@article{frazier_gopalarathnam_2003, title={Optimum downwash behind wings in formation flight}, volume={40}, ISSN={["0021-8669"]}, DOI={10.2514/2.3162}, abstractNote={other hand, the scaling parameter M1® is more suitable (Fig. 2b). The upstream in uence appears to be a quadratic function of M1®, and the correlation of the downstream in uence and M1® is also reasonablygood.The extentof the interactionregionshowsa similar trend as the upstream and downstream in uences. A good collapse of the data with M1® can be seen. The peakpressuredownstreamof thecornercanbeused to characterize the strength of the upstreamcompressionprocesses. In Fig. 3 it can be seen that the peak pressure downstream of the concave corner can also be scaled with M1®. Stronger compression is associatedwith increasingfreestreamMach number and concave-corner angle. Note that the peak pressure at M1®D 12:30 increases up to 42% of dynamic pressure.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT}, author={Frazier, JW and Gopalarathnam, A}, year={2003}, pages={799–803} }