@article{pasalar_hallowell_2019, title={A grassroots research approach for branding urban districts}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1938-7806"]}, DOI={10.1108/ARCH-03-2019-0047}, abstractNote={ Purpose To produce effective urban district branding strategies, the factors impacting its unique characteristics and identity must be examined first. The purpose of this paper is to present a bottom-up participatory process for uncovering the identity of an urban district to ensure that its community goals and future branding are consistent and genuine. }, number={2}, journal={ARCHNET-IJAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH}, author={Pasalar, Celen and Hallowell, George Dewey}, year={2019}, pages={331–348} } @article{peery_pasalar_2018, title={Designing the Learning Experiences in Serious Games: The Overt and the SubtleThe Virtual Clinic Learning Environment}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2227-9709"]}, DOI={10.3390/informatics5030030}, abstractNote={Serious Games are becoming more common in the educational setting and must pass muster with both students and instructors for their learning experience and knowledge building. The Virtual Clinic Learning Environment has recently been developed and implemented at East Carolina University using a design framework based on Bloom’s variables, and in the process of refining those design questions, identifies the methods of how serious games provide an overt and subtle learning experience. The overt learning experience is based in the design questions defined and the subtle experience was derived by examining the idea of sense of place as it relates to the virtual environment. By considering these two streams of learning, designers can avoid pitfalls and build on these design elements of a virtual learning environment.}, number={3}, journal={INFORMATICS-BASEL}, author={Peery, Joshua G. and Pasalar, Celen}, year={2018}, month={Sep} }