@article{chiou_lee_2002, title={A machining potential field approach to tool path generation for multi-axis sculptured surface machining}, volume={34}, ISSN={["0010-4485"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0010-4485(01)00102-6}, abstractNote={This paper presents a machining potential field (MPF) method to generate tool paths for multi-axis sculptured surface machining. A machining potential field is constructed by considering both the part geometry and the cutter geometry to represent the machining-oriented information on the part surface for machining planning. The largest feasible machining strip width and the optimal cutting direction at a surface point can be found on the constructed machining potential field. The tool paths can be generated by following the optimal cutting direction. Compared to the traditional iso-parametric and iso-planar path generation methods, the generated MPF multi-axis tool paths can achieve better surface finish with shorter machining time. Feasible cutter sizes and cutter orientations can also be determined by using the MPF method. The developed techniques can be used to automate the multi-axis tool path generation and to improve the machining efficiency of sculptured surface machining.}, number={5}, journal={COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN}, author={Chiou, CJ and Lee, YS}, year={2002}, month={Apr}, pages={357–371} } @article{chiou_lee_2002, title={Swept surface determination for five-axis numerical control machining}, volume={42}, DOI={10.1016/S0890-6955(02)00110-4}, abstractNote={This paper presents a closed-form solution of the swept profile of a generalized cutter in five-axis numerical control (NC) machining. The machine configurations and tool movements defined in NC programs are considered to model the true machine tool trajectory, which includes the linearly translational and rotational movements. Based on the machine tool trajectory and the cutter geometry, the cutter’s instantaneous swept profile is determined. By integrating the intermediate swept profiles, the cutter’s swept envelope can be constructed and applied to NC verification. The proposed method provides the explicit solution of the swept profile of a generalized cutter, which is important but not possible in the existing methods for five-axis NC verification. The computer implementations show that the approach developed is superior to the traditional methods.}, number={14}, journal={International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture}, author={Chiou, C. J. and Lee, Yuan-Shin}, year={2002}, pages={1497–1507} } @article{chiou_lee_1999, title={A shape-generating approach for multi-axis machining G-buffer models}, volume={31}, ISSN={["0010-4485"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0010-4485(99)00069-X}, abstractNote={In this paper, a new approach is presented to find the 3D shape-generating profiles of different types of cutters for constructing the G-buffer models for 5-axis machining. The G-buffer for 3-axis machining is natural because the tool has only three degrees of freedom (x,y,z) for the configuration space. Five-axis machining has five degrees of freedom, and two of them are non-Euclidean. The traditional G-buffer method cannot be directly used for 5-axis machining due to the complex tool motions. In this paper, the analytic 3D shape-generating profiles are formulated to construct the swept envelope in 5-axis tool motion. The enhanced G-buffer models are updated by the constructed 5-axis swept envelope. A generalized cutter geometry, which represents different types of endmills, is used in this study. The techniques presented in this paper can be used for 5-axis tool path generation and the machined surface error analysis. Computer implementation and illustrative examples are presented in this paper.}, number={12}, journal={COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN}, author={Chiou, CJ and Lee, YS}, year={1999}, month={Oct}, pages={761–776} } @article{lee_chiou_1999, title={Unfolded projection approach to machining non-coaxial parts on mill-turn machines}, volume={39}, ISSN={["0166-3615"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0166-3615(98)00140-7}, abstractNote={This paper presents a new method to analyze the effective cutting shapes and machined surface errors for mill-turn machining of non-coaxial parts. While the traditional projection methods fail in the mill-turn machining case, the Unfolded Projection Method maps the part surface and the cutter into an unfolded domain (Xu–Yu–Zu) to calculate the critical distance between the part surface and the cutter. The techniques presented in this paper can be used to analyze the machined surface errors and to improve the accuracy of the mill-turn machining processes. Computer implementation and illustrative examples are also presented in this paper.}, number={2}, journal={COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY}, author={Lee, YS and Chiou, CJ}, year={1999}, month={Jul}, pages={147–173} }