Ethan Blalock Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2024, April 11). Search for charge non-conservation and Pauli exclusion principle violation with the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. NATURE PHYSICS, Vol. 4. Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., III, Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2023). Charge trapping correction and energy performance of the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 107(4). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Collaborat, M. (2023). Constraints on the Decay of 180mTa. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 131(15). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., III, Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2023). Energy calibration of germanium detectors for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 18(9). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone III, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Yu, C.-H. (2023). Interpretable boosted-decision-tree analysis for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 107(1). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., III, Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2022). Experimental study of C-13(?, n)O-16 reactions in the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR calibration data. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 105(6). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2022). Search for Solar Axions via Axion-Photon Coupling with the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 129(8). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., III, Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bhimani, K. H., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2022). Search for Spontaneous Radiation from Wave Function Collapse in the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 129(8). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., III, Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bertrand, F. E., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2022). Signatures of muonic activation in the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 105(1). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., III, Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bertrand, F. E., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2022). alpha-event characterization and rejection in point-contact HPGe detectors. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 82(3). Arnquist, I. J., Avignone, F. T., III, Barabash, A. S., Barton, C. J., Bertrand, F. E., Blalock, E., … Zhu, B. X. (2021). Search for double-beta decay of Ge-76 to excited states of Se-76 with the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 103(1).