@article{butcher_rangel_jackson_2024, title={A Descriptive Study of Principal Candidates' Equity-Oriented Work in Their Internships in One Preparation Program in Texas}, ISSN={["1942-7751"]}, DOI={10.1177/19427751241245983}, abstractNote={We examined the equity-oriented leadership experiences of 23 principal interns in one principal preparation program in Texas. Our analysis of interview and internship log data revealed that the principal interns engaged in a range of equity-related work, and they led more of that work than expected. However, their leadership work was concentrated in access and achievement, to the exclusion of power and identity. We offer a window into what principal candidates are—and are not—learning through their internships. We also identify opportunities for future research and how preparation programs and districts can facilitate more equity-oriented work among interns.}, journal={JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON LEADERSHIP EDUCATION}, author={Butcher, Keith A. and Rangel, Virginia Snodgrass and Jackson, Mario}, year={2024}, month={Apr} } @article{jackson_osworth_knight_smith_2024, title={Conceptualizing District COVID-19 Response as a Portal for Increasing Equitable Access}, ISSN={["1744-5043"]}, DOI={10.1080/15700763.2024.2347914}, journal={LEADERSHIP AND POLICY IN SCHOOLS}, author={Jackson, Mario and Osworth, David and Knight, David and Smith, Claudia Saavedra}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{jackson_jackman-ryan_matthews_cadilla_2023, title={Homophobia in Higher Education: Untold Stories From Black Gay Men in Jamaican Universities}, ISSN={["1938-8934"]}, DOI={10.1037/dhe0000470}, journal={JOURNAL OF DIVERSITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION}, author={Jackson, Mario and Jackman-Ryan, Stella and Matthews, Gage and Cadilla, Victor}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @misc{jackson_2023, title={What principals need to know to respond to a crisis}, volume={104}, ISSN={["1940-6487"]}, DOI={10.1177/00317217231156245}, abstractNote={ Principals face unexpected crises, big and small, regularly. Yet, as the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated, they aren’t always prepared for them when they come. Mario Jackson describes some of the challenges principals faced during the pandemic and the specific attributes that helped them manage. Specifically, equity-oriented leadership, crisis communication, and emotional intelligence skills were crucial to leaders during the pandemic. These skills can be beneficial in a variety of crises, and Jackson suggests that principal preparation programs help leaders grow in these areas. }, number={5}, journal={PHI DELTA KAPPAN}, author={Jackson, Mario}, year={2023}, month={Feb}, pages={66–67} }