Alexander Nevzorov Nevzorov, A. A., Marek, A., Milikisiyants, S., & Smirnov, A. I. (2024). High-frequency high-power DNP/EPR spectrometer operating at 7 T magnetic field. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 362. Galiakhmetov, A. R., Shah, A. A., Lane, A., Davern, C. M., Proulx, C., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2024). Peptoid-based macrodiscs of variable lipid composition for structural studies of membrane proteins by oriented-sample solid-state NMR. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY-X, 9. Galiakhmetov, A. R., Davern, C. M., Esteves, R. J. A., Awosanya, E. O., Guthrie, Q. A. E., Proulx, C., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2022). Aligned peptoid-based macrodiscs for structural studies of membrane proteins by oriented-sample NMR. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 121(17), 3263–3270. Lapin, J., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2022, August 27). Validation of protein backbone structures calculated from NMR angular restraints using Rosetta (vol 73, pg 229, 2019). JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR. Nevzorov, A. A., Marek, A., Milikisiyants, S., & Smirnov, A. I. (2021). Characterization of photonic band resonators for DNP NMR of thin film samples at 7 T magnetic field. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 323. Lapin, J., Awosanya, E. O., Esteves, R. J. A., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2021). H-1/C-13/N-15 triple-resonance experiments for structure determinaton of membrane proteins by oriented-sample NMR. SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 111. Lapin, J., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2020). Computer-generated pulse sequences for H-1-N-15 and H-1(alpha)-C-13(alpha) separated local-field experiments. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 317. Lapin, J., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2020). De novo NMR pulse sequence design using Monte-Carlo optimization techniques. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 310. Awosanya, E. O., Lapin, J., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2020). NMR "Crystallography" for Uniformly (C-13, N-15)-Labeled Oriented Membrane Proteins. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 59(9), 3554–3557. Jafarabadi, M., Chestnut, M., Marek, A., Nevzorov, A., & Smirnov, A. I. (2019). Nesting Lipid Bilayers in Nanopores: Effect of Pore Diameter on Macroscopic Order and the Layer Count. Biophysical Journal, 116(3), 80a–81a. Lapin, J., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2019). Validation of protein backbone structures calculated from NMR angular restraints using Rosetta. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR, 73(5), 229–244. Lapin, J., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2018). Automated assignment of NMR spectra of macroscopically oriented proteins using simulated annealing. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 293, 104–114. Nevzorov, A. A., Milikisiyants, S., Marek, A. N., & Smirnov, A. I. (2018). Multi-resonant photonic band-gap/saddle coil DNP probehead for static solid state NMR of microliter volume samples. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 297, 113–123. Milikisiyants, S., Nevzorov, A. A., & Smirnov, A. I. (2018). Photonic band-gap resonators for high-field/high-frequency EPR of microliter-volume liquid aqueous samples. 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Sensitivity enhancement for membrane proteins reconstituted in parallel and perpendicular oriented bicelles obtained by using repetitive cross-polarization and membrane-incorporated free radicals. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR, 67(2), 135–144. Nevzorov, A. A., Jafarabadi, M., Marek, A., & Smirnov, A. I. (2017). Structure and Dynamics of Nanopore-Confined Membrane Proteins are Affected by Bilayer Lipid Composition. Biophysical Journal, 112(3), 388a. Jafarabadi, M., Marek, A., Koolivand, A., Acharya, B., Nevzorov, A. A., Krim, J., & Smirnov, A. I. (2016). Interactions of Antibacterial Peptides with Nanotubular Lipid Bilayers: Binding Kinetics and Distortions of the Bilayer Structure. Biophysical Journal, 110(3), 79a. Nevzorov, A. A., & Smirnov, A. I. (2015). Line narrowing in oriented-sample NMR of membrane proteins. Protein Nmr: Modern Techniques and Biomedical Applications, 32, 159–185. Marek, A., Tang, W., Milikisiyants, S., Nevzorov, A. A., & Smirnov, A. I. (2015). Nanotube Array Method for Studying Lipid-Induced Conformational Changes of a Membrane Protein by Solid-State NMR. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 108(1), 5–9. Koroloff, S. N., & Nevzorov, A. A. (2015). Optimization of cross-polarization at low radiofrequency fields for sensitivity enhancement in solid-state NMR of membrane proteins reconstituted in magnetically aligned bicelles. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 256, 14–22. Nevzorov, A. A. (2014). Coherent and stochastic averaging in solid-state NMR. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 249, 9–15. Peresin, M. S., Vesterinen, A.-H., Habibi, Y., Johansson, L.-S., Pawlak, J. J., Nevzorov, A. A., & Rojas, O. J. (2014). Crosslinked PVA nanofibers reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals: Water interactions and thermomechanical properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131(11), n/a-n/a. Nevzorov, A., & Tesch, D. M. (2014). Dynamic and Contrasting Information by Oriented-Sample Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Membrane Proteins. 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