@book{baker_gerler_2008, title={School counseling for the twenty-first century (5th ed.)}, ISBN={0131890379}, publisher={Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall}, author={Baker, S. and Gerler, E.}, year={2008} } @book{gerler_2004, title={Handbook of school violence}, ISBN={0789016230}, DOI={10.4324/9780203048986}, abstractNote={* About the Editor * Contributors * Preface * Features of the Handbook * The Handbook and the Internet * Some Thoughts About the Contributors to the Handbook * Concluding Comments * Part I: Causes of School Violence * Chapter 1. Connectedness and School Violence: A Framework for Developmental Interventions * Connectedness * Developmental Trends in Connectedness to Friends, School, and Family * Disconnection and Violence * Interventions: What to Do? * Developmental Interventions for the Prevention of Youth Violence * Dyadic Approaches to Violence Prevention * Conclusion * Chapter 2. Identification with Academics and Violence in Schools * Risk Factors for School Violence * What Is Identification with Academics? * A Comprehensive Model * Evidence for the Link Between Identification with Academics and Academic Outcomes * Types of Violence in School * Preventing School Violence * Conclusions, Caveats, and Future Directions * Part II: Prevention of School Violence * Chapter 3. School Violence in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Current Interventions * Introduction * Method * Findings * Discussion * Conclusion * Chapter 4. Student Threat Assessment * What Is Threat Assessment? * How Does Threat Assessment Differ from Profiling? * How Does Threat Assessment Differ from Zero Tolerance? * How Can Threat Assessment Work in Schools? * Directions for Future Research * Recommendations for Student Threat Assessment * Chapter 5. Peer Mediation * Introduction * History * Programs * Program Setup and Operation * Developmental Program Considerations * Research * Conclusion * Chapter 6. Lessons from the Field: Balancing Comprehensiveness and Feasibility in Peer Mediation Programs * Introduction * Literature Review * Method * Results * Discussion * Appendix A: Questionnaire--Middle School Peer Mediation Programs Currently Coordinated by School Counselors * Appendix B: Interview Instrument--The Real and the Ideal in Middle School Peer Mediation Programs * Appendix C: North Carolina State University Informed Consent Form * Appendix D: Letter of Attestation * Chapter 7. Because No One Ever Asked: Understanding Youth Gangs As a Primary Step in Violence Prevention * Risk Factors * From Violent Homes to Violent Streets * School * Discussion * Conclusion * Chapter 8. Weapons in Schools * Introduction * Incidence and Prevalence of Weapons in Schools * Demographic and Contextual Predictors of Weapons Offenders * Where Do Juveniles Obtain Their Weapons? * What Weapons Do Juveniles Prefer? * Protection or Aggression: Theoretical Predictors of Weapons Possession * Differential Association Theory * Programs and Policies to Combat Weapons in Schools * Conclusion and Policy Implications * Part III: Interventions in Cases of School Violence * Chapter 9. Characteristics and Consequences of Crisis Events: A Primer for the School Psychologist * What Is a Crisis? Situations That May Require School Crisis Intervention * The Effects of Crises: Reasons for Providing School Crisis Intervention * Concluding Comments * Chapter 10. School Crisis Interventions: Strategies for Addressing the Consequences of Crisis Events * Chronology of Crisis Intervention * Specific Crisis Interventions * Multicomponent Crisis Intervention * Appendix: Summaries}, publisher={New York: Haworth Reference Press}, author={Gerler, E. R.}, year={2004} } @book{baker_gerler_2004, title={School counseling for the twenty-first century (4th ed.)}, ISBN={0130494852}, publisher={Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill}, author={Baker, S. B. and Gerler, E. R.}, year={2004} } @book{gerler_2000, title={How the naked ape got to the land of nod: A whole "nother light" on alcoholism in good families}, ISBN={0738847100}, publisher={Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation}, author={Gerler, E. R.}, year={2000} }