@inproceedings{vieira_gwatidzo_fajardo_guardado_radam_nicchio_tubana_2023, title={Effect of Cover Crops Planting Method and Rate on Sugarcane Productivity}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Vieira, M. and Gwatidzo, C. and Fajardo, H. and Guardado, K. and Radam, E. and Nicchio, B. and Tubana, B.}, year={2023}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{guardado_tubana_adusumilli_forestieri-munoz_mendoza_fajardo_vieira_2023, title={Effect of Implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) on Productivity and Economic Return on Sugarcane Production in Louisiana}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Guardado, K. and Tubana, B. and Adusumilli, N. and Forestieri-Munoz, D. and Mendoza, H. and Fajardo, H. and Vieira, M.}, year={2023} } @inproceedings{lewis_fajardo_nelson_2023, title={Estimating the Impact of Nitrogen-based Swine Manure Management Practices on Soil Phosphorus Concentrations}, booktitle={ASABE Annual International Meeting}, author={Lewis, E. and Fajardo, H. and Nelson, N.}, year={2023} } @inproceedings{fajardo_saha_lee_nelson_obenour_muenich_morrison_2023, title={Improved phosphorus source apportionment by coupling a process-based ecohydrological model with stable isotopes}, booktitle={ASABE Annual International Meeting}, author={Fajardo, H. and Saha, A. and Lee, S. and Nelson, N. and Obenour, D. and Muenich, R. and Morrison, E.}, year={2023} } @inproceedings{fajardo_nelson_obenour_2022, title={Coupling process-based and isotope mixing models for phosphate source attribution in ecological systems}, booktitle={Tri-State American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Meeting}, author={Fajardo, H. and Nelson, N. and Obenour, D.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{mayorga_tubana_dalen_mendoza_forestieri_fajardo_guardado_vieira_darnall_2022, title={Effect of Different Sulfur Fertilizers on Soybean-Corn Rotation System in Louisiana}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Mayorga, D. and Tubana, B. and Dalen, M. and Mendoza, H. and Forestieri, D. and Fajardo, H. and Guardado, K. and Vieira, M. and Darnall, C.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{guardado_tubana_forestieri_mendoza_fajardo_dalen_mayorga_vieira_darnall_2022, title={Effect of Implementing Best Management Practices in Louisiana's Sugarcane Production System}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Guardado, K. and Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mendoza, H. and Fajardo, H. and Dalen, M. and Mayorga, D. and Vieira, M. and Darnall, C.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{guardado_tubana_forestieri_mendoza_fajardo_dalen_mayorga_bratton_2022, title={Effect of Implementing Best Management Practices on Productivity and Water Quality on Sugarcane Production in Louisiana}, booktitle={ASSCT Annual Joint Meeting}, author={Guardado, K. and Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mendoza, H. and Fajardo, H. and Dalen, M. and Mayorga, D. and Bratton, A.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{cruz_tubana_dalen_fajardo_mendoza_mayorga_fultz_ham_2022, title={Effect of Silica-Solubilizing Bacteria Inoculants on Plant-Available Silicon Content of Selected Louisiana Soils and Its Impact on Rice Productivity}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Cruz, J. and Tubana, B. and Dalen, M. and Fajardo, H. and Mendoza, H. and Mayorga, D. and Fultz, L. and Ham, J.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{fajardo_forestieri_mayorga_mendoza_cruz_guardado_vieira_dalen_tubana_2022, title={Evaluation of NDVI for Predicting Cover Crops Biomass and Nutrient Uptake Under Louisiana Sugarcane Production System}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Fajardo, H. and Forestieri, D. and Mayorga, D. and Mendoza, H. and Cruz, J. and Guardado, K. and Vieira, M. and Dalen, M. and Tubana, B.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{fajardo_forestieri_mayorga_mendoza_cruz_dalen_tubana_2022, title={Evaluation of NDVI for Predicting Cover Crops Biomass and Nutrient Uptake under Louisiana Sugarcane Production System}, booktitle={ASSCT Annual Joint Meeting}, author={Fajardo, H. and Forestieri, D. and Mayorga, D. and Mendoza, H. and Cruz, J. and Dalen, M. and Tubana, B.