@article{yi_peng_xu_seyitliyev_ho_danilov_kim_reynolds_amassian_gundogdu_et al._2020, title={Critical Role of Polymer Aggregation and Miscibility in Nonfullerene-Based Organic Photovoltaics}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1614-6840"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aenm.201902430}, DOI={10.1002/aenm.201902430}, abstractNote={AbstractUnderstanding the correlation between polymer aggregation, miscibility, and device performance is important to establish a set of chemistry design rules for donor polymers with nonfullerene acceptors (NFAs). Employing a donor polymer with strong temperature‐dependent aggregation, namely PffBT4T‐2OD [poly[(5,6‐difluoro‐2,1,3‐benzothiadiazol‐4,7‐diyl)‐alt‐(3,3″′‐di(2‐octyldodecyl)‐2,2′;5′,2″;5″,2″′‐quaterthiophen‐5,5‐diyl)], also known as PCE‐11 as a base polymer, five copolymer derivatives having a different thiophene linker composition are blended with the common NFA O‐IDTBR to investigate their photovoltaic performance. While the donor polymers have similar optoelectronic properties, it is found that the device power conversion efficiency changes drastically from 1.8% to 8.7% as a function of thiophene content in the donor polymer. Results of structural characterization show that polymer aggregation and miscibility with O‐IDTBR are a strong function of the chemical composition, leading to different donor–acceptor blend morphology. Polymers having a strong tendency to aggregate are found to undergo fast aggregation prior to liquid–liquid phase separation and have a higher miscibility with NFA. These properties result in smaller mixed donor–acceptor domains, stronger PL quenching, and more efficient exciton dissociation in the resulting cells. This work indicates the importance of both polymer aggregation and donor–acceptor interaction on the formation of bulk heterojunctions in polymer:NFA blends.}, number={8}, journal={ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS}, author={Yi, Xueping and Peng, Zhengxing and Xu, Bing and Seyitliyev, Dovletgeldi and Ho, Carr Hoi Yi and Danilov, Evgeny O. and Kim, Taesoo and Reynolds, John R. and Amassian, Aram and Gundogdu, Kenan and et al.}, year={2020}, month={Feb} } @article{cheng_yuan_jian_xu_millett_zhu_2013, title={Deformation-induced omega phase in nanocrystalline Mo}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1359-6462"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.09.033}, abstractNote={A deformation-induced hexagonal ω phase was first observed in pure nanocrystalline body-centered cubic (bcc) Mo using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. As the grains were refined into nanometer sizes by deformation using high-pressure torsion under a pressure of ∼4 GPa at room temperature, the ω phase formed at the grain boundaries of bcc Mo with a crystallographic relationship close to the {1 1 2}〈1 1 1〉 twin orientation. Its formation was mainly attributed to the shear deformation on {1 1 2} planes in bcc Mo.}, number={2}, journal={SCRIPTA MATERIALIA}, author={Cheng, G. M. and Yuan, H. and Jian, W. W. and Xu, W. Z. and Millett, P. C. and Zhu, Y. T.}, year={2013}, month={Jan}, pages={130–133} } @inbook{xu_ranjithan_kim_2003, title={Using the asphalt pavement layer condition assessment program - Case studies}, ISBN={0309085977}, DOI={10.3141/1860-08}, abstractNote={ The Asphalt Pavement Layer Condition Assessment Program (APLCAP) is developed in this research to help highway agencies assess layer conditions of asphalt pavements. APLCAP implements a new integrated procedure for condition assessment from falling-weight deflectometer (FWD) deflections. The main components of this procedure include screening of FWD raw deflections, predictions of condition indicators from FWD measurements, structural adjustments for the predicted condition indicators, and layer condition evaluation based on the adjusted condition indicators. This procedure was developed on the basis of dynamic nonlinear finite element analysis and calibrated using field measurements. The three case studies presented show that the APLCAP algorithms can predict the asphalt concrete modulus, pavement critical strains, and strengths of the base and subgrade quite well, but not the compressive strain in the aggregate base layer. Although the APLCAP procedure includes the complicated dynamic effect of FWD loading and nonlinear behavior of unbound materials, the time to obtain results from this procedure is insignificant and therefore suitable for real-time evaluation of pavement conditions. }, number={1860}, booktitle={Pavement assessment, monitoring and evaluation 2003}, publisher={Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board}, author={Xu, B. and Ranjithan, S. R. and Kim, Y. R.}, year={2003}, pages={66–75} } @inbook{xu_ranjithan_kim_2002, title={New condition assessment procedure for asphalt pavement layers using failing weight deflectometer deflections}, ISBN={030907732X}, DOI={10.3141/1806-07}, abstractNote={ Nondestructive condition assessment criteria were developed for application in conjunction with the condition evaluation indicators that are estimated based on falling weight deflectometer (FWD) deflections. Data obtained from state departments of transportation and DATAPAVE 2.0 were used in developing these criteria. To account for the effects of pavement structure and temperature on FWD deflection analysis, structure and temperature correction procedures based on synthetic databases were applied. Also, a deflection prescreening procedure was established to identify and correct any irregular deflection basins potentially arising from measurement errors. All the calibrated predictive procedures, structure and temperature correction procedures, and prescreening algorithms were incorporated into the user-friendly deflection analysis program with graphical interface, Asphalt Pavement Layer Condition Assessment Program, or APLCAP. }, number={1806}, booktitle={Assessing and evaluating pavements, 2002}, publisher={Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press}, author={Xu, B. and Ranjithan, S. R. and Kim, Y. R.}, year={2002}, pages={57–69} } @inbook{xu_ranjithan_kim_2002, title={New relationships between failing weight deflectometer deflections and asphalt pavement layer condition indicators}, ISBN={030907732X}, DOI={10.3141/1806-06}, abstractNote={ New relationships have been identified between the layer condition indicators of flexible pavements and falling weight deflectometer (FWD) deflections. Synthetic databases were generated using dynamic finite element analysis with nonlinear material models. The sensitivity of various deflection basin parameters (DBPs) to layer conditions was comprehensively examined on the basis of the developed databases. Three types of layer condition indicators were identified in the study, including DBPs, effective layer moduli, and stresses and strains. The DBPs identified from the sensitivity study were used in developing new relationships between the selected condition indicators and FWD deflections by applying regression and artificial neural network techniques. Even though these relationships include the complicated dynamic effect of FWD loading and nonlinear behavior of unbound materials, the time to obtain results from these procedures is insignificant, thus making the procedures suitable for field implementation. }, number={1806}, booktitle={Assessing and evaluating pavements, 2002}, publisher={Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press}, author={Xu, B. and Ranjithan, S. R. and Kim, Y. R.}, year={2002}, pages={48–56} }