@article{garcia_kim_vinod_sahoo_wax_kim_fang_narayanaswamy_wu_jiang_2024, title={Carbon nanofibers/liquid metal composites for high temperature laser ultrasound}, volume={138}, ISSN={["1874-9968"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultras.2024.107245}, DOI={10.1016/j.ultras.2024.107245}, abstractNote={As the demand for clean energy becomes greater worldwide, there will also be an increasing demand for next generation nuclear power plants that incorporate advanced sensors and monitoring equipment. A major challenge posed by nuclear power plants is that, during normal operation, the reactor compartment is subjected to high operating temperatures and radiation flux. Diagnostic sensors monitoring such structures are also subject to temperatures reaching hundreds of degrees Celsius, which puts them at risk for heat degradation. In this work, the ability of carbon nanofibers to work in conjunction with a liquid metal as a photoacoustic transmitter was demonstrated at high temperatures. Fields metal, a Bi-In-Sn eutectic, and gallium are compared as acoustic mediums. Fields metal was shown experimentally to have superior performance over gallium and other reference cases. Under stimulation from a low fluence 6 ns pulse laser at 6 mJ/cm2 with 532 nm green light, the Fields metal transducer transmitted a 200 kHz longitudinal wave with amplitude >5.5 times that generated by a gallium transducer at 300 °C. Each high temperature test was conducted from a hot to cold progression, beginning as high as 300 °C, and then cooling down to 100 °C. Each test shows increasing signal amplitude of the liquid metal transducers as temperature decreases. Carbon nanofibers show a strong improvement over previously used candle-soot nanoparticles in both their ability to produce strong acoustic signals and absorb higher laser fluences up to 12 mJ/cm2.}, journal={ULTRASONICS}, author={Garcia, Nicholas and Kim, Howuk and Vinod, Kaushik and Sahoo, Abinash and Wax, Michael and Kim, Taeyang and Fang, Tiegang and Narayanaswamy, Venkat and Wu, Huaiyu and Jiang, Xiaoning}, year={2024}, month={Mar} } @article{ramachandran_sahoo_narayanaswamy_lyons_2024, title={Dynamics of regime transition of autoignitive jet flames from conventional to MILD combustion}, volume={19}, ISSN={["2666-352X"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jaecs.2024.100277}, abstractNote={Turbulent combustion of jet flames in a hot diluted coflow of combustion products has been studied across a range of jet Reynolds numbers for propane, ethylene, and an ethylene-propane blend as fuels. The study revealed a transition from conventional autoignitive combustion to a regime of Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion, which is characterized by a nearly invisible flame. The flames studied are luminous at low jet velocities and become MILD at higher jet velocities. Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) of formaldehyde (CH2O), a key intermediate species in hydrocarbon combustion, is combined with CH*-chemiluminescence imaging and Rayleigh scattering to investigate the phenomena. The transition to MILD combustion is found to accompany a broadening of the formaldehyde region, indicating a broader low-temperature reaction zone. As the transition is approached, the appearance of holes in the chemiluminescent front is also observed. Correspondence between the location and structure of these holes with regions of formaldehyde in the flame are illustrated. These regions are proposed to be signatures that precede the transition to a fully MILD flame. In other words, the transition to MILD combustion begins at a local level and the MILD region spreads to engulf the entire combusting mixture. Scalar gradients were imaged to further unravel the local turbulence/chemistry interactions that yield the MILD inception. The measured scalar gradients were found to be commensurate with scalar gradients obtained from chemical kinetic simulations at the stoichiometric mixture fractions, while being an order of magnitude larger at other locations; this suggests that the inception of MILD combustion occurs near the stoichiometric region.}, journal={APPLICATIONS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE}, author={Ramachandran, Aravind and Sahoo, Abinash and Narayanaswamy, Venkateswaran and Lyons, Kevin M.}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @article{sahoo_narayanaswamy_lyons_2023, title={Quenching measurements of Kr 5p[3/2](2) <- <- 4p(61)S(0) electronic transition using absorption spectra}, volume={62}, ISSN={["2155-3165"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.475382}, DOI={10.1364/AO.475382}, abstractNote={Quenching rate is an important parameter to include in fluorescence measurements that are aimed at quantifying the thermochemical field of a reacting flow. Traditionally, the quenching measurements were obtained at low pressures using the direct measurements of quenching times followed by a linear scaling to the desired pressure. This approach, however, cannot account for the possible deviation from the linear pressure scaling at elevated pressures due to three and multi-body collisions. Furthermore, the best accuracy on the quenching rate is obtained with ultra-short pulse lasers that are typically not readily available. This study offsets these limitations by demonstrating a new approach for making direct quenching measurements at atmospheric conditions and using nanosecond lasers. The quenching measurements are demonstrated in a krypton-perturber system, and the 5 p [ 3 2 ] 2 ←← 4 p 6 1 S 0 two-photon electronic transition is accessed. A theoretical construct is presented that relates the absorption spectral parameters and the integrated fluorescence signal to the quenching rate, referenced to a given species and conditions. Using this formulation, the relative quenching rates for different perturber species, namely, air, C H 4 , C 2 H 4 , and C O 2 , are reported as measured at 1 atm and 300 K. As such, the present technique is limited to the measurement of the relative quenching rate, unlike the previous studies where absolute quenching rates are measured. Nonetheless, when the reference quenching rate is independently measured, the relative quenching rates can be converted to absolute values.}, number={6}, journal={APPLIED OPTICS}, publisher={Optica Publishing Group}, author={Sahoo, Abinash and Narayanaswamy, Venkateswaran and Lyons, Kevin M.