Jesse Grimes Shahininejad, H., Rahimi, S., Torshizi, M. A. K., Arabkhazaeli, F., Ayyari, M., Behnamifar, A., … Grimes, J. (2024). Comparing the effect of phytobiotic, coccidiostat, toltrazuril, and vaccine on the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in broilers. POULTRY SCIENCE, 103(5). Javanmiri, E., Rahimi, S., Torshizi, M. A. K., Nabiyan, S., Behnamifar, A., & Grimes, J. (2024). Comparison of the effect of anticoccidial drug, probiotic, synbiotic, phytochemicals and vaccine in prevention and control of coccidiosis in broiler chickens challenged with Eimeria spp. POULTRY SCIENCE, 103(12). Crespo, R., & Grimes, J. (2024). Effect of brooding conditions on the blood chemistry and performance of turkey poults. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 33(2). Graves, C., Sharara, M., Shah, S., Kolar, P., & Grimes, J. (2024). Engineered Miscanthus Biochar Performance as a Broiler Litter Amendment. AGRIENGINEERING, 6(4), 4911–4924. Rahimi, M., Rahimi, S., Torshizi, M. A. 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Flores, K. R., de Carvalho, L. V. F. M., Reading, B. J., Fahrenholz, A., Ferket, P. R., & Grimes, J. L. (2023). Machine learning and data mining methodology to predict nominal and numeric performance body weight values using Large White male turkey datasets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 32(4), 100366. Rahimi, M., Rahimi, S., Torshizi, M. A. K., Shara, M., Masoudi, A. A., & Grimes, J. L. (2023). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR & gamma;) activation: a potential treatment for ascites syndrome in broiler chickens. POULTRY SCIENCE, 102(9). Graves, C., Kolar, P., Shah, S., Grimes, J., & Sharara, M. (2022). [Review of Can Biochar Improve the Sustainability of Animal Production?]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 12(10). Flores, K. R., & Grimes, J. L. (2022). Performance and processing yield comparisons of Large White male turkeys by genetic lines, sources, and seasonal rearing. POULTRY SCIENCE, 101(4). Flores, K. R., Fahrenholz, A., Ferket, P. R., Biggs, T. 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The effect of feed processing of novel unheated, low trypsin inhibitor soybeans on the performance of young female turkeys reared from hatch to 21 days of age. POULTRY SCIENCE, 100(11). Rahimi, M., Rahimi, S., Sharafi, M., Shahverdi, A., & Grimes, J. L. (2021). The effect of methyl-beta-cyclodextrin on DNA absorption and quality of posttransfected sperm. POULTRY SCIENCE, 100(5). Flores, K. R., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Grimes, J. L. (2020). Effect of feed form, soybean meal protein content, and Rovabio Advance on poult live performance to 3 wk of age. Poultry Science, 99(12), 6705–6714. Behnamifar, A., Rahimi, S., Torshizi, M. A. K., Sharafi, M., & Grimes, J. L. (2021). Effects of dietary alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on the seminal parameters and fertility potential in aging broiler breeder roosters. POULTRY SCIENCE, 100(2), 1221–1238. Bartz, B. M., Anderson, K. A., Oviedo-Rondon, E. O., Livingtson, K., & Grimes, J. L. (2020). Effects of stocking density on large white, commercial tom turkeys reared to 20 weeks of age: 1. growth and performance. POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(11), 5582–5586. Chadwick, E., Rahimi, S., Grimes, J., Pitts, J., & Beckstead, R. (2020). Sodium bisulfate feed additive aids broilers in growth and intestinal health during a coccidiosis challenge. POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(11), 5324–5330. Talghari, M., Behnamifar, A., Rahimi, S., Torshizi, M. A. K., Beckstead, R., & Grimes, J. L. (2020). The effect of sodium bisulfate and coccidiostat on intestinal lesions and growth performance of Eimeria spp.-challenged broilers. POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(10), 4769–4775. Spears, J. W., Lloyd, K. E., Pickworth, C. A., Huang, Y. L., Krafka, K., Hyda, J., & Grimes, J. L. (2019). Chromium propionate in broilers: human food and broiler safety. Poultry Science, 98(12), 6579–6585. Rahimi, S., Kathariou, S., Fletcher, O., & Grimes, J. L. (2019). Effect of a direct-fed microbial and prebiotic on performance and intestinal histomorophology of turkey poults challenged with Salmonella and Campylobacter. POULTRY SCIENCE, 98(12), 6572–6578. Evans, C. E., Garlich, J. D., Barasch, I. B., Stark, C. R., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Grimes, J. L. (2019). The Effects of Miscanthus Grass as a Bedding Source and the Dietary Inclusion of Unheated, Low-Trypsin Inhibitor Soybeans on the Performance of Commercial Tom Turkeys Reared to Market Age. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 28(4), 982–996. Bartz, B. M., McIntyre, D. R., & Grimes, J. L. (2018). Effects of Management Related Practices on Turkey Hen Performance Supplemented With Either Original XPC (TM) or AviCare (TM). FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 5. Poole, M. R., Shah, S. B., Grimes, J. L., Boyette, M. D., & Stikeleather, L. F. (2018). Evaluation of a novel, low-cost plastic solar air heater for turkey brooding. Energy for Sustainable Development, 45, 1–10. Poole, M. R., Shah, S. 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