Greg Byrd Nagabhiru, M., & Byrd, G. T. (2024). Achieving Forward Progress Guarantee in Small Hardware Transactions. IEEE COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE LETTERS, 23(1), 53–56. Bennakhi, A., Byrd, G. T., & Franzon, P. (2024, September 5). Solving the B-SAT Problem Using Quantum Computing: Smaller Is Sometimes Better. Bennakhi, A., Byrd, G. T., & Franzon, P. (2024). Solving the B-SAT Problem Using Quantum Computing: Smaller Is Sometimes Better. ENTROPY, 26(10). Ibrahim, M., Bronn, N. T., & Byrd, G. T. (2023). Crosstalk-Based Parameterized Quantum Circuit Approximation. In N. T. Bronn & G. Byrd (Eds.), IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (pp. 39–50). Ahmad, S. F., Earnest-Noble, N., & Byrd, G. T. (2023). Exploring Architecture of Qiskit Runtime for Educational Enablement (G. Byrd & N. Earnest-Noble, Eds.). 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUANTUM COMPUTING AND ENGINEERING, QCE, pp. 112–118. Elnawawy, H., Tuck, J., & Byrd, G. T. (2023). PreFlush: Lightweight Hardware Prediction Mechanism for Cache Line Flush and Writeback (J. Tuck & G. Byrd, Eds.). 2023 32ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL ARCHITECTURES AND COMPILATION TECHNIQUES, PACT, pp. 74–85. Byrd, G. T., & Ding, Y. (2023). Quantum Computing: Progress and Innovation. COMPUTER, 56(1), 20–29. Nagabhiru, M., & Byrd, G. (2023). lfbench: a lock-free microbenchmark suite. 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, ISPASS, pp. 322–324. Mughrabi, A. T., & Byrd, G. T. (2022). CAPI-Precis: Towards a Compute-Centric Interface for Coherent Shared Memory Accelerators. 2022 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT). Ibrahim, M. M., Mohammadbagherpoor, H., Rios, C., Bronn, N. T., & Byrd, G. T. (2022). Evaluation of Parameterized Quantum Circuits with Cross-Resonance Pulse-Driven Entanglers. IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. Stancil, D. D., & Byrd, G. (2022). Principles of Superconducting Quantum Computers. In Wiley. Wiley. Ibrahim, M., Mohammadbagherpoor, H., Rios, C., Bronn, N. T., & Byrd, G. T. (2022, November 3). Pulse-Level Optimization of Parameterized Quantum Circuits for Variational Quantum Algorithms. Mughrabi, A. T., Ibrahim, M., & Byrd, G. T. (2021). QPR: Quantizing PageRank with Coherent Shared Memory Accelerators. 2021 IEEE 35TH INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM (IPDPS), pp. 962–972. Liu, J., Byrd, G., & Zhou, H. (2020). Quantum Circuits for Dynamic Runtime Assertions in Quantum Computation. ASPLOS '20: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 1017–1030. Elnawawy, H., Chowdhury, R. B. R., Awad, A., & Byrd, G. T. (2019). Diligent TLBs: a mechanism for exploiting heterogeneity in TLB miss behavior. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, 195–205. Kumar, C., Singh, S., & Byrd, G. T. (2019). Hybrid Remote Access Protocol. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 18(1), 30–33. Mueller, F., Byrd, G., & Dreher, P. (2019). Programming Quantum Computers: A Primer with IBM Q and D-Wave Exercises. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 24TH SYMPOSIUM ON PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMING (PPOPP '19), pp. 451–451. Zhou, H., & Byrd, G. T. (2019). Quantum Circuits for Dynamic Runtime Assertions in Quantum Computation. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 18(2), 111–114. Willis, S., Byrd, G., & Johnson, B. D. (2017). Challenge-Based Learning. Computer, 50(7), 13–16. Snyder, T., & Byrd, G. (2017, June). The Internet of Everything. COMPUTER, Vol. 50, pp. 8–9. Weaver, A. C., Byrd, G., & Bryce, R. (2016, May). Computing Tools and Techniques for Emergency Response. COMPUTER, Vol. 49, pp. 16–18. Byrd, G. (2016). Home Sweet Mind-Controlled Home. COMPUTER, 49(5), 98–101. Byrd, G. (2016, January). IEEE/IBM Watson Student Showcase. COMPUTER, Vol. 49, pp. 102–104. Byrd, G. (2016). Immortal Bits: Managing Our Digital Legacies. COMPUTER, 49(3), 100–103. Byrd, G. (2016, July). Let the Sun Shine. COMPUTER, Vol. 49, pp. 94–97. Byrd, G. (2016). Seeing Is Understanding. COMPUTER, 49(9), 94–97. Byrd, G. (2016). Tactile Digital Braille Display. COMPUTER, 49(11), 88–90. Byrd, G. (2015). 