}, year={2023}, month={Feb}, pages={110–117} } @article{sahoo_ramachandran_narayanaswamy_lyons_2022, title={Mixture fraction measurement in turbulent non-premixed MILD jet flame using Rayleigh scattering}, volume={61}, url={https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.444109}, DOI={10.1364/AO.444109}, abstractNote={Turbulent combustion of jet flames in a hot diluted coflow of combustion products is conducive to the transition from conventional flamelet combustion to a regime of moderate or intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion, which is commonly characterized by a very low emission and noise. MILD combustion is also characterized by distributed combustion where the net heat release is positive across the entire combustion domain. The turbulence/chemistry interactions in this regime that determine the flame structure, local temperature, and species distribution critically depend on the mixture fraction and scalar dissipation fields. However, there are no experimental tools to measure the mixture fraction field in a distributed (MILD) combustion regime. The present work offsets this limitation by demonstrating a Rayleigh scattering-based approach to measure mixture fraction in a turbulent ethylene MILD combustion zone. 1D counterflow flame simulations enabled mapping the locally calibrated Rayleigh scattering fields to mixture fractions in the fuel-rich regions. This approach also shows very low sensitivity to the local temperature and composition. Overall, the results provide compelling evidence that the distributed heat release does not significantly impact the turbulent processes of the flow-field for the conditions examined. The measurement uncertainty from this approach and its extension to more complex fuels are also discussed. The present technique is limited to mildly turbulent, fully MILD/distributed flame with representative scalar dissipation rates.}, number={9}, journal={Applied Optics}, author={Sahoo, Abinash and Ramachandran, Aravind and Narayanaswamy, Venkateswaran and Lyons, Kevin M.}, year={2022}, month={Mar}, pages={2338–2351} } @article{sahoo_zelenak_narayanaswamy_2020, title={Pressure scaling of the collisional broadening parameters of Kr 4p(6)S(0)(1) ->-> 5p [3/2](2) transition}, volume={59}, ISSN={["2155-3165"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.394932}, DOI={10.1364/AO.394932}, abstractNote={Pressure scaling of collisional broadening parameters of krypton (absorber) 4 p 6 S 0 1 →→ 5 p [ 3 / 2 ] 2 transition centered at 107.3 nm in the presence of nitrogen N 2 (perturber) is investigated. The absorption spectrum in the vicinity of the transition is obtained from the two-photon excitation scan of krypton in the presence of the perturber at different prescribed pressures varying from a few torrs to 10 atm. The absorption spectra reveal noticeable asymmetry at atmospheric pressure, and the asymmetry becomes increasingly pronounced with pressure; however, the absorption spectra at sub-atmospheric pressures tested are symmetric. The absorption spectra are fitted with synthetic asymmetric Voigt profiles across all pressures, wherein the asymmetry parameter is varied to capture the asymmetry at different pressures. The collisional shift ( δ C ), the symmetric equivalent collisional full width at half maximum ( w C , 0 ), and the asymmetry parameter ( a ) are determined from the synthetic fits at various pressures. All the parameters are observed to vary linearly with pressure over the entire range of the pressure values tested. The mechanisms that cause the asymmetry in the absorption spectra are also discussed.}, number={26}, journal={APPLIED OPTICS}, publisher={The Optical Society}, author={Sahoo, Abinash and Zelenak, Dominic and Narayanaswamy, Venkateswaran}, year={2020}, month={Sep}, pages={7760–7769} } @article{sahoo_zelenak_narayanaswamy_2020, title={Temperature dependence of collisional broadening and shift for the Kr 4p6S01→5p[3/2]2 electronic transition}, volume={59}, url={https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.380102}, DOI={10.1364/AO.380102}, abstractNote={Temperature scaling of collisional broadening parameters for krypton (absorber) 4 p 6 S 0 1 → 5 p [ 3 / 2 ] 2 electronic transition centered at 107.3 nm in the presence of major combustion species (perturber) is investigated. The absorption spectrum in the vicinity of the transition is obtained from the fluorescence due to the two-photon excitation scan of krypton. Krypton was added in small amounts to major combustion species such as C H 4 , C O 2 , N 2 , and air, which then heated to elevated temperatures when flowed through a set of heated coils. In a separate experimental campaign, laminar premixed flat flame product mixtures of methane combustion were employed to extend the investigations to higher temperature ranges relevant to combustion. Collisional full width half maximum (FWHM) ( w C ) and shift ( δ C ) were computed from the absorption spectrum by synthetically fitting Voigt profiles to the excitation scans, and their corresponding temperature scaling was determined by fitting power-law temperature dependencies to the w C and δ C data for each perturber species. The temperature exponents of w C and δ C for all considered combustion species (perturbers) were − 0.73 and − 0.6 , respectively. Whereas the temperature exponents of w C are closer to the value ( − 0.7 ) predicted by the dispersive interaction collision theory, the corresponding exponents of δ C are in between the dispersive interaction theory and the kinetic theory of hard-sphere collisions. Comparison with existing literature on broadening parameters of NO, OH, and CO laser-induced fluorescence spectra reveal interesting contributions from non-dispersive interactions on the temperature exponent.}, number={5}, journal={Applied Optics}, author={Sahoo, Abinash and Zelenak, Dominic and Narayanaswamy, Venkateswaran}, year={2020}, month={Feb}, pages={1438–1446} } @article{sahoo_narayanaswamy_2019, title={Two-dimensional temperature field imaging in laminar sooting flames using a two-line Kr PLIF approach}, volume={125}, ISSN={["1432-0649"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s00340-019-7280-2}, DOI={10.1007/s00340-019-7280-2}, number={9}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Sahoo, Abinash and Narayanaswamy, Venkateswaran}, year={2019}, month={Sep} }