Dana N. Zimmel Blikslager, A. T., Zimmel, D. N., Young, K. M., Campbell, N. B., Little, D., & Argenzio, R. A. (2002). Recovery of ischaemic injured porcine ileum: evidence for a contributory role of COX-1 and COX-2. Gut, 50(5), 615–623. https://doi.org/10.1136/gut.50.5.615 Jones, S. L., Zimmel, D., Tate, L. P., Campbell, N., Redding, W. R., & Carlson, G. P. (2001). Case presentation - Dysphagia caused by squamous cell carcinoma in two horses. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 23(11), 1020–1024. Byrne, E., Cohen, N., Jones, S. L., Zimmel, D. N., & Valberg, S. (2000). Rhabdomyolysis in two foals with polysaccharide storage myopathy. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 22(5), 503. Zimmel, D. N., Blikslager, A. T., Jones, S. L., McFarlane, D., & Young, K. (2000). Vaccine-associated anaphylactic-like reaction in a horse. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 22(1), 81–84.