0.29) and their correlation not significant; therefore, cyst egg production was used to compare fertility among isolates (...)}, number={10}, journal={PHYTOPATHOLOGY}, author={SIPES, BS and SCHMITT, DP and BARKER, KR}, year={1992}, month={Oct}, pages={999–1001} } @article{sipes_schmitt_barker_1992, title={Fitness components and selection of biotypes of Heterodera glycines}, volume={24}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Nematology}, author={Sipes, B. S. and Schmitt, D. P. and Barker, K. R.}, year={1992}, pages={415} }