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{fajardo_forestieri_mendoza_mayorga_guardado_vieira_dalen_tubana_2022, title={Impact of Planting Method and Rate of Cover Crops on Soil Nutrients Levels and on Sugarcane Yield and Quality Components}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Fajardo, H. and Forestieri, D. and Mendoza, H. and Mayorga, D. and Guardado, K. and Vieira, M. and Dalen, M. and Tubana, B.}, year={2022} } @book{tubana_forestieri_mendoza_dalen_fajardo_guardado_bratton_navarro_mayorga_2022, title={Nitrogen Management Research in Louisiana Sugarcane Production Systems}, journal={LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station 2021 Annual Report}, author={Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mendoza, H. and Dalen, M. and Fajardo, H. and Guardado, K. and Bratton, A. and Navarro, S. and Mayorga, D.}, year={2022}, pages={173–181} } @book{tubana_forestieri_fajardo_mayorga_mendoza_guardado_bratton_navarro_dalen_2022, title={Research on Soil Fertility in Sugarcane Production}, journal={LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station 2021 Annual Report}, author={Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Fajardo, H. and Mayorga, D. and Mendoza, H. and Guardado, K. and Bratton, A. and Navarro, S. and Dalen, M.}, year={2022}, pages={166–172} } @inproceedings{mendoza_tubana_forestieri_dalen_mayorga_fajardo_cruz_2021, title={Effect of Different Nitrogen Sources on Cane, Sugar Yield, Leaf and Soil Nitrogen Content Under Louisiana Sugarcane Production System}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Mendoza, H. and Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Dalen, M. and Mayorga, D. and Fajardo, H. and Cruz, J.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{mendoza_tubana_forestieri_mayorga_fajardo_cruz_dalen_2021, title={Effect of Different Nitrogen Sources on Sugarcane Productivity, Soil and Leaf Tissue Nitrogen Content under Louisiana Sugarcane Production System}, booktitle={ASSCT Annual Joint Meeting}, author={Mendoza, H. and Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mayorga, D. and Fajardo, H. and Cruz, J. and Dalen, M.}, year={2021}, month={Jun} } @inproceedings{mayorga_forestieri_dalen_fajardo_mendoza_cruz_tubana_2021, title={Effect of Different Sulfur Based Fertilizers on Soybean-Corn Rotation System in Louisiana}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Mayorga, D. and Forestieri, D. and Dalen, M. and Fajardo, H. and Mendoza, H. and Cruz, J. and Tubana, B.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{forestieri_tubana_mendoza_cruz_mayorga_mite_fajardo_dalen_guardado_navarro_2021, title={Establishing the Relationship between Ground Sensor-and Aerial Image-Based Vegetation Index for Precision Nitrogen Management in Louisiana Sugarcane}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Forestieri, D. and Tubana, B. and Mendoza, H. and Cruz, J. and Mayorga, D. and Mite, J. and Fajardo, H. and Dalen, M. and Guardado, K. and Navarro, S.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{forestieri_tubana_mendoza_cruz_mayorga_fajardo_dalen_2021, title={Establishing the Relationship between Ground Sensor-and Aerial Image-Based Vegetation Indices for Precision Nitrogen Management in Louisiana Sugarcane}, booktitle={ASSCT Annual Joint Meeting}, author={Forestieri, D. and Tubana, B.S. and Mendoza, H. and Cruz, J. and Mayorga, D. and Fajardo, H. and Dalen, M.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{fajardo_forestieri_mayorga_mendoza_cruz_dalen_tubana_2021, title={Impact of Planting Method and Rate of Cover Crops on Soil Nutrients Levels and on Sugarcane Yield and Quality Components}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Fajardo, H. and Forestieri, D. and Mayorga, D. and Mendoza, H. and Cruz, J. and Dalen, M. and Tubana, B.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{guardado_tubana_forestieri_dalen_mendoza_fajardo_mayorga_navarro_2021, title={Implementing Best Management Practices in Louisiana Sugarcane Production Systems}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Guardado, K. and Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Dalen, M. and Mendoza, H. and Fajardo, H. and Mayorga, D. and Navarro, S.