@book{burris_vanzoest_2024, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Innovative Advising Techniques: How NC Reconnect Colleges Meet the Advising Needs of Adult Learners}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Burris, K. and VanZoest, E.R.}, year={2024} } @article{vanzoest_harry_lewis-sessoms_jaeger_2024, title={The Five Ps of the Adult Learner Journey through the Community College: A Conceptual Framework}, volume={6}, ISSN={0742-5627 1573-1758}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10755-024-09716-6}, DOI={10.1007/s10755-024-09716-6}, abstractNote={Abstract A significant demographic shift in community colleges reveals that more than half of enrolled students are adults aged 25 and older. In response, states are instituting reconnect programs aimed at recruiting and reengaging adult learners. Despite these initiatives, existing processes and practices within community colleges often inadequately address the unique needs of adult students. This qualitative work employs focus groups and individual interviews involving community college presidents, faculty, staff, and adult learners to formulate a robust conceptual framework meant to guide community colleges toward positive adult learner outcomes. Termed the “Five P Framework,” it strategically poses critical questions that align with the five areas of the adult learner journey: public messaging, partnerships, processes, pathways, and proximity. Acknowledging the distinct characteristics and diverse backgrounds of adult students, the framework incorporates essential theoretical perspectives. It sheds light on the intricate interplay among personal, social, and institutional factors influencing adult learners’ educational experiences. Serving as a practical guide, the framework is intended for administrators, educators, and policymakers facilitating the development of targeted policies and practices to elevate educational outcomes and overall well-being for adult learners in community college settings. The research concludes by offering implications for practice, policy enhancements, and directions for future research to support adult learners.}, journal={Innovative Higher Education}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={VanZoest, Emily R. and Harry, Dion T. and Lewis-Sessoms, Micara and Jaeger, Audrey J.}, year={2024}, month={Jun} } @book{vanzoest_harry_lewis sessoms_jaeger_thomas_2023, place={Raleigh, NC}, edition={2nd}, title={Adult learner guidebook: A guide to recruit and retain adult learners at North Carolina community colleges}, url={https://go.ncsu.edu/adult-learner-guidebook-2nd-ed}, publisher={NC State University College of Education Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research}, author={VanZoest, E.R. and Harry, D.T. and Lewis Sessoms, M. and Jaeger, A.J. and Thomas, E.}, year={2023} } @article{equity in action: reconnecting adult learners to community colleges in north carolina_2023, url={https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/montezuma/jarcc/2023/00000030/00000001/art00005}, journal={Journal of Applied Research in the Community College}, year={2023} } @misc{jaeger_newhouse_yilmaz_vanzoest_2023, title={Inclusion at the Center: Teaching and Learning in the Community College Context}, ISBN={9783031321863 9783031321863}, ISSN={0882-4126 2215-1664}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-32186-3_10-1}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-031-32186-3_10-1}, abstractNote={Given that community colleges serve a broad swath of students with a broad swath of goals, expectations, and outcomes, exploring what we know about teaching and learning in the community college – where putting inclusion at the center of pedagogical practice is essential – may help educators and practitioners at all types of institutions serve diverse populations of students more successfully. The following chapter provides an overview of the community college context, including a review of what is known about students and instructors in the modern community college. We then highlight key theories of learning and teaching that are most applicable to diverse classroom settings and focus on two key areas – distance learning and instructor professional development – where these theories and promising practices are applied in the community college context, including a discussion of a first-of-its kind statewide professional development network serving the North Carolina community colleges. By centering community colleges and offering action-oriented solutions and recommendations, this chapter aims to guide scholars and practitioners who are invested in improving teaching and learning in higher education toward impactful future research.}, journal={Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research}, publisher={Springer Nature Switzerland}, author={Jaeger, Audrey J. and Newhouse, Kaitlin N. S. and Yilmaz, Ece and VanZoest, Emily R.}, year={2023}, pages={1–72} } @book{breeden_vanzoest_lewis sessoms_harry_meachum lewis_nichols_jaeger_thomas_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Adult learner guidebook: A guide to recruit and retain adult learners at North Carolina community colleges}, url={https://belk-center.ced.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/128/2022/10/Belk-AdultLearnersGuidebook-2022.pdf}, publisher={NC State University College of Education Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research}, author={Breeden, R. and VanZoest, E.R. and Lewis Sessoms, M. and Harry, D. and Meachum Lewis, E. and Nichols, H. and Jaeger, A.J. and Thomas, E.}, year={2022} }