@article{shrestha_gollapudi_charit_murty_2014, title={Creep deformation behavior of Sn-Zn solder alloys}, volume={49}, ISSN={["1573-4803"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10853-013-7905-5}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE}, author={Shrestha, Triratna and Gollapudi, Srikant and Charit, Indrajit and Murty, K. Linga}, year={2014}, month={Mar}, pages={2127–2135} } @article{gollapudi_rajulapati_charit_koch_scattergood_murty_2010, title={Creep in nanocrystalline materials: Role of stress assisted grain growth}, volume={527}, ISSN={["1873-4936"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.msea.2010.05.048}, abstractNote={To date, only a limited number of creep studies have been carried out on nanocrystalline materials. These studies have remained largely inconclusive in establishing the creep mechanisms in nanocrystalline materials. The stress exponent and activation energy values obtained for nanocrystalline materials do not correlate well with conventional, well established creep models. Furthermore, discrepancy between experimentally determined deformation rates and theoretical predictions suggests that an entirely new mechanism of creep may be operational in these materials. Thus, this work aims to develop an understanding of the creep behavior of nanocrystalline materials by considering a stress assisted grain growth mechanism that has been recently identified in these materials. A model that provides an understanding of some observations made in creep literature has been developed. Impression creep data obtained from tests on nanocrystalline aluminum agree with model predictions.}, number={21-22}, journal={MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING}, author={Gollapudi, S. and Rajulapati, K. V. and Charit, I. and Koch, C. C. and Scattergood, R. O. and Murty, K. L.}, year={2010}, month={Aug}, pages={5773–5781} } @article{seok_marple_song_gollapudi_charit_murty_2011, title={High temperature deformation characteristics of Zirlo (TM) tubing via ring-creep and burst tests}, volume={241}, ISSN={["0029-5493"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.04.017}, abstractNote={Abstract Fuel cladding tubing acting as a barrier between coolant and radioactive fuel pellets in light water reactors undergo a combination of mechanical and thermal effects along with corrosive conditions during normal operations as well as accident situations, such as LOCA, etc. Therefore, the mechanical integrity of the cladding tubing is of critical importance. In this study, high temperature deformation characteristics of niobium-containing zirconium alloy cladding materials (Zirlo™) have been evaluated via both ring-creep and burst tests. Creep-rupture data are presented in terms of Larson–Miller parameters (LMP). Data (creep rate vs. stress) from ring-creep and burst tests are analyzed, and operating deformation mechanisms are elucidated. This study demonstrates that the hoop creep data obtained from ring-creep and burst tests are equivalent, and one can be replaced with the other, if needed, in order to evaluate creep life.}, number={3}, journal={NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN}, author={Seok, C. S. and Marple, B. and Song, Y. J. and Gollapudi, S. and Charit, I. and Murty, K. L.}, year={2011}, month={Mar}, pages={599–602} } @article{murty_gollapudi_charit_2010, title={Newtonian viscous creep in metals}, volume={63}, ISSN={["0975-1645"]}, DOI={10.1007/s12666-010-0012-2}, number={2-3}, journal={TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS}, author={Murty, K. Linga and Gollapudi, S. and Charit, I.}, year={2010}, month={Apr}, pages={85–91} } @article{gollapudi_rajulapati_charit_youssef_koch_scattergood_murty_2010, title={Understanding creep in nanocrystalline materials}, volume={63}, ISSN={["0975-1645"]}, DOI={10.1007/s12666-010-0050-9}, number={2-3}, journal={TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS}, author={Gollapudi, S. and Rajulapati, K. V. and Charit, I. and Youssef, K. M. and Koch, C. C. and Scattergood, R. O. and Murty, K. L.}, year={2010}, month={Apr}, pages={373–378} } @inproceedings{marple_song_gollapudi_murty_charit_2008, title={Stress rupture characteristics of zirconium alloy cladding under closed-end internal pressurization}, ISBN={9780791848142}, DOI={10.1115/icone16-48006}, abstractNote={An understanding of stress rupture behavior of zirconium alloy cladding tubes is of paramount importance for applications in nuclear reactors. Stress rupture properties of recrystallized Zircaloy-4 alloy were evaluated using burst testing of closed-end thin-walled tubing at varied test temperatures and internal pressures. The rupture data are correlated using the Larson-Miller parameter. The uniform circumferential elongations were also measured from which the hoop creep rates were calculated. These results were fitted to Monkman-Grant relationship with the aim of extrapolating the data to in-service stress levels. Furthermore, the creep data were plotted according to the Dorn equation where a transition in deformation mechanism from ‘power-law’ to ‘power law breakdown’ for Zircaloy-4 was noted. TEM studies corroborated the transition in mechanism from the power-law regime to a power-law breakdown regime.}, booktitle={Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering-Volume 1}, publisher={New York, NY: ASME}, author={Marple, B. and Song, Y. J. and Gollapudi, S. and Murty, K. L. and Charit, I.}, year={2008}, pages={385–388} } @inproceedings{gollapudi_bhosle_charit_murty, title={Low stress viscous creep in a ti-3al-2.5v tubing under internal pressurization}, booktitle={TMS 2010 139th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Supplemental Proceedings, vol 1: Materials processing and properties}, author={Gollapudi, S. and Bhosle, V. and Charit, I. and Murty, K. L.}, pages={755–762} }