@article{hamilton_lynch_lee_2005, title={Lattice gas models derived from effective field theory}, volume={71}, ISSN={["1089-490X"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevc.71.044005}, abstractNote={We start from a low-energy effective field theory for interacting fermions on the lattice and expand in the hopping parameter to derive the nearest-neighbor interactions for a lattice gas model. In this model, the renormalization of couplings for different lattice spacings is inherited from the effective field theory, systematic errors can be estimated a priori, and the breakdown of the lattice gas model description at low temperatures can be understood quantitatively. We apply the lattice gas method to neutron matter and compare with results from a recent quantum simulation.}, number={4}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW C}, author={Hamilton, M and Lynch, I and Lee, D}, year={2005}, month={Apr} }