@article{ideus_jones_nieuwsma_refvem_bordewieck_2024, title={Designing Lesson Plans with New Content Knowledge: The Intersection of Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge}, volume={5}, ISSN={["1573-1847"]}, DOI={10.1080/1046560X.2024.2348262}, abstractNote={Although teachers' instruction has been extensively studied, there is a dearth of research investigating how teachers design lessons and integrate new information into their existing lessons. This study utilized a case study approach to examine how teachers engaged in a nanoscale science professional development experience integrated new science content into their lesson plans. Five experienced science teachers were tracked as they conducted science research and developed new lessons that integrated their research into their science instruction. The findings showed that these teachers had to cross borders between science and education to design lessons, and three priorities framed their lesson planning processes: understandability, engaging students, and relevant real-world applications. For teachers whose students were assessed with end-of-grade high-takes testing, fitting the new information into the tested material was essential. The study provides insight into this border-crossing process and has implications for the design of programs that implement research experiences for teachers.}, journal={JOURNAL OF SCIENCE TEACHER EDUCATION}, author={Ideus, Kimberly L. and Jones, M. Gail and Nieuwsma, Julianna and Refvem, Emma and Bordewieck, Kathleen}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{ward_jones_nieuwsma_bordewieck_ideus_2023, title={Scientists' choice of visual displays in climate change outreach: an exploratory study}, volume={9}, ISSN={["2154-8463"]}, DOI={10.1080/21548455.2023.2261156}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTVisual displays are important components of scientists' public outreach about climate change, yet little is known about how and why scientists choose visual displays. This descriptive, exploratory study sought insight to understand the factors that drive scientists' decisions about their choice of visual displays for public outreach and education. Interviews were conducted with eleven scientists who have given talks on climate change. During the interviews, the scientists were prompted, from a predefined list of 25 visual displays, to choose the five they would be most likely to use in a climate change talk and to explain their choices. Findings revealed that while scientists' visual display choices differed, they had similar reasons that converged on bringing climate change psychologically closer to their audiences. Over half of the visual displays selected depicted geographically proximal information, and over half of participants selected a visual display because it communicated climate change certainty. Participants' descriptions of how they would use selected visual displays included references to direct impacts their audiences already had or would experience. This study provides insights into the current context of climate change outreach among practicing scientists and their perceptions about the role that visual displays play in this public educational process.KEYWORDS: Climate changevisualspublic outreach AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge the participants of this study and the creators of the visual displays used in this study, without whom this research would not be possible.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Ethics statementThis study was approved by North Carolina State University's Institutional Review Board (eIRB #24693).}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION PART B-COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT}, author={Ward, Rebecca V. and Jones, M. Gail and Nieuwsma, Julianna and Bordewieck, Kathleen and Ideus, Kimberly L.}, year={2023}, month={Sep} }