@article{sloop_lechner_washington_bumgardner_loehle_creasy_2008, title={Pyrazole formation: Examination of kinetics, substituent effects, and mechanistic pathways}, volume={40}, ISSN={["0538-8066"]}, DOI={10.1002/kin.20316}, abstractNote={AbstractReaction kinetics for the condensation of 1,3‐diketones 1a–o with selected arylhydrazines (aryl = Ph, 4‐NO2Ph, 4‐CH3OPh, and 2,4‐diNO2Ph) was studied using 19F NMR spectroscopy. Product regioselectivity is modulated by reactant ratios, substituents, and acidity. Reaction rates were found to be influenced by substituents on the diketones and on phenylhydrazines as well as by acidity of the reaction medium with rates varying as much as 1000‐fold. Hammett ρ values for these cyclizations were determined. The reaction was found to be first order in both the diketone and arylhydrazine. The rate‐determining step for pyrazole formation shifts as a function of pH. Mechanistic details and reaction pathways supporting these findings are proposed. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 40: 370–383, 2008}, number={7}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS}, author={Sloop, Joseph C. and Lechner, Brent and Washington, Gary and Bumgardner, Carl L. and Loehle, W. David and Creasy, William}, year={2008}, month={Jul}, pages={370–383} } @article{sloop_bumgardner_washington_loehle_sankar_lewis_2006, title={Keto-enol and enol-enol tautomerism in trifluoromethyl-beta-diketones}, volume={127}, ISSN={["0022-1139"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jfluchem.2006.02.012}, abstractNote={The keto–enol (K⇌E) and enol–enol (E⇌E) equilibria of a variety of trifluoromethyl-β-diketones were investigated using 1H, 13C, 19F NMR spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry in nonpolar solvents. In general, NMR, IR and UV spectral evidence indicates that trifluoromethyl-β-diketones exist as mixtures of two chelated cis-enol forms in nonpolar media. Infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet spectrophotometry show the E⇌E equilibrium lies in the direction of the enol form which maximizes conjugation in most cases. Exceptions are noted and discussed.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY}, author={Sloop, JC and Bumgardner, CL and Washington, G and Loehle, WD and Sankar, SS and Lewis, AB}, year={2006}, month={Jun}, pages={780–786} } @article{sloop_bumgardner_loehle_2002, title={Synthesis of fluorinated heterocycles}, volume={118}, ISSN={["0022-1139"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0022-1139(02)00221-X}, abstractNote={Selected 1,3-diketones having a trifluoromethyl group and/or a fluorine in the 2-position were condensed with aromatic hydrazines, hydroxylamine, urea, thiourea, guanidine, and substituted anilines producing pyrazoles, isoxazoles, pyrimidines, and quinolines, respectively, in yields ranging from 27 to 87%.}, number={1-2}, journal={JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY}, author={Sloop, JC and Bumgardner, CL and Loehle, WD}, year={2002}, month={Dec}, pages={135–147} } @article{bumgardner_burgess_2000, title={Addition of cyclic ethers and acetals to ethyl 3,3-difluoro-2-methylpropenoate}, volume={102}, ISSN={["0022-1139"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0022-1139(99)00300-0}, abstractNote={Ethyl 3,3-difluoro-2-methylpropenoate forms 1 : 1 adducts with tetrahydrofuran and 1,3-dioxolanes under free radical conditions. In contrast no 1 : 1 adducts are observed when tetrahydropyran and 1,3-dioxanes are used as sources of α-alkoxy radicals. An explanation is presented based on FMO and radical stability arguments.}, number={1-2}, journal={JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY}, author={Bumgardner, CL and Burgess, JP}, year={2000}, month={Mar}, pages={345–348} } @article{mcelroy_purrington_bumgardner_burgess_1999, title={Lack of polymerization of fluorinated acrylates}, volume={95}, DOI={10.1016/S0022-1139(99)00019-6}, abstractNote={trans-Ethyl 3-fluoroacrylate and ethyl 2-methyl-3,3-difluoroacrylate do not undergo radical initiated polymerization. They form 1:1 adducts with α-alkoxy radicals in high yield.}, number={1-2}, journal={Journal of Fluorine Chemistry}, author={McElroy, K. T. and Purrington, S. T. and Bumgardner, C. L. and Burgess, J. P.}, year={1999}, pages={117–120} }