@article{ihrie_duke_shipkowski_you_lee_taylor-just_bonner_2021, title={STAT6-dependent exacerbation of house dust mite-induced allergic airway disease in mice by multi-walled carbon nanotubes}, volume={22}, ISSN={["2452-0748"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.impact.2021.100309}, abstractNote={There is increasing evidence that inhaled multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can have harmful effects on the respiratory system. Rodent studies suggest that individuals with asthma may be susceptible to the adverse pulmonary effects of MWCNTs. Asthma is an allergic lung disease characterized by a T H 2 immune response that results in chronic airway disease characterized by eosinophilic lung inflammation, airway mucous cell metaplasia, and airway fibrosis. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6) is a transcription factor with multiple roles in T H 2 type inflammation. Herein we sought to examine the role of STAT6 in the exacerbation of house dust mite (HDM) allergen-induced allergic airway disease by MWCNTs. Male wild type (WT) and STAT6 knockout (Stat6 KO) mice were dosed via intranasal aspiration on days 0, 2, 4, 14, 16 and 18 with either vehicle, HDM extract, MWCNTs, or a combination of HDM and MWCNTs. Necropsy was performed on day 21 to collect bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), serum and lung tissue. MWCNTs exacerbated HDM-induced allergic endpoints, including eosinophilic lung inflammation, mucous cell metaplasia, and serum IgE levels. HDM-induced eosinophilic lung inflammation, mucous cell metaplasia, and serum IgE and exacerbation of these endpoints by MWCNTs were ablated in Stat6 KO mice. In addition, airway fibrosis was significantly increased by the combination of HDM and MWCNTs in WT mice but not in Stat6 KO mice. These findings provide new mechanistic insight by demonstrating a requirement for STAT6 in MWCNT-induced exacerbation of allergic respiratory disease.}, journal={NANOIMPACT}, author={Ihrie, Mark D. and Duke, Katherine S. and Shipkowski, Kelly A. and You, Dorothy J. and Lee, Ho Young and Taylor-Just, Alexia J. and Bonner, James C.}, year={2021}, month={Apr} } @article{duke_thompson_ihrie_taylor-just_ash_shipkowski_hall_tokarz_cesta_hubbs_et al._2018, title={Role of p53 in the chronic pulmonary immune response to tangled or rod-like multi-walled carbon nanotubes}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1743-5404"]}, DOI={10.1080/17435390.2018.1502830}, abstractNote={Abstract The fiber-like shape of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) is reminiscent of asbestos, suggesting they pose similar health hazards when inhaled, including pulmonary fibrosis and mesothelioma. Mice deficient in the tumor suppressor p53 are susceptible to carcinogenesis. However, the chronic pathologic effect of MWCNTs delivered to the lungs of p53 heterozygous (p53+/−) mice has not been investigated. We hypothesized that p53+/− mice would be susceptible to lung tumor development after exposure to either tangled (t-) or rod-like (r-) MWCNTs. Wild-type (p53+/+) or p53+/− mice were exposed to MWCNTs (1 mg/kg) via oropharyngeal aspiration weekly over four consecutive weeks and evaluated for cellular and pathologic outcomes 11-months post-initial exposure. No lung or pleural tumors were observed in p53+/+ or p53+/− mice exposed to either t- or rMWCNTs. In comparison to tMWCNTs, the rMWCNTs induced the formation of larger granulomas, a greater number of lymphoid aggregates and greater epithelial cell hyperplasia in terminal bronchioles in both p53+/− and p53+/+ mice. A constitutively larger area of CD45R+/CD3+ lymphoid tissue was observed in p53+/− mice compared to p53+/+ mice. Importantly, p53+/− mice had larger granulomas induced by rMWCNTs as compared to p53+/+ mice. These findings indicate that a combination of p53 deficiency and physicochemical characteristics including nanotube geometry are factors in susceptibility to MWCNT-induced lymphoid infiltration and granuloma formation.