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Electrochemical characterization of Geobacter sulfurreducens cells immobilized on graphite paper electrodes. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99(5), 1065–1073. Fidaleo, M., & Flickinger, M. C. Engineering and modeling of thin, adhesive, microbial biocatalytic coatings for high intensity oxidations in multi-phase microchannel bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Science, 66(14), 3251–3257. Lyngberg, O. K., Ng, C. P., Thiagarajan, V., Scriven, L. E., & Flickinger, M. C. Engineering the microstructure and permeability of thin multilayer latex biocatalytic coatings containing E. coli. Biotechnology Progress, 17(6), 1169–1179. Chiang, L. C., Hsiao, H. Y., Flickinger, M. C., Chen, L. F., & Tsao, G. T. Ethanol production from pentoses by immobilized microorganisms. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 4(2), 93–95. Flickinger, M. C., Goebel, N. K., Bibila, T., & Boyce-Jacino, S. Evidence for posttranscriptional stimulation of monoclonal antibody secretion by L-glutamine during slow hybridoma growth. Journal of Biotechnology, 22(3), 201–226. Mullick, A., & Flickinger, M. C. Expanded bed adsorption of human serum albumin from very dense Saccharomyces cerevisiae suspensions on fluoride-modified zirconia. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 65(3), 282–290. Ladisch, M. R., Flickinger, M. C., & Tsao, G. T. Fuels and chemicals from biomass. Energy (Oxford, England), 4(2), 263–275. Cue, D., Lam, H., Dillingham, R. L., Hanson, R. S., & Flickinger, M. C. Genetic manipulation of Bacillus methanolicus, a gram-positive, thermotolerant methylotroph. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 63(4), 1406–1420. Komives, C. F., Cheung, L. Y.-Y., Pluschkell, S. B., & Flickinger, M. C. Growth of Bacillus methanolicus in seawater-based media. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 32(2), 61–66. Rao, B. M., Driver, I., Lauffenburger, D. A., & Wittrup, K. D. High-affinity CD25-binding IL-2 mutants potently stimulate persistent T Cell growth. Biochemistry, 44(31), 10696–10701. Gosse, J. L., Engel, B. J., Rey, F. E., Harwood, C. S., Scriven, L. E., & Flickinger, M. C. Hydrogen production by photoreactive nanoporous latex coatings of nongrowing Rhodo-pseudomonas palustris CGA009. Biotechnology Progress, 23(1), 124–130. Pluschkell, S. B., & Flickinger, M. C. Improved methods for investigating the external redox potential in hybridoma cell culture. Cytotechnology, 19(1), 11–26. August, P. R., Rahn, J. A., Flickinger, M. C., & Sherman, D. H. Inducible synthesis of the Mitomycin C resistance gene product (MCRA) from Streptomyces lavendulae. Gene, 175(1/2), 261–267. Martinez, M. B., Schendel, F. J., Flickinger, M. C., & Nelsestuen, G. L. Kinetic properties of enzyme populations in vivo: alkaline phosphatase of the Escherichia coli periplasm. Biochemistry, 31(46), 11500–11509. Emerson, R. R., Flickinger, M. C., & Tsao, G. T. Kinetics of dehydration of aqueous 2,3-butanediol to methyl ethyl ketone. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development, 21(3), 473–477. Lee, S. M., Gustafson, M. E., Pickle, D. J., Flickinger, M. C., Muschik, G. M., & Morgan, A. C., Jr. Large-scale purification of a murine antimelanoma monoclonal antibody. Journal of Biotechnology, 4(4), 189–204. Lee, G. H., Hur, W., Bremmon, C. E., & Flickinger, M. C. Lysine production from methanol at 50 degrees C using Bacillus methanolicus: Modeling volume control, lysine concentration, and productivity using a three-phase continuous simulation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 49(6), 639–653. Flickinger, M. C., Mullick, A., & Ollis, D. F. Method for construction of a aimple laboratory-scale nonwoven filament biocatalytic filter. Biotechnology Progress, 14(4), 664–666. Huang, Z., Thiagarajan, V. S., Lyngberg, O. K., Scriven, L. E., & Flickinger, M. C. Microstructure evolution in polymer latex coatings for whole-cell biocatalyst application. