@article{grunberg_halliday_heckman_joyner_kayleigh r. o'keeffe_mitchell_2023, title={Disease decreases variation in host community structure in an old-field grassland}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1932-6203"]}, DOI={10.1371/journal.pone.0293495}, abstractNote={Disease may drive variation in host community structure by modifying the interplay of deterministic and stochastic processes that shape communities. For instance, deterministic processes like ecological selection can benefit species less impacted by disease. When communities have higher levels of disease and disease consistently selects for certain host species, this can reduce variation in host community composition. On the other hand, when host communities are less impacted by disease and selection is weaker, stochastic processes (e.g., drift, dispersal) may play a bigger role in host community structure, which can increase variation among communities. While effects of disease on host community structure have been quantified in field experiments, few have addressed the role of disease in modulating variation in structure among host communities. To address this, we conducted a field experiment spanning three years, using a tractable system: foliar fungal pathogens in an old-field grassland community dominated by the grassLolium arundinaceum, tall fescue. We reduced foliar fungal disease burden in replicate host communities (experimental plots in intact vegetation) in three fungicide regimens that varied in the seasonal duration of fungicide treatment and included a fungicide-free control. We measured host diversity, biomass, and variation in community structure among replicate communities. Disease reduction generally decreased plant richness and increased aboveground biomass relative to communities experiencing ambient levels of disease. These changes in richness and aboveground biomass were consistent across years despite changes in structure of the plant communities over the experiment’s three years. Importantly, disease reduction amplified host community variation, suggesting that disease diminished the degree to which host communities were structured by stochastic processes. These results of experimental disease reduction both highlight the potential importance of stochastic processes in plant communities and reveal the potential for disease to regulate variation in host community structure.}, number={10}, journal={PLOS ONE}, author={Grunberg, Rita L. and Halliday, Fletcher W. and Heckman, Robert W. and Joyner, Brooklynn N. and Kayleigh R. O'Keeffe and Mitchell, Charles E.}, year={2023}, month={Oct} } @article{grunberg_joyner_mitchell_2023, title={Historical contingency in parasite community assembly: Community divergence results from early host exposure to symbionts and ecological drift}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1932-6203"]}, DOI={10.1371/journal.pone.0285129}, abstractNote={Host individuals are commonly coinfected with multiple parasite species that may interact to shape within-host parasite community structure. In addition to within-host species interactions, parasite communities may also be structured by other processes like dispersal and ecological drift. The timing of dispersal (in particular, the temporal sequence in which parasite species infect a host individual) can alter within-host species interactions, setting the stage for historical contingency by priority effects, but how persistently such effects drive the trajectory of parasite community assembly is unclear, particularly under continued dispersal and ecological drift. We tested the role of species interactions under continued dispersal and ecological drift by simultaneously inoculating individual plants of tall fescue with a factorial combination of three symbionts (two foliar fungal parasites and a mutualistic endophyte), then deploying the plants in the field and tracking parasite communities as they assembled within host individuals. In the field, hosts were exposed to continued dispersal from a common pool of parasites, which should promote convergence in the structure of within-host parasite communities. Yet, analysis of parasite community trajectories found no signal of convergence. Instead, parasite community trajectories generally diverged from each other, and the magnitude of divergence depended on the initial composition of symbionts within each host, indicating historical contingency. Early in assembly, parasite communities also showed evidence of drift, revealing another source of among-host divergence in parasite community structure. Overall, these results show that both historical contingency and ecological drift contributed to divergence in parasite community assembly within hosts.}, number={5}, journal={PLOS ONE}, author={Grunberg, Rita and Joyner, Brooklynn and Mitchell, Charles}, year={2023}, month={May} }