@article{patino_toomer_vu_oviedo-rondon_mian_frinsko_hall_kelly_mann_joseph_2024, title={Influence of extruded soybean meal with different fat contents and varying oleic acid content on floating fish feed quality and composition}, volume={317}, ISSN={["1873-2216"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2024.116088}, journal={ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, author={Patino, Danny B. and Toomer, Ondulla T. and Vu, Thien C. and Oviedo-Rondon, Edgar O. and Mian, Rouf and Frinsko, Mike and Hall, Steven and Kelly, Ryan and Mann, Jason and Joseph, Michael}, year={2024}, month={Nov} } @misc{toomer_oviedo_ali_patino_joseph_frinsko_vu_maharjan_fallen_mian_2023, title={Current Agronomic Practices, Harvest & Post-Harvest Processing of Soybeans (Glycine max)-A Review}, volume={13}, ISSN={["2073-4395"]}, DOI={10.3390/agronomy13020427}, abstractNote={Globally, soybeans are grown to meet the needs for animal and human nutrition, oil extraction, and use in multiple industrial applications. Decades of soybean research, innovative farming methods, and the use of higher yielding resistant seed varieties have led to increased crop yields. Globally, soybean producers have utilized enhanced processing methods to produce nutritious high-quality meal and extracted oil for use in animal feed and within the food industry. Soybeans contain highly digestible proteins and are processed using various mechanical and chemical techniques to produce high quality animal feed ingredients. Defatted soybean meal (DSM) is usually prepared by the solvent extraction process of soybeans, whereby almost all oil content is removed. When oil is not extracted, full-fat soybean meal (FFSBM) is created. This form provides an excellent source of dietary energy by retaining the lipid component and is very useful in animal feeds by reducing the need for adding exogeneous lipids. However, some anti-nutritional factors (ANF) are present in FFSBM if not properly heat treated before inclusion in the finished feed. These ANF adversely affect the internal organ function and overall growth performance of the animal. Among these ANF, protease inhibitors are most important, but can be readily destroyed with optimal thermal processing. However, if the process protocols are not followed precisely, excessive heat treatment may occur, resulting in both reduced protein quality and amino acid bioavailability in the meal. Conversely, insufficient heat treatment may result in the retention of some ANF in the meal. Thermally resistant ANF can be greatly reduced in the bean and meal when dietary enzyme supplementation is included in the finished feed. This approach is cost-effective and most commonly utilized commercially. After processing, the soybean meal quality is often measured using in vitro methods performed at commercial analytical laboratories to assess the nitrogen solubility index (NSI), protein dispersibility index (PDI), urease activity (UA), and protein solubility in potassium hydroxide. Once properly processed, FFSBM or DSM can be utilized optimally in the diets of poultry and aquaculture to enhance the economic viability, animal nutrition, production performance, and the quality and nutritional value of the meat and/or eggs produced.}, number={2}, journal={AGRONOMY-BASEL}, author={Toomer, Ondulla T. and Oviedo, Edgar O. and Ali, Muhammad and Patino, Danny and Joseph, Michael and Frinsko, Mike and Vu, Thien and Maharjan, Pramir and Fallen, Ben and Mian, Rouf}, year={2023}, month={Feb} } @article{azhdari_pournaki_tavabe_hosseni_bagheri_javanmardi_azhdari_frinsko_2023, title={Effects of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus plantarum probiotics on the Litopenaeus vannamei growth performance, hemolymph factors, and physicochemical parameters}, volume={33}, ISSN={["2352-5134"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.aqrep.2023.101873}, abstractNote={The present study aimed to investigate the effects of two probiotics, namely Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) and Lactobacillus plantarum (RITCC 1273), on the postlarvae of Litopenaeus vannamei (between 0.5 and 1.5 g). Different combinations of B. subtilis and L. plantarum in two concentrations of B. subtilis (B1 (106 CFU.mL−1) and B2 (3 ×106 CFU.mL−1)) and two concentrations of L. plantarum (L1 (105 CFU.mL−1) and L2 (3 ×105 CFU.mL−1)), were added to the water in five treatment groups (T1 = L1 × B2, T2 = L1 × B1, T3 = L2 × B2, T4 = L2 × B1, and Control). The objective was to assess probiotics' impact on hemolymph indices, salinity stress, growth rate, and productive parameters of Litopenaeus vannamei. After farming shrimps for 60 days under modified conditions using probiotics, the shrimps were harvested and transferred to store at − 18 ℃ for 60 days, and the effects of probiotics on the shelf-life of shrimps under freezing preservation were determined. Nutritional values, pH, Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), Total volatile nitrogen determination (TVB-N), Water holding capacity (WHC), drip loss, and texture profile were assessed. The results indicated that water quality remained relatively stable throughout the aquaculture phase, with no significant (P > 0.05) alterations observed in pH, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, and nitrite-nitrogen levels. The growth performance tests revealed that treatment T1 (L1 × B2) exhibited the highest weight gain (WG), survival rate (SR), specific growth rate (SGR), and relative feed conversion efficiency (RFC). Conversely, T4 (L2 × B1) displayed significantly lower levels of triglycerides (274.51 ± 17 mg/dL) and higher levels of cholesterol (3581.61 ± 1222 mg/dL). Regarding shrimp storage, T4 demonstrated the best performance with the highest WHC (31.9 ± 7.8%) and lowest drip loss (4.7 ± 0.4%) among the treatments on day 60.}, journal={AQUACULTURE REPORTS}, author={Azhdari, Seyed Mehrdad Hasani and Pournaki, Shirin Kazemzadeh and Tavabe, Kamran Rezaei and Hosseni, Seyed Vali and Bagheri, Dara and Javanmardi, Sina and Azhdari, Ashkan and Frinsko, Mike}, year={2023}, month={Dec} } @article{andersen_abernathy_berlinsky_bolton_booker_borski_brown_cerino_ciaramella_clark_et al._2021, title={The status of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, as a commercially ready species for U.S. marine aquaculture}, volume={52}, ISSN={0893-8849 1749-7345}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jwas.12812}, DOI={10.1111/jwas.12812}, abstractNote={AbstractStriped bass, Morone saxatilis, is an anadromous fish native to the North American Atlantic Coast and is well recognized as one of the most important and highly regarded recreational fisheries in the United States. Decades of research have been conducted on