}, year={2021} } @book{tubana_forestieri_mendoza_dalen_fajardo_cruz_galam_mayorga_2021, title={Nitrogen Management Research in Louisiana Sugarcane Production Systems}, journal={LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station 2020 Annual Report}, author={Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mendoza, H. and Dalen, M. and Fajardo, H. and Cruz, J. and Galam, D. and Mayorga, D.}, year={2021}, pages={176–187} } @inproceedings{tubana_mendoza_forestieri_cruz_mayorga_fajardo_dalen_2021, title={Potential of N Testing in Soil and Leaf Tissue as Decision Tools for N Application in Sugarcane}, booktitle={ASSCT Annual Joint Meeting}, author={Tubana, B.S. and Mendoza, H. and Forestieri, D. and Cruz, J. and Mayorga, D. and Fajardo, H. and Dalen, M.}, year={2021} } @book{tubana_forestieri_cruz_dalen_fajardo_mayorga_mendoza_scudeletti_galam_2021, title={Research on Soil Fertility in Sugarcane Production}, journal={LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station 2020 Annual Report}, author={Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Cruz, J. and Dalen, M. and Fajardo, H. and Mayorga, D. and Mendoza, H. and Scudeletti, D. and Galam, D.}, year={2021}, pages={167–175} } @book{cruz_tubana_fultz_ham_dalen_forestieri_paye_galam_ferreira_mayorga_et al._2020, title={Effectiveness of Multi-Trait Silicate-Solubilizing Bacteria in Enhancing the Growth and Yield of Rice}, journal={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Cruz, J. and Tubana, B. and Fultz, L.M. and Ham, J.Hyun and Dalen, M. and Forestieri, D. and Paye, W. and Galam, D. and Ferreira, B. and Mayorga, D. and et al.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{mendoza_tubana_forestieri_mayorga_fajardo_cruz_dalen_galam_paye_bamrungrai_et al._2020, title={Evaluating the Effect of Coated Urea and Urea-Ammonium-Nitrate Fertilizers on Cane, Sugar Yield, Leaf and Soil Nitrogen Content Under Louisiana Sugarcane Production System}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Mendoza, H. and Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mayorga, D. and Fajardo, H. and Cruz, J. and Dalen, M. and Galam, D. and Paye, W. and Bamrungrai, J. and et al.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{fajardo_tubana_forestieri_mayorga_mendoza_campos_cruz_galam_2020, title={Evaluation of NDVI for Predicting Cover Crops Biomass and Nutrient Uptake}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Fajardo, H. and Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mayorga, D. and Mendoza, H. and Campos, B. and Cruz, J. and Galam, D.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{ferreira_mite_dalen_forestieri_galam_fajardo_cruz_mayorga_mendoza_tubana_2020, title={Influence of Establishment Date on Cover Crops Biomass Yield and Soil Productivity Potential}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Ferreira, B. and Mite, J.R. and Dalen, M. and Forestieri, D. and Galam, D. and Fajardo, H. and Cruz, J. and Mayorga, D. and Mendoza, H. and Tubana, B.}, year={2020} } @book{tubana_forestieri_mendoza_dalen_fajardo_cruz_burns_frazier_viator_2020, title={Nitrogen Management Research in Louisiana Sugarcane Production Systems}, journal={LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station 2019 Annual Report}, author={Tubana, B. and Forestieri, D. and Mendoza, H. and Dalen, M. and Fajardo, H. and Cruz, J. and Burns, D. and Frazier, R. and Viator, S.}, year={2020}, pages={179–189} } @article{tubana_fajardo_forestieri_2020, title={Sensor-Based Prediction of Cover Crops Biomass and Nutrient Recovery}, volume={63}, number={4}, journal={Louisiana Agriculture Magazine}, author={Tubana, B. and Fajardo, H. and Forestieri, D.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{mayorga_forestieri_dalen_mendoza_fajardo_cruz_campos_galam_tubana_2020, title={Sulfur Sources and Rates on Soybean-Corn Production Systems in Louisiana}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Mayorga, D. and Forestieri, D. and Dalen, M. and Mendoza, H. and Fajardo, H. and Cruz, J. and Campos, B. and Galam, D. and Tubana, B.