}, number={9}, journal={NANOTOXICOLOGY}, author={Duke, Katherine S. and Thompson, Elizabeth A. and Ihrie, Mark D. and Taylor-Just, Alexia J. and Ash, Elizabeth A. and Shipkowski, Kelly A. and Hall, Jonathan R. and Tokarz, Debra A. and Cesta, Mark F. and Hubbs, Ann F. and et al.}, year={2018}, month={Oct}, pages={975–991} } @article{duke_taylor-just_ihrie_shipkowski_thompson_dandley_parsons_bonner_2017, title={STAT1-dependent and -independent pulmonary allergic and fibrogenic responses in mice after exposure to tangled versus rod-like multi-walled carbon nanotubes}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1743-8977"]}, DOI={10.1186/s12989-017-0207-3}, abstractNote={Pulmonary toxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) is influenced by physicochemical characteristics and genetic susceptibility. We hypothesized that contrasting rigidities of tangled (t) versus rod-like (r) MWCNTs would result in differing immunologic or fibrogenic responses in mice and that these responses would be exaggerated in transgenic mice lacking the signal transducer and activator of transcription-1 (STAT1), a susceptible mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis. Male wild type (Stat1 +/+ ) and STAT1-deficient (Stat1 −/− ) mice were exposed to 4 mg/kg tMWCNTs, rMWCNTs, or vehicle alone via oropharyngeal aspiration and evaluated for inflammation at one and 21 days post-exposure via histopathology, differential cell counts, and cytokine levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Granuloma formation, mucous cell metaplasia, and airway fibrosis were evaluated by quantitative morphometry. Airway epithelial cell proliferation was assessed by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation. Cytokine protein levels in BALF and serum IgE levels were measured by ELISA. Lung protein Smad2/3 levels and activation were measured by Western blot. Lung mRNAs were measured by PCR. There was a 7-fold difference in rigidity between tMWCNTs and rMWCNTs as determined by static bending ratio. Both MWCNT types resulted in acute inflammation (neutrophils in BALF) after one-day post-exposure, yet only rMWCNTs resulted in chronic inflammation at 21 days as indicated by neutrophil influx and larger granulomas. Both MWCNTs induced BrdU uptake in airway epithelial cells, with the greatest proliferative response observed in rMWCNT-exposed mice after one-day. Only rMWCNTs induced mucous cell metaplasia, but this index was not different between genotypes. Stat1 −/− mice had higher levels of baseline serum IgE than Stat1 +/+ mice. Greater airway fibrosis was observed with rMWCNTs compared to tMWCNTs, and exaggerated airway fibrosis was seen in the Stat1 −/− mouse lungs with rMWCNTs but not tMWCNTs. Increased fibrosis correlated with elevated levels of TGF-β1 protein levels in the BALF of Stat1 −/− mice exposed to rMWCNTs and increased lung Smad2/3 phosphorylation. Rigidity plays a key role in the toxicity of MWCNTs and results in increased inflammatory, immunologic, and fibrogenic effects in the lung. STAT1 is an important protective factor in the fibroproliferative response to rMWCNTs, regulating both induced TGF-β1 production and Smad2/3 phosphorylation status. Therefore, both rigidity and genetic susceptibility should be major considerations for risk assessment of MWCNTs.}, journal={PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY}, author={Duke, Katherine S. and Taylor-Just, Alexia J. and Ihrie, Mark D. and Shipkowski, Kelly A. and Thompson, Elizabeth A. and Dandley, Erinn C. and Parsons, Gregory N. and Bonner, James C.}, year={2017}, month={Jul} } @article{shipkowski_taylor_thompson_glista-baker_sayers_messenger_bauer_jaspers_bonner_2015, title={An allergic lung microenvironment suppresses carbon nanotube-induced inflammasome activation via STAT6-dependent inhibition of caspase-1}, volume={10}, number={6}, journal={PLoS One}, author={Shipkowski, K. A. and Taylor, A. J. and Thompson, E. A. and Glista-Baker, E. E. and Sayers, B. C. and Messenger, Z. J. and Bauer, R. N. and Jaspers, I. and Bonner, J. C.