@article{cashwell_mcneal_2024, title={Implementation of a climate decision support system in an undergraduate weather and climate classroom}, ISSN={["1466-1845"]}, DOI={10.1080/03098265.2024.2423409}, abstractNote={To improve climate education in an introductory weather and climate course, an active-learning lab was developed around a climate decision support system. The Climate Analysis and Visualization for the Assessment of Species Status (CAnVAS) tool allows individuals to view various climate variables and select a particular location and species to analyze. Undergraduate participants used CAnVAS to answer questions about the climate data they were plotting and completed a concept map about how endangered species will be impacted by climate change. A pre- and post-assessment was also given to participants, during three separate semesters, to measure knowledge changes that may have been affiliated with the CAnVAS intervention. When CAnVAS was implemented, increases in pre-to-post-assessment performance were measured (approximately 10% in Fall 2021, 7% in Fall 2022, and 6% in Fall 2023). The concept maps revealed that on average, participants drew approximately seven relevant lines and circles. This study demonstrated the efficacy of the CAnVAS tool through a pedagogical intervention deployed in an introductory weather and climate undergraduate classroom. The results contribute to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning literature by testing the efficacy of a decision support system within the classroom setting using the e-learning theoretical framework.}, journal={JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY IN HIGHER EDUCATION}, author={Cashwell, Haven J. and McNeal, Karen S.}, year={2024}, month={Nov} }