@article{petherbridge_dulberg_2014, title={The importance of governance ongoing engagement with the campus community around the CMS}, journal={Research on course management systems in higher education}, author={Petherbridge, D. T. and Dulberg, M. S.}, year={2014}, pages={221–238} } @article{streicher_culverhouse_dulberg_fornaro_2004, title={Modeling the anatomical distribution of sunlight}, volume={79}, ISSN={["0031-8655"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1751-1097.2004.tb09855.x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTOne of the major technical challenges in calculating solar irradiance on the human form has been the complexity of the surface geometry (i.e. the surface‐normal vis‐a‐vis the incident radiation). Over 80% of skin cancers occur on the face, head, neck and back of the hands. The quantification, as well as the mapping of the anatomical distribution of solar radiation on the human form, is essential if we are to study the etiology of skin cancers or cataracts or immune system suppression. Using advances in computer graphics, including high‐resolution three‐dimensional mathematical representations of the human form, the calculation of irradiance has been attained to subcentimeter precision. Lighting detail included partitioning of direct beam and diffuse skylight, shadowing effects and gradations of model surface illumination depending on model surface geometry and incident light angle. With the incorporation of ray‐tracing and irradiance algorithms, the results are not only realistic renderings but also accurate representations of the distribution of light on the subject model. The calculation of light illumination at various receptor points across the anatomy provides information about differential radiant exposure as a function of subject posture, orientation relative to the sun and sun elevation. The integration of a geodesic sun‐tracking model into the lighting module enabled simulation of specific sun exposure scenarios, with instantaneous irradiance, as well as the cumulative radiant exposure, calculated for a given latitude, date, time of day and duration. Illustration of instantaneous irradiance or cumulative radiant exposure is achieved using a false‐color rendering—mapping light intensity to color—creating irradiance or exposure isopleths. This approach may find application in the determination of the reduction in exposure that one achieves by wearing a hat, shirt or sunglasses. More fundamentally, such an analysis tool could provide improved estimates of scenario‐specific dose (i.e. absorbed radiant exposure) needed to develop dose‐response functions for sunlight‐induced disease.}, number={1}, journal={PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY}, author={Streicher, JJ and Culverhouse, WC and Dulberg, MS and Fornaro, RJ}, year={2004}, month={Jan}, pages={40–47} } @article{st amant_long_dulberg_1998, title={Experimental evaluation of intelligent assistance for navigation}, volume={11}, ISSN={["1872-7409"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0950-7051(98)00054-9}, abstractNote={Modern user interfaces make extensive use of navigation, a metaphor based on wayfinding in a physical space. Navigation can be an effective solution for many problems in understanding and manipulating a complex information space. Unfortunately, current research toward domain-independent, intelligent assistance for navigation lacks some important conceptual and practical tools for evaluation. This article describes an empirical study of assisted navigation that investigates the relationship between the quality of the assistance and overall performance. Our definition of quality is based on the information retrieval concepts of precision and recall. We use the limitations of the study results to motivate the development of a general-purpose navigation testbed. By separating the concerns of retrieving navigational data, maintaining and managing the resulting information space, and providing different views into the space, the testbed facilitates the development of navigational mechanisms and supports their evaluation. The testbed will act as a foundation for future work toward the automated generation of intelligent tools for navigational assistance.}, number={1}, journal={KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS}, author={St Amant, R and Long, T and Dulberg, MS}, year={1998}, month={Sep}, pages={61–70} }