}, year={2015} } @article{dandley_taylor_duke_ihrie_shipkowski_parsons_bonner_2016, title={Atomic layer deposition coating of carbon nanotubes with zinc oxide causes acute phase immune responses in human monocytes in vitro and in mice after pulmonary exposure}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1743-8977"]}, url={http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000378430800002&KeyUID=WOS:000378430800002}, DOI={10.1186/s12989-016-0141-9}, abstractNote={Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a method for applying conformal nanoscale coatings on three-dimensional structures. We hypothesized that surface functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with polycrystalline ZnO by ALD would alter pro-inflammatory cytokine expression by human monocytes in vitro and modulate the lung and systemic immune response following oropharyngeal aspiration in mice. Pristine (U-MWCNTs) were coated with alternating doses of diethyl zinc and water over increasing ALD cycles (10 to 100 ALD cycles) to yield conformal ZnO-coated MWCNTs (Z-MWCNTs). Human THP-1 monocytic cells were exposed to U-MWCNTs or Z-MWCNTs in vitro and cytokine mRNAs measured by Taqman real-time RT-PCR. Male C57BL6 mice were exposed to U- or Z-MWCNTs by oropharyngeal aspiration (OPA) and lung inflammation evaluated at one day post-exposure by histopathology, cytokine expression and differential counting of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cells. Lung fibrosis was evaluated at 28 days. Cytokine mRNAs (IL-6, IL-1β, CXCL10, TNF-α) in lung, heart, spleen, and liver were quantified at one and 28 days. DNA synthesis in lung tissue was measured by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) uptake. ALD resulted in a conformal coating of MWCNTs with ZnO that increased proportionally to the number of coating cycles. Z-MWCNTs released Zn+2 ions in media and increased IL-6, IL-1β, CXCL10, and TNF-α mRNAs in THP-1 cells in vitro. Mice exposed to Z-MWCNTs by OPA had exaggerated lung inflammation and a 3-fold increase in monocytes and neutrophils in BALF compared to U-MWCNTs. Z-MWCNTs, but not U-MWCNTs, induced IL-6 and CXCL10 mRNA and protein in the lungs of mice and increased IL-6 mRNA in heart and liver. U-MWCNTs but not Z-MWCNTs stimulated airway epithelial DNA synthesis in vivo. Lung fibrosis at 28 days was not significantly different between mice treated with U-MWCNT or Z-MWCNT. Pulmonary exposure to ZnO-coated MWCNTs produces a systemic acute phase response that involves the release of Zn+2, lung epithelial growth arrest, and increased IL-6. ALD functionalization with ZnO generates MWCNTs that possess increased risk for human exposure.}, journal={PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY}, author={Dandley, Erinn C. and Taylor, Alexia J. and Duke, Katherine S. and Ihrie, Mark D. and Shipkowski, Kelly A. and Parsons, Gregory N. and Bonner, James C.}, year={2016}, month={Jun} } @article{thompson_sayers_glista-baker_shipkowski_ihrie_duke_taylor_bonner_2015, title={Role of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 1 in Murine Allergen-Induced Airway Remodeling and Exacerbation by Carbon Nanotubes}, volume={53}, ISSN={["1535-4989"]}, DOI={10.1165/rcmb.2014-0221oc}, abstractNote={Asthma is characterized by a T helper type 2 phenotype and by chronic allergen-induced airway inflammation (AAI). Environmental exposure to air pollution ultrafine particles (i.e., nanoparticles) exacerbates AAI, and a concern is possible exacerbation posed by engineered nanoparticles generated by emerging nanotechnologies. Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1 is a transcription factor that maintains T helper type 1 cell development. However, the role of STAT1 in regulating AAI or exacerbation by nanoparticles has not been explored. In this study, mice with whole-body knockout of the Stat1 gene (Stat1(-/-)) or wild-type (WT) mice were sensitized to ovalbumin (OVA) allergen and then exposed to multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by oropharygneal aspiration. In Stat1(-/-) and WT mice, OVA increased eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, whereas MWCNTs increased neutrophils. Interestingly, OVA sensitization prevented MWCNT-induced