@article{centner_feitshans_2006, title={Regulating manure application discharges from concentrated animal feeding operations in the United States}, volume={141}, DOI={10.1016/j.envpol.2005.09.003}, abstractNote={In the United States, reducing pollution from agriculture has received attention due to data suggesting that this is the leading source of impairment of many waterbodies. The federal government revised its regulations governing concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to enhance governmental oversight over sources of pollution. For the application of manure resulting in pollutant discharges, CAFOs need to implement nutrient management plans. A federal court affirmed the ability of the US federal government to oversee the application of manure from CAFOs that have discharges. Simultaneously, owners and operators of CAFOs who have implemented an appropriate nutrient management plan may forgo securing a permit if their discharges qualify under the agricultural stormwater discharge exemption.}, number={3}, journal={Environmental Pollution}, author={Centner, T. J. and Feitshans, T. A.}, year={2006}, pages={571–573} }