@misc{noga_ullal_corrales_fernandes_2011, title={Application of antimicrobial polypeptide host defenses to aquaculture: Exploitation of downregulation and upregulation responses}, volume={6}, number={1}, journal={Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. D, Genomics & Proteomics}, author={Noga, E. J. and Ullal, A. J. and Corrales, J. and Fernandes, J. M. O.}, year={2011}, pages={44–54} } @article{corrales_noga_2011, title={Effects of feeding rate on the expression of antimicrobial polypeptides and on susceptibility to Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in hybrid striped (sunshine) bass (Morone saxatilis male x M. chrysops female)}, volume={318}, number={1-2}, journal={Aquaculture}, author={Corrales, J. and Noga, E. J.}, year={2011}, pages={109–121} } @article{park_silphaduang_moon_seo_corrales_noga_2011, title={Structure-activity relationships of piscidin 4, a piscine antimicrobial peptide}, volume={50}, number={16}, journal={Biochemistry}, author={Park, N. G. and Silphaduang, U. and Moon, H. S. and Seo, J. K. and Corrales, J. and Noga, E. J.}, year={2011}, pages={3288–3299} } @article{corrales_mulero_mulero_noga_2010, title={Detection of antimicrobial peptides related to piscidin 4 in important aquacultured fish}, volume={34}, number={3}, journal={Developmental and Comparative Immunology}, author={Corrales, J. and Mulero, I. and Mulero, V. and Noga, E. J.}, year={2010}, pages={331–343} } @article{corrales_gordon_noga_2009, title={Development of an ELISA for quantification of the antimicrobial peptide piscidin 4 and its application to assess stress in fish}, volume={27}, ISSN={["1095-9947"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.fsi.2009.02.023}, abstractNote={Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) are an integral component of innate immunity. One of the most widespread AMP in fish are the piscidins, which have potent, broad-spectrum activity against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The widespread phylogenetic distribution of piscidins suggests that they might play an important host defense role in many fish. Quantifying their expression is important in understanding how and where they function. Using a novel piscidin (piscidin 4) that we recently isolated from commercially cultured hybrid striped bass (white bass, Morone chrysops Rafinesque, ♀ × striped bass, Morone saxatilis Walbaum ♂), we optimized the conditions for measuring this piscidin via sandwich ELISA. We used an antibody to the highly conserved amino terminus of all piscidins as the capture antibody and a peroxidase-labeled antibody specific for the carboxy terminus of piscidin 4 as the detecting antibody. Specificity of the detecting antibody was confirmed by lack of cross-reactivity with other piscidins in ELISA, as well as specificity for piscidin 4 in tissue extracts via Western blotting. The accuracy of the test, defined as piscidin 4 recovery, was 96–103%. Precision, measured by the coefficient of variation, was 13–19%, and parallelism, determined by linearity of the response, had an r2 > 0.99. The ELISA paralleled the results obtained via Western blotting. Piscidin 4 levels expressed in gill tissue of healthy hybrid striped bass were well within concentrations that are lethal to important fish pathogens. Mean gill piscidin 4 in healthy hybrid striped bass was significantly greater than in either nutritionally stressed fish or in diseased (ectoparasite-infested) fish, suggesting that piscidin 4 can be significantly downregulated with stress or disease. These data suggest that the piscidin 4 ELISA might be a useful indicator of disease susceptibility, providing a new, sensitive tool for rapid screening of population health.}, number={2}, journal={FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY}, author={Corrales, J. and Gordon, W. L. and Noga, E. J.}, year={2009}, month={Aug}, pages={154–163} } @article{corrales_ullal_noga_2009, title={Lateral line depigmentation (LLD) in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque)}, volume={32}, ISSN={["1365-2761"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1365-2761.2009.01069.x}, abstractNote={AbstractHead and lateral line erosion (HLLE) is a chronic dermatopathy affecting a number of fish that presents as depigmented skin along the lateral line system of the trunk and head. We present microbiological, immunological and histopathological features of this lesion in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), that developed after exposure to a chronic nutritional stress. Depigmention was limited to skin that was adjacent to the lateral line. The epidermis of affected fish was thin and reduced to a one‐cell‐thick layer over the lateral line. Melanocytes were depleted at the dermo‐epidermal junction and formed aggregates in the epidermis. Innate immunity was weaker in affected fish than that previously measured in well‐fed channel catfish. Because the pathology and apparent aetiology of HLLE described in various fish species are highly variable, HLLE appears to be a clinical sign, rather than a disease or syndrome. Thus, we propose that this clinical sign be referred to as lateral line depigmentation (LLD), because this description more accurately encompasses all cases of this presentation reported in fish. As nutritional requirements of channel catfish and lateral line neuroanatomy are well‐known, the ability to reproducibly induce LLD in this species could provide a useful model for understanding its pathogenesis.}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES}, author={Corrales, J. and Ullal, A. and Noga, E. J.}, year={2009}, month={Aug}, pages={705–712} }