@article{hite_auh_scandalios_1999, title={Catalase activity and hydrogen peroxide levels are inversely correlated in maize scutella during seed germination}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1743-2928"]}, DOI={10.1179/135100099101534710}, abstractNote={Temporal patterns of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels and total catalase activity are presented for post-imbibition scutella from six maize inbred lines expressing variable catalase activity. In all lines examined, H2O2 levels were highest during the initial days post-imbibition (1-2 dpi) and decreased thereafter, while total catalase activity was lowest during early dpi (1-2 dpi) and reached maximal activity at 4-6 dpi. In three of the six lines tested, a simple inverse correlation between catalase activity and H2O2 level was significant by Spearman's rank (P < 0.01). In addition to the general decline in H2O2 level throughout the dpi period, a reproducible increase in H2O2 level was observed at 4-5 dpi in five of six lines examined. Mutant lines lacking CAT-3 activity demonstrated a temporal shift in the occurrence of this increase. The role of total catalase (and individual isozymes) in controlling H2O2 levels during germination and the role of H2O2 as a potential regulator of catalase expression during germination are discussed.}, number={1-2}, journal={REDOX REPORT}, author={Hite, DRC and Auh, C and Scandalios, JG}, year={1999}, pages={29–34} } @article{auh_scandalios_1997, title={Spatial and temporal responses of the maize catalases to low temperature}, volume={101}, ISSN={["1399-3054"]}, DOI={10.1034/j.1399-3054.1997.1010120.x}, number={1}, journal={PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM}, author={Auh, CK and Scandalios, JG}, year={1997}, month={Sep}, pages={149–156} }