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 215(2), 226–243. Thiagarajan, V. S., Huang, Z., Scriven, L. E., Schottel, J. L., & Flickinger, M. C. Microstructure of a biocatalytic latex coating containing viable Escherichia coli cells. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 215(2), 244–257. Flickinger, M. C., Jansen, N. B., & Forrest, E. H. Mobile self-contained off-gas analysis units for fermentation pilot plants. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 22(6), 1279–1276. Mota, M., Yelshin, A., Fidaleo, M., & Flickinger, M. C. Modelling diffusivity in porous polymeric membranes with an intermediate layer containing microbial cells. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 37(3), 285–293. Anderson, C. R., & Flickinger, M. C. Monitoring growth and acetic acid secretion by a thermotolerant Bacillus using conduction microcalorimetry. Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 12(2), 114–120. Williams, M. D., Fuchs, J. A., & Flickinger, M. C. Null mutation in the stringent starvation protein of Escherichia coli disrupts lytic development of bacteriophage P1. Gene, 109(1), 21–30. Jakobsen, O. M., Brautaset, T., Degnes, K. F., Heggeset, T. M. B., Balzer, S., Flickinger, M. C., … Ellingsen, T. E. Overexpression of wild-type aspartokinase increases L-lysine production in the thermotolerant methylotrophic bacterium Bacillus methanolicus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(3), 652–661. Flickinger, M. C., Schottel, J. L., Bond, D. R., Aksan, A., & Scriven, L. E. Painting and printing living bacteria: Engineering nanoporous biocatalytic coatings to preserve microbial viability and intensify reactivity. Biotechnology Progress, 23(1), 2–17. Lyngberg, O. K., Solheid, C., Charaniya, S., Ma, Y., Thiagarajan, V., Scriven, L. E., & Flickinger, M. C. Permeability and reactivity of Thermotoga maritima in latex bimodal blend coatings at 80 degrees C: a model high temperature biocatalytic coating. Extremophiles, 9(3), 197–207. Flickinger, M. C., & Sansone, E. B. Pilot- and production-scale containment of cytotoxic and oncogenic fermentation processes. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 26(8), 860–870. Brautaset, T., Jakobsen, O. M., Flickinger, M. C., Valla, S., & Ellingsen, T. E. Plasmid-dependent methylotrophy in thermotolerant Bacillus methanolicus. Journal of Bacteriology, 186(5), 1229–1238. Lorenzano-Porras, C. F., Annen, M. J., Flickinger, M. C., Carr, P. W., & McCormick, A. V. Pore structure and diffusion tortuosity of porous ZrO2 synthesized by two different colloid-aggregation processes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 170(2), 299–307. Karl, D. W., Magnusson, J. C., Carr, P. W., & Flickinger, M. C. Preliminary assessment of removal of pyrogenic lipopolysaccharides with colloidal zirconia adsorbents. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 13(9), 708–715. Jansen, N. B., Flickinger, M. C., & Tsao, G. T. Production of 2,3-butanediol from D-xylose by Klebsiella oxytoca ATCC 8724. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 26(4), 362–368. Gosse, J. L., Engel, B. J., Hui, J. C. H., Harwood, C. S., & Flickinger, M. C. Progress toward a biomimetic leaf: 4,000 h of hydrogen production by coating-stabilized Nongrowing Photosynthetic Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Biotechnology Progress, 26(4), 907–918. Flickinger, M. C., & Tsao, G. T. Rapid analytical extraction of volatile fermentation products. