@article{ward_levings_1991, title={THE PROTEIN-ENCODING GENE T-URF13 IS NOT EDITED IN MAIZE MITOCHONDRIA}, volume={17}, ISSN={["0167-4412"]}, DOI={10.1007/BF00037148}, abstractNote={RNA editing of T-urf13, a gene specific to the mitochondria of cytoplasmic male-sterile, type-T (cms-T) maize, and an adjacent, cotranscribed gene orf221, have been studied by cDNA sequencing. No editing was detected in 22 cDNA clones. This is the only report of a polypeptide-encoding gene in higher-plant mitochondria that is not edited. T-urf13 may not be edited because it is derived largely from the coding and flanking regions, which are rarely edited, of a ribosomal RNA gene. orf221 is edited; however, the similarity between the predicted amino acid sequences of orf221 in cms-T and normal cytoplasms is not increased.}, number={5}, journal={PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY}, author={WARD, GC and LEVINGS, CS}, year={1991}, month={Nov}, pages={1083–1088} }