@article{kouprianov_selmek_ferguson_mo_shive_2022, title={brca2-mutant zebrafish exhibit context- and tissue-dependent alterations in cell phenotypes and response to injury}, volume={12}, ISSN={["2045-2322"]}, DOI={10.1038/s41598-022-04878-9}, abstractNote={AbstractCancer cells frequently co-opt molecular programs that are normally activated in specific contexts, such as embryonic development and the response to injury. Determining the impact of cancer-associated mutations on cellular phenotypes within these discrete contexts can provide new insight into how such mutations lead to dysregulated cell behaviors and subsequent cancer onset. Here we assess the impact of heritable BRCA2 mutation on embryonic development and the injury response using a zebrafish model (Danio rerio). Unlike most mouse models for BRCA2 mutation, brca2-mutant zebrafish are fully viable and thus provide a unique tool for assessing both embryonic and adult phenotypes. We find that maternally provided brca2 is critical for normal oocyte development and embryonic survival in zebrafish, suggesting that embryonic lethality associated with BRCA2 mutation is likely to reflect defects in both meiotic and embryonic developmental programs. On the other hand, we find that adult brca2-mutant zebrafish exhibit aberrant proliferation of several cell types under basal conditions and in response to injury in tissues at high risk for cancer development. These divergent effects exemplify the often-paradoxical outcomes that occur in embryos (embryonic lethality) versus adult animals (cancer predisposition) with mutations in cancer susceptibility genes such as BRCA2. The altered cell behaviors identified in brca2-mutant embryonic and adult tissues, particularly in adult tissues at high risk for cancer, indicate that the effects of BRCA2 mutation on cellular phenotypes are both context- and tissue-dependent.}, number={1}, journal={SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, author={Kouprianov, Vassili A. and Selmek, Aubrie A. and Ferguson, Jordan L. and Mo, Xiaokui and Shive, Heather R.}, year={2022}, month={Jan} } @article{mensah_ferguson_shive_2019, title={Genotypic and Phenotypic Variables Affect Meiotic Cell Cycle Progression, Tumor Ploidy, and Cancer-Associated Mortality in a brca2-Mutant Zebrafish Model}, volume={2019}, ISSN={["1687-8469"]}, DOI={10.1155/2019/9218251}, abstractNote={Successful cell replication requires both cell cycle completion and accurate chromosomal segregation. The tumor suppressor BRCA2 is positioned to influence both of these outcomes, and thereby influence genomic integrity, during meiotic and mitotic cell cycles. Accordingly, mutations in BRCA2 induce chromosomal abnormalities and disrupt cell cycle progression in both germ cells and somatic cells. Despite these findings, aneuploidy is not more prevalent in BRCA2-associated versus non-BRCA2-associated human cancers. More puzzlingly, diploidy in BRCA2-associated cancers is a negative prognostic factor, unlike non-BRCA2-associated cancers and many other human cancers. We used a brca2-mutant/tp53-mutant cancer-prone zebrafish model to explore the impact of BRCA2 mutation on cell cycle progression, ploidy, and cancer-associated mortality by performing DNA content/cell cycle analysis on zebrafish germ cells, somatic cells, and cancer cells. First, we determined that combined brca2/tp53 mutations uniquely disrupt meiotic progression. Second, we determined that sex significantly influences ploidy outcome in zebrafish cancers. Third, we determined that brca2 mutation and female sex each significantly reduce survival time in cancer-bearing zebrafish. Finally, we provide evidence to support a link between BRCA2 mutation, tumor diploidy, and poor survival outcome. These outcomes underscore the utility of this model for studying BRCA2-associated genomic aberrations in normal and cancer cells.}, journal={JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY}, author={Mensah, L. and Ferguson, J. L. and Shive, H. R.}, year={2019} } @article{ferguson_shive_2019, title={Sequential Immunofluorescence and Immunohistochemistry on Cryosectioned Zebrafish Embryos}, ISSN={["1940-087X"]}, DOI={10.3791/59344}, abstractNote={Investigation of intercellular interactions often requires discrete labeling of specific cell populations and precise protein localization. The zebrafish embryo is an excellent tool for examining such interactions with an in vivo model. Whole-mount immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence assays are frequently applied in zebrafish embryos to assess protein expression. However, it can be difficult to achieve accurate mapping of co-localized proteins in three-dimensional space. In addition, some studies may require the use of two antibodies that are not compatible with the same technique (e.g., antibody 1 is only suitable for immunohistochemistry and antibody 2 is only suitable for immunofluorescence). The purpose of the method described herein is to perform sequential immunofluorescence and/or immunohistochemistry on individual cryosections derived from early-stage zebrafish embryos. Here we describe the use of sequential rounds of immunofluorescence, imaging, immunohistochemistry, imaging for a single cryosection in order to achieve precise identification of protein expression at the single-cell level. This methodology is suitable for any study in early-stage zebrafish embryos that requires accurate identification of multiple protein targets in individual cells.}, number={147}, journal={JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS}, author={Ferguson, Jordan L. and Shive, Heather R.}, year={2019}, month={May} }