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{forestieri_tubana_dalen_galam_mayorga_fajardo_mendoza_cruz_campos_escobar_et al._2020, title={Validation of Sugarcane Yield Potential Model Using Converted Aerial Image-Based Normalized Difference Vegetation Index}, booktitle={ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting}, author={Forestieri, D. and Tubana, B. and Dalen, M.Sebial and Galam, D. and Mayorga, D. and Fajardo, H. and Mendoza, H. and Cruz, J. and Campos, B. and Escobar, E. and et al.}, year={2020} } @article{fajardo_garcia_raes_van gaelen_2017, title={Validation of the Aquacrop model for different soil fertility levels in quinoa crop in the Bolivian highlands}, volume={21}, number={2}, journal={Cintex Journal}, publisher={Research and Extension Center of the Pascual Bravo University Institution}, author={Fajardo, H. and Garcia, M. and Raes, D. and Van Gaelen, H.}, year={2017} } @article{van gaelen_tsegay_delbecque_shrestha_garcia_fajardo_miranda_vanuytrecht_abrha_diels_et al._2015, title={A semi-quantitative approach for modelling crop response to soil fertility: evaluation of the AquaCrop procedure}, volume={153}, ISSN={0021-8596 1469-5146}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021859614000872}, DOI={10.1017/s0021859614000872}, abstractNote={SUMMARY Most crop models make use of a nutrient-balance approach for modelling crop response to soil fertility. To counter the vast input data requirements that are typical of these models, the crop water productivity model AquaCrop adopts a semi-quantitative approach. Instead of providing nutrient levels, users of the model provide the soil fertility level as a model input. This level is expressed in terms of the expected impact on crop biomass production, which can be observed in the field or obtained from statistics of agricultural production. The present study is the first to describe extensively, and to calibrate and evaluate, the semi-quantitative approach of the AquaCrop model, which simulates the effect of soil fertility stress on crop production as a combination of slower canopy expansion, reduced maximum canopy cover, early decline in canopy cover and lower biomass water productivity. AquaCrop's fertility response algorithms are evaluated here against field experiments with tef ( Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) in Ethiopia, with maize ( Zea mays L.) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) in Nepal, and with quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in Bolivia. It is demonstrated that AquaCrop is able to simulate the soil water content in the root zone, and the crop's canopy development, dry above-ground biomass development, final biomass and grain yield, under different soil fertility levels, for all four crops. Under combined soil water stress and soil fertility stress, the model predicts final grain yield with a relative root-mean-square error of only 11–13% for maize, wheat and quinoa, and 34% for tef. The present study shows that the semi-quantitative soil fertility approach of the AquaCrop model performs well and that the model can be applied, after case-specific calibration, to the simulation of crop production under different levels of soil fertility stress for various environmental conditions, without requiring detailed field observations on soil nutrient content.}, number={7}, journal={The Journal of Agricultural Science}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Van Gaelen, H. and Tsegay, A. and Delbecque, N. and Shrestha, N. and Garcia, M. and Fajardo, H. and Miranda, R. and Vanuytrecht, E. and Abrha, B. and Diels, J. and et al.}, year={2015}, pages={1218–1233} } @book{garcía_miranda_fajardo_2013, place={La Paz, Bolivia}, title={Manual de Manejo de la Fertilidad de Suelo Bajo Riego Deficitario para el Cultivo de la Quinua en el Altiplano Boliviano}, url={https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.cazalac.org/mwar_lac/fileadmin/documents/CaribbeanDroughtAtlas/quinua.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiP1_LM6vmHAxUiF1kFHdv1MvoQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1j3Q_Xpk-TX84FfaOUuxAw}, institution={UNESCO – CAZALAC – LAC}, year={2013} }