@article{anson_dannels_laboy_carneiro_2016, title={Students' Perceptions of Oral Screencast Responses to Their Writing: Exploring Digitally Mediated Identities}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1552-4574"]}, DOI={10.1177/1050651916636424}, abstractNote={ This study explores the intersections between facework, feedback interventions, and digitally mediated modes of response to student writing. Specifically, the study explores one particular mode of feedback intervention—screencast response to written work—through students’ perceptions of its affordances and through dimensions of its role in the mediation of face and construction of identities. Students found screencast technologies to be helpful to their learning and their interpretation of positive affect from their teachers by facilitating personal connections, creating transparency about the teacher’s evaluative process and identity, revealing the teacher’s feelings, providing visual affirmation, and establishing a conversational tone. The screencast technologies seemed to create an evaluative space in which teachers and students could perform digitally mediated pedagogical identities that were relational, affective, and distinct, allowing students to perceive an individualized instructional process enabled by the response mode. These results suggest that exploring the concept of digitally mediated pedagogical identity, especially through alternative modes of response, can be a useful lens for theoretical and empirical exploration. }, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION}, author={Anson, Chris M. and Dannels, Deanna P. and Laboy, Johanne I. and Carneiro, Larissa}, year={2016}, month={Jul}, pages={378–411} } @article{kosenko_laboy_2014, title={"I Survived": The Content and Forms of Survival Narratives}, volume={19}, ISSN={["1532-5032"]}, DOI={10.1080/15325024.2013.808948}, abstractNote={Individuals impacted by violent crime are at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder and other comorbid conditions. Screening and early intervention are key to the detection and treatment of these consequences of victimization. A growing literature points to the diagnostic power of narratives; however, little is known about the narratives produced by survivors. This study assessed the content and forms of narratives told by survivors of violent crime. In our sample, narratives of growth and optimism, grief and loss, providence, self-reliance, and justice were common. These narratives also featured common lexical properties. The discussion articulates possible explanations for these findings.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF LOSS & TRAUMA}, author={Kosenko, Kami and Laboy, Johanne}, year={2014}, pages={497–513} } @article{stein_ware_laboy_schaffer_2013, title={Improving K-12 pedagogy via a Cloud designed for education}, volume={33}, ISSN={["0268-4012"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2012.07.009}, abstractNote={Cloud computing offers an opportunity to improve K-12 pedagogy with services tailored to teachers' needs in individual classrooms. The Cloud can deliver services such as remote access to learning tools in a cost effective manner to school systems struggling with reductions in local and state funding. This article explores the distinct ways that a Cloud designed specifically for education can be applied to K-12 education's academic mission. It uses observations from a case study in North Carolina rural high schools using an educational Cloud called the Virtual Computing Lab to access dynamic geometry and algebra software.}, number={1}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT}, author={Stein, Sarah and Ware, Jennifer and Laboy, Johanne and Schaffer, Henry E.}, year={2013}, month={Feb}, pages={235–241} }