21st Century Pong. COMPUTER, 48(10), 80–84. Byrd, G. (2015). A Little Ingenuity Solves an Elephant-Sized Problem. COMPUTER, 48(4), 74–77. Byrd, G. (2015). Cycling Through Cyberspace. COMPUTER, 48(8), 72–75. Byrd, G. (2015, February). Spotlighting Student Innovation. COMPUTER, Vol. 48, pp. 75–76. Byrd, G. (2015, June). Tracking Cows Wirelessly. COMPUTER, Vol. 48, pp. 60–63. REZA, S. A. J. J. I. D., & BYRD, G. R. E. G. O. R. Y. T. (2013). Reducing Migration-Induced Misses In An Over-Subscribed Multiprocessor System. Parallel Processing Letters, 23(01), 1350006. Byrd, G., Schneider, K., Chang, N., & Ozev, S. (2013). Welcome to ICCD 2013! 2013 IEEE 31st International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2013. Reza, S., & Byrd, G. T. (2012). Reducing Migration-induced Cache Misses. 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum, 1732–1741. Tahar, S., Byrd, G., Schneider, K., & Bose, P. (2012). Welcome to ICCD 2012! Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 11–20. Grover, S., Dhanotia, A., & Byrd, G. T. (2011). A Canonical Multicore Architecture for Network Routers. 2011 ACM/IEEE Seventh Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems, 134–144. Gaydadjiev, G., Tahar, S., Byrd, G., & Schneider, K. (2011). Welcome to ICCD 2011! Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors. Dhanotia, A., Grover, S., & Byrd, G. (2010). Analyzing and scaling parallelism for network routing protocols. IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC'10). Presented at the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC). Chiang, M.-H., & Byrd, G. T. (2009). Adaptive aggregation tree transformation for energy-efficient query processing in sensor networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SENSOR NETWORKS, Vol. 6, pp. 51–64. Pant, S. M., & Byrd, G. T. (2009). Extending concurrency of transactional memory programs by using value prediction. Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Computing frontiers - CF '09, 11–20. Pant, S. M., & Byrd, G. T. (2009). Limited early value communication to improve performance of transactional memory. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Conference on Supercomputing - ICS '09, 421–429. Altunay, M., Byrd, G. T., Brown, D. E., & Dean, R. A. (2008). An interaction-based access control model (IBAC) for collaborative services. 2008 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 547–554. Lim, C., & Byrd, G. T. (2008). Exploiting producer patterns and L2 cache for timely dependence-based prefetching. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design. Chiang, M.-H., & Byrd, G. T. (2008). Neighborhood-Aware Density Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (sutc 2008), 122–129. Altunay, M., Brown, D. E., Byrd, G. T., & Dean, R. A. (2006). Collaboration Policies: Access Control Management in Decentralized Heterogeneous Workflows. Journal of Software, 1(1), 11–22. Lai, Y.-K., & Byrd, G. T. (2006). High-throughput sketch update on a low-power stream processor. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE symposium on Architecture for networking and communications systems - ANCS '06, 123–132. Lai, Y.-kuen, & Byrd, G. (2006). Stream-Based Implementation of Hash Functions for Multi-Gigabit Message Authentication Codes. 2006 Seventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'06), 150–155. Chiang, M. H., & Byrd, G. T. (2007). Zone Repartitioning: A Load‐Balancing Mechanism for Data‐Centric Storage Systems. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2(4), 312–320. Altunay, M., Brown, D., Byrd, G., & Dean, R. A. (2005). Evaluation of Mutual Trust during Matchmaking. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'05), 2005, 133–140. Rai, J. S., Lai, Y.-K., & Byrd, G. T. (2005). Packet processing on a SIMD stream processor. Network Processor Design, pp. 119–144. Altunay, M., Brown, D., Byrd, G., & Dean, R. (2005). Trust-Based Secure Workflow Path Construction. In B. Benatallah, F. Casati, & P. Traverso (Eds.), Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2007 (pp. 382–395). Lai, Y., & Byrd, G. T. (2004). AES Packet Encryption on a SIMD Stream Architecture. International Journal of Computer Research, (Special Issue on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems). Smith, T. J., Byrd, G. T., Wu, X., Xin, H., Thangavelu, K., Wang, R., & Shah, A. (2004). Dynamic PKI and secure tuplespaces for distributed coalitions. Proceedings DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition. Presented at the DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition. Ibrahim, K. Z., & Byrd, G. T. (2004). Extending OpenMP to support slipstream execution mode. Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 10. Smith, T. J., & Byrd, G. T. (2004). Yalta: a dynamic PKI and secure tuplespaces for distributed coalitions. Proceedings DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition. Presented at the DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition. Suryanarayanan, D., Marshall, J., & Byrd, G. T. (2003). A Methodology and Simulator for the Study of Network Processors. Network Processor Design, pp. 27–54. Öztürk, M. C., Trussell, J., Townsend, C., Byrd, G., Mortazavi, A., Baran, M., … Brickley, J. (2003). A new introductory laboratory course for electrical and computer engineering. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 11378–11391. Retrieved from Wang, R., Wang, F. Y., & Byrd, G. T. (2003, November 25). Design and implementation of Acceptance Monitor for building intrusion tolerant systems. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, Vol. 33, pp. 1399–1417. Ibrahim, K. Z., Byrd, G. T., & Rotenberg, E. (2003). Slipstream execution mode for CMP-based multiprocessors. NINTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 12, pp. 179–190. Wang, R., Wang, F., & Byrd, G. T. (2002). Design and implementation of acceptance monitor for building scalable intrusion tolerant system. Proceedings Tenth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (Cat. No.01EX495), 2001-January, 200–205. Stevenson, D., Hillery, N., Byrd, G., Gong, F., & Winkelstein, D. (2002). Design of a key agile cryptographic system for OC-12c rate ATM. Proceedings of the Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security, 17–30. Byrd, G. T., & Flynn, M. J. (2002). Effectiveness of producer-initiated communication. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Presented at the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Ibrahim, K. Z., & Byrd, G. T. (2002). On the exploitation of value prediction and producer identification to reduce barrier synchronization time. Proceedings 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. IPDPS 2001. Presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing. Byrd, G. T., Hillery, N., & Symon, J. (2001). Practical Experiences with ATM Encryption. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 23–32, Byrd, G. T., & Flynn, M. J. (1999). Producer-consumer communication in distributed shared memory multiprocessors. Proceedings of the IEEE, 87(3), 456–466. Byrd, G. T., & Flynn, M. J. (1998). Effectiveness of producer-initiated communication. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 7, 770–771. Retrieved from Byrd, G. T., & Flynn, M. J. (1998). Evaluation of Communication Mechanisms in Invalidate-based Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Parallel Computer Routing and Communication, Vol. 1417, pp. 159–170. Byrd, G. T., & Holliday, M. A. (1995). Multithreaded processor architectures. IEEE Spectrum, 32(8), 38–46. Stevenson, D., Hillery, N., & Byrd, G. (1995). Secure communications in ATM networks. Communications of the ACM, 38(2), 45–52. Byrd, G. T., & Delagi, B. A. (1991). StreamLine: Cache-Based Message Passing in Scalable Multiprocessors. 20th International Conference on Parallel Processing, I, 251–254. Byrd, G. T., Saraiya, N., & Delagi, B. A. (1989). Multicast Communication in Multiprocessor Systems. 18th International Conference on Parallel Processing, I, 196–200. Retrieved from Byrd, G. T., & Delagi, B. A. (1988). A Performance Comparison of Shared Variable vs. Message Passing. Third International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS88). Boston, MA. Delagi, B. A., Saraiya, N., Nishimura, S., & Byrd, G. (1988). An Instrumented Architectural Simulation System. SCS Multiconference on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation, 111–120, San Diego, CA. Delagi, B. A., Saraiya, N., Nishimura, S., & Byrd, G. (1988). Instrumented Architectural Simulation. Third International Conference on Supercomputing (ICSS88). Boston, MA. Delagi, B. A., Saraiya, N. P., & Byrd, G. T. (1988). LAMINA: CARE Applications Interface. Third International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS88). Boston, MA.