John Gilligan Almousa, N. M., Gilligan, J. G., & Bourham, M. (2016). Surface Ablation and Melting of Fusion Materials Simulated by Transient High Heat Flux Generated in an Electothermal Plasma Source. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44(9), 1642–1648. Gonzalez, P. P. V., Gilligan, J., Winfrey, L., & Bourham, M. A. (2015). Generalized Scaling Laws of Plasma Parameters in Electrothermal Plasma Sources for Fusion Disruption Erosion and Hypervelocity Launch Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 43(10), 3645–3652. Majumdar, R., Gilligan, J. G., Winfrey, A. L., & Bourham, M. A. (2015). Scaling Laws of Bulk Plasma Parameters for a 1-D Flow through a Capillary with Extended Converging-Diverging Nozzle for Simulated Expansion into Fusion Reactor Chamber. JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 34(4), 905–910. Majumdar, R., Gilligan, J. G., Winfrey, A. L., & Bourham, M. A. (2014). Supersonic Flow Patterns from Electrothermal Plasma Source for Simulated Ablation and Aerosol Expansion Following a Fusion Disruption. JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 33(1), 25–31. Winfrey, A. L., Gilligan, J. G., & Bourham, M. A. (2013). A Computational Study of a Capillary Discharge Pellet Accelerator Concept for Magnetic Fusion Fueling. JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 32(2), 227–234. Winfrey, A. L., Abd Al-Halim, M. A., Gilligan, J. G., Saveliev, A. V., & Bourham, M. A. (2012). A Study of Plasma Parameters in a Capillary Discharge With Calculations Using Ideal and Nonideal Plasma Models for Comparison With Experiment. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 40(3), 843–852. Winfrey, A. L., Abd Al-Halim, M. A., Saveliev, A. V., Gilligan, J. G., & Bourham, M. A. (2013). Enhanced Performance of Electrothermal Plasma Sources as Fusion Pellet Injection Drivers and Space Based Mini-Thrusters via Extension of a Flattop Discharge Current. JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY, 32(3), 371–377. Winfrey, A. L., Gilligan, J. G., & Bourham, M. (2011). A comparative study of different low-Z liner materials in an ablation-dominated electrothermal mass accelerator for fusion fueling. 2011 IEEE/NPSS 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE). Winfrey, A. L., Abd Al-Halim, M., Gilligan, J. G., Saveliev, A. V., & Bourham, M. A. (2011, August). MODELING OF AN ABLATION-FREE ELECTROTHERMAL PLASMA PELLET ACCELERATOR. FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 60, pp. 480–485. Brent, R., Felder, R. M., Rajala, S. A., Gilligan, J. G., & Lee, G. (2001). New faculty 101: an orientation to the profession. 2001 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, Reno, NV, October 2001, (2001 October). Sharpe, J. P., Merrill, B. J., Petti, D. A., Bourham, M. A., & Gilligan, J. G. (2001, March). Modeling of particulate production in the SIRENS plasma disruption simulator. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, Vol. 290, pp. 1128–1133. Bourham, M. A., & Gilligan, J. G. (1999). Augmentation and control of burn rates in plasma devices. Final Technical Report for the US Navy, Office of Naval Research. Contract #N00014-95-1-1221, (1999 May 10). Bourham, M. A., & Gilligan, J. G. (1999). Augmentation and control of burn rates in plasma devices: Final technical report. In US Navy, Office of Naval Research, May 1999. Contract #N00014-95-1-1221. Tucker, E., & Gilligan, J. (1998). Effects of vapor shield expansion on vapor shield effectiveness and plasma gun efficiency. Fusion Technology, 33(2), 118–129. Sharpe, J. P., Bourham, M., & Gilligan, J. G. (1998, November). Generation and characterization of carbon particulate in disruption simulations. FUSION TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 34, pp. 634–639. Verghese, K., & Gilligan, J. (1998). Nuclear engineering education sourcebook 1998. Raleigh, NC: American Nuclear Society, Education and Training Division. Bourham, M. A., Gilligan, J. G., & Oberle, W. F. (1997, January). Analysis of solid propellant combustion behavior under electrothermal plasma injection for ETC launchers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol. 33, pp. 278–283. Sharpe, J. P., Bourham, M. A., & Gilligan, J. G. (1997). Experimental investigation of disruption-induced aerosol mobilization in accident scenarios of ITER. In 17th IEEE/NPSS Symposium Fusion Engineering: San Diego, California, October 6-10, 1997 (Vol. 1, pp. 153–156). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. Tucker, E. C., & Gilligan, J. G. (1997). Model of turbulent mixing of species, momentum, and energy in a vapor shield plasma. FUSION TECHNOLOGY, 32(2), 253–262. Bourham, M. A., Gilligan, J. G., Doster, J. M., Orton, N. P., & Tucker, E. C. (1997). Simulation of plasma-surface interactions in electrothermal-chemical devices: progress on the 2-D code TURFIRE. Proc. 34th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, CPIA Publications 662, West Palm Beach, FL, 27-31 October 1997, 1(1997), 57–63. CPIA, Chemical Propulsion Information Agency.