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 21(10), 1881–1883. Martinez, M. B., Flickinger, M., Higgins, L., Krick, T., & Nelsestuen, G. L. Reduced outer membrane permeability of escherichia coli O157:H7: Suggested role of modified outer membrane porins and theoretical function in resistance to antimicrobial agents. Biochemistry, 40(40), 11965–11974. Brautaset, T., Williams, M. D., Dillingham, R. D., Kaufmann, C., Bennaars, A., Crabbe, E., & Flickinger, M. C. Role of the Bacillus methanolicus citrate synthase II gene, citY, in regulating the secretion of glutamate in L-lysine-secreting mutants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69(7), 3986–3995. Schottel, J. L., Orwin, P. M., Anderson, C. R., & Flickinger, M. C. Spatial expression of a mercury-inducible green fluorescent protein within a nanoporous latex-based biosensor coating. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 35(4), 283–290. Williams, M. D., Ouyang, T. X., & Flickinger, M. C. Starvation-induced expression of SspA and SspB: the effects of a null mutation in sspA on Escherichia coli protein synthesis and survival during growth and prolonged starvation. Molecular Microbiology, 11(6), 1039–1043. Martinez, M. B., Flickinger, M. C., & Nelsestuen, G. L. Steady-state enzyme kinetics in the Escherichia coli periplasm: a model of a whole cell biocatalyst. Journal of Biotechnology, 71(1-3), 59–66. Flickinger, M. C., Greenstein, M., Bremmon, C., & Conlin, J. Strain selection, medium development and scale-up of toyocamycin production by Streptomyces chrestomyceticus. Bioprocess Engineering, 5(4), 143–153. Flickinger, M. C., & Rouse, M. P. Sustaining protein synthesis in the absence of rapid cell division: An investigation of plasmid-encoded protein expression in Escherichia coli during very slow growth. Biotechnology Progress, 9(6), 555–572. Cannon, J. J., Chen, L. F., Flickinger, M. C., & Tsao, G. T. The development of an immobilized lactate oxidase system for lactic acid analysis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 26(2), 167–173. McNeff, C., Zhao, Q., Almlof, E., Flickinger, M., & Carr, P. W. The efficient removal of endotoxins from insulin using quaternized polyethylenimine-coated porous zirconia. Analytical Biochemistry, 274(2), 181–187. Swope, K., & Flickinger, M. C. The use of confocal scanning laser microscopy and other tools to characterize Escherichia coli in a high-cell-density synthetic biofilm. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 52(2), 340–356. Baskaya, F. S., Zhao, X. Y., Flickinger, M. C., & Wang, P. Thermodynamic feasibility of enzymatic reduction of carbon dioxide to methanol. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 162(2), 391–398. Gosse, J. L., & Flickinger, M. C. Uniform lab-scale biocatalytic nanoporous latex coatings for reactive microorganisms. Methods in Molecular Biology, 743, 213–222. Jakobsen, O. M., Benichou, A., Flickinger, M. C., Valla, S., Ellingsen, T. E., & Brautaset, T. Upregulated transcription of plasmid and chromosomal ribulose monophosphate pathway genes is critical for methanol assimilation rate and methanol tolerance in the methylotrophic bacterium Bacillus methanolicus. Journal of Bacteriology, 188(8), 3063–3072. Bibila, T. A., & Flickinger, M. C. Use of a structured kinetic model of antibody synthesis and secretion for optimization of antibody production systems: I. Steady-state analysis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 39(3), 251–261. Bibila, T. A., & Flickinger, M. C. Use of a structured kinetic model of antibody synthesis and secretion for optimization of antibody production systems: II. Transient analysis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 39(3), 262–272. Yang, X., Oehlert, G. W., & Flickinger, M. C. Use of the weighted jackknife method to calculate the variance in cellular-specific protein secretion rate: application to monoclonal antibody secretion rate kinetics in response to osmotic stress. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 50(2), 184–196.