Laura Tateosian Saffer, A., Tateosian, L., Saville, A. C., Yang, Y.-P., & Ristaino, J. B. (2024). Reconstructing historic and modern potato late blight outbreaks using text analytics. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 14(1). White, C. T., Petrasova, A., Petras, V., Tateosian, L. G., Vukomanovic, J., Mitasova, H., & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2023). An open-source platform for geospatial participatory modeling in the cloud. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 167. Vivek Nanda, V. M., Baran, P., Tateosian, L., Nelson, S. A. C., & Hu, J. (2023). Classification of tree forms in aerial LiDAR point clouds using CNN for 3D tree modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(22), 7156–7186. Schrum, P. T., Jr., Jameson, C. D., Tateosian, L. G., Blank, G. B., Wegmann, K. W., & Nelson, S. A. C. (2023). Curvature Weighted Decimation: A Novel, Curvature-Based Approach to Improved Lidar Point Decimation of Terrain Surfaces. Geomatics, 3(1), 266–289. 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(2020). A Review of Geospatial Content in IEEE Visualization Publications. 2020 IEEE VISUALIZATION CONFERENCE - SHORT PAPERS (VIS 2020), pp. 51–55. Yoshizumi, A., Coffer, M., Collins, E., Gaines, M., Gao, X., Jones, K., … Tateosian, L. (2020). A Review of Geospatial Content in IEEE Visualization Publications. Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2020. Presented at the 2020 IEEE Visualization Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Vivek Nanda, V. M., Tateosian, L., & Baran, P. (2020). GIS-Based Estimation of Seasonal Solar Energy Potential for Parking Lots and Roads. IEEE Greentech Conference Proceedings. Presented at the 2020 IEEE Green Technologies Conference, Okalahoma City, OK. Tateosian, L., Glatz, M., & Shukunobe, M. (2020). Story-telling maps generated from semantic representations of events. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 39(4), 391–413. Kozik, P., Tateosian, L. G., Healey, C. G., & Enns, J. T. (2019). Impressionism-Inspired Data Visualizations Are Both Functional and Liked. PSYCHOLOGY OF AESTHETICS CREATIVITY AND THE ARTS, 13(3), 266–276. Tateosian, L., & Tabrizian, P. (2017). Blending tools for a Smooth Introduction to 3D Geovisualization. Pedagogy of Data Visualization Workshop (PDVW). Presented at the IEEE VIS: Visualization & Visual Analytics, Phoenix, AZ. Walden-Schreiner, C., Leung, Y.-F., & Tateosian, L. (2018). Digital footprints: Incorporating crowdsourced geographic information for protected area management. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, 90, 44–54. Tateosian, L. G., Glatz, M., Shukunobe, M., & Chopra, P. (2017). GazeGIS: A Gaze-Based Reading and Dynamic Geographic Information System. EYE TRACKING AND VISUALIZATION: FOUNDATIONS, TECHNIQUES, AND APPLICATIONS, ETVIS 2015, pp. 129–147. Tateosian, L. (2015). Python for ArcGIS. Hardin, E., Mitasova, H., Tateosian, L., & Overton, M. (2014). GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series. Tateosian, L., Mitasova, H., Thakur, S., Hardin, E., Russ, E., & Blundell, B. (2014). 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