@article{pearson_martin_stewart-ginsburg_malone_manns_johnson_macko_rivera_lewis_green_et al._2024, title={Analyzing Community-Based Support Requests Made by Black Families Raising Autistic Children}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1573-3432"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-024-06539-4}, DOI={10.1007/s10803-024-06539-4}, abstractNote={Black families experience additional barriers to accessing autism-related supports compared to White families. Community organizations can help mitigate the negative impact of systemic inequities and lack of support that Black caregivers of autistic family members experience. Little is known about the types of support Black families seek from these organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the support needs of Black families raising autistic children as evidenced by communication patterns in a community-based statewide autism organization. Our research questions were: (1) What are the autism-related support needs of Black families raising autistic children; and (2) How do familial demographics influence these support needs?}, journal={JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS}, author={Pearson, Jamie N. and Martin, DeVoshia L. Mason and Stewart-Ginsburg, Jared H. and Malone, Kayla M. and Manns, Lonnie D. and Johnson, Janelle A. and Macko, Jennifer and Rivera, Amelia D. and Lewis, Jetta and Green, Keshia and et al.}, year={2024}, month={Sep} }