@article{wichtel_whitacre_yates_vancamp_1990, title={COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS OF PGF2-ALPHA AND BROMOCRYPTINE IN PREGNANT BEAGLE BITCHES}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1879-3231"]}, DOI={10.1016/0093-691X(90)90818-E}, abstractNote={Termination of pregnancy (abortion) was successful in four of four bitches that received PGF(2)alpha (125 mug/kg bid s.c.) and in two or four bitches that received bromocryptine (62.5 mug/kg bid po) for up to 6 d beginning 43 to 45 d post ovulation. Four sham-treated controls whelped normally at term. The incidence of side effects, primarily emesis and loose stools, was similar for both experimental groups. Bitches that failed to abort following treatment with bromocryptine whelped normally at term.}, number={4}, journal={THERIOGENOLOGY}, author={WICHTEL, JJ and WHITACRE, MD and YATES, DJ and VANCAMP, SD}, year={1990}, month={Apr}, pages={829–836} }