Brad Reaves Dunlap, T., Thorn, S., Enck, W., & Reaves, B. (2023). Finding Fixed Vulnerabilities with Off-the-Shelf Static Analysis. 2023 IEEE 8TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY, EUROS&P, pp. 489–505. Basak, S. K., Neil, L., Reaves, B., & Williams, L. (2023). SecretBench: A Dataset of Software Secrets. 2023 IEEE/ACM 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MINING SOFTWARE REPOSITORIES, MSR, pp. 347–351. Ross, A. J., & Reaves, B. (2023). Towards Simultaneous Attacks on Multiple Cellular Networks. 2023 IEEE SECURITY AND PRIVACY WORKSHOPS, SPW, pp. 394–405. Basak, S. K., Neil, L., Reaves, B., & Williams, L. (2023). What Challenges Do Developers Face About Checked-in Secrets in Software Artifacts? 2023 IEEE/ACM 45TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, ICSE, pp. 1635–1647. Basak, S. K., Neil, L., Reaves, B., & Williams, L. (2022). What are the Practices for Secret Management in Software Artifacts? 2022 IEEE SECURE DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (SECDEV 2022), pp. 69–76. McNiece, M. R., Li, R., & Reaves, B. (2021). Characterizing the Security of Endogenous and Exogenous Desktop Application Network Flows. PASSIVE AND ACTIVE MEASUREMENT, PAM 2021, Vol. 12671, pp. 531–546. OConnor, T. J., Enck, W., & Reaves, B. (2019). Blinded and Confused: Uncovering Systemic Flaws in Device Telemetry for Smart-Home Internet of Things. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 CONFERENCE ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN WIRELESS AND MOBILE NETWORKS (WISEC '19), pp. 140–150. OConnor, T. J., Mohamed, R., Miettinen, M., Enck, W., Reaves, B., & Sadeghi, A.-R. (2019). HOMESNITCH: Behavior Transparency and Control for Smart Home IoT Devices. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 CONFERENCE ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN WIRELESS AND MOBILE NETWORKS (WISEC '19), pp. 128–139. Goutam, S., Enck, W., & Reaves, B. (2019). Hestia: Simple Least Privilege Network Policies for Smart Homes. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 CONFERENCE ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN WIRELESS AND MOBILE NETWORKS (WISEC '19), pp. 215–220. Whitaker, J., Prasad, S., Reaves, B., & Enck, W. (2019). Thou Shalt Discuss Security: Quantifying the Impacts of Instructions to RFC Authors. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH ACM WORKSHOP ON SECURITY STANDARDISATION RESEARCH WORKSHOP (SSR '19), pp. 57–68. Wermke, D., Huaman, N., Acar, Y., Reaves, B., Traynor, P., & Fahl, S. (2018). A Large Scale Investigation of Obfuscation Use in Google Play. 34TH ANNUAL COMPUTER SECURITY APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE (ACSAC 2018), pp. 222–235. Reaves, B., Vargas, L., Scaife, N., Tian, D., Blue, L., Traynor, P., & Butler, K. R. B. (2019). Characterizing the Security of the SMS Ecosystem with Public Gateways. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PRIVACY AND SECURITY, 22(1). Reaves, B., Blue, L., Abdullah, H., Vargas, L., Traynor, P., & Shrimpton, T. (2017). Authenticall: Efficient identity and content authentication for phone calls. Proceedings of the 26th Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX Security '17), 575–592. Traynor, P., Butler, K., Bowers, J., & Reaves, B. (2017). FinTechSec: Addressing the Security Challenges of Digital Financial Services. IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY, Vol. 15, pp. 85–89. Reaves, B., & Morris, T. (2012). An open virtual testbed for industrial control system security research. International Journal of Information Security, 11(4), 215–229. Reaves, B., & Morris, T. (2012). Analysis and mitigation of vulnerabilities in short-range wireless communications for industrial control systems. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5(3-4), 154–174. Morris, T., Srivastava, A., Reaves, B., Gao, W., Pavurapu, K., & Reddi, R. (2011). A control system testbed to validate critical infrastructure protection concepts. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 4(2), 88–103.