neutrophilia and caused only eosinophilic inflammation. Stat1(-/-) mice displayed increased IL-13 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid at 1 day compared with WT mice after treatment with OVA or OVA and MWCNTs. At 21 days, the lungs of OVA-sensitized Stat1(-/-) mice displayed increased eosinophilia, goblet cell hyperplasia, airway fibrosis, and subepithelial apoptosis. MWCNTs further increased OVA-induced goblet cell hyperplasia, airway fibrosis, and apoptosis in Stat1(-/-) mice at 21 days. These changes corresponded to increased levels of profibrogenic mediators (transforming growth factor-β1, TNF-α, osteopontin) but decreased IL-10 in Stat1(-/-) mice. Finally, fibroblasts isolated from the lungs of Stat1(-/-) mice produced significantly more collagen mRNA and protein in response to transforming growth factor-β1 compared with WT lung fibroblasts. Our results support a protective role for STAT1 in chronic AAI and exacerbation of remodeling caused by MWCNTs.}, number={5}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY}, author={Thompson, Elizabeth A. and Sayers, Brian C. and Glista-Baker, Ellen E. and Shipkowski, Kelly A. and Ihrie, Mark D. and Duke, Katherine S. and Taylor, Alexia J. and Bonner, James C.}, year={2015}, month={Nov}, pages={625–636} } @article{taylor_mcclure_shipkowski_thompson_hussain_garantziotis_parsons_bonner_2014, title={Atomic Layer Deposition Coating of Carbon Nanotubes with Aluminum Oxide Alters Pro-Fibrogenic Cytokine Expression by Human Mononuclear Phagocytes In Vitro and Reduces Lung Fibrosis in Mice In Vivo}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1932-6203"]}, url={http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000341774300028&KeyUID=WOS:000341774300028}, DOI={10.1371/journal.pone.0106870}, abstractNote={Background Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) pose a possible human health risk for lung disease as a result of inhalation exposure. Mice exposed to MWCNTs develop pulmonary fibrosis. Lung macrophages engulf MWCNTs and produce pro-fibrogenic cytokines including interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and osteopontin (OPN). Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a novel process used to enhance functional properties of MWCNTs, yet the consequence of ALD-modified MWCNTs on macrophage biology and fibrosis is unknown. Methods The purpose of this study was to determine whether ALD coating with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) would alter the fibrogenic response to MWCNTs and whether cytokine expression in human macrophage/monocytes exposed to MWCNTs in vitro would predict the severity of lung fibrosis in mice. Uncoated (U)-MWCNTs or ALD-coated (A)-MWCNTs were incubated with THP-1 macrophages or human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and cell supernatants assayed for cytokines by ELISA. C57BL6 mice were exposed to a single dose of A- or U-MWCNTs by oropharyngeal aspiration (4 mg/kg) followed by evaluation of histopathology, lung inflammatory cell counts, and cytokine levels at day 1 and 28 post-exposure. Results ALD coating of MWCNTs with Al2O3 enhanced IL-1β secretion by THP-1 and PBMC in vitro, yet reduced protein levels of IL-6, TNF-α, and OPN production by THP-1 cells. Moreover, Al2O3 nanoparticles, but not carbon black NPs, increased IL-1β but decreased OPN and IL-6 in THP-1 and PBMC. Mice exposed to U-MWCNT had increased levels of all four cytokines assayed and developed pulmonary fibrosis by 28 days, whereas ALD-coating significantly reduced fibrosis and cytokine levels at the mRNA or protein level. Conclusion These findings indicate that ALD thin film coating of MWCNTs with Al2O3 reduces fibrosis in mice and that in vitro phagocyte expression of IL-6, TNF-α, and OPN, but not IL-1β, predict MWCNT-induced fibrosis in the lungs of mice in vivo.}, number={9}, journal={PLOS ONE}, author={Taylor, Alexia J. and McClure, Christina D. and Shipkowski, Kelly A. and Thompson, Elizabeth A. and Hussain, Salik and Garantziotis, Stavros and Parsons, Gregory N. and Bonner, James C.}, year={2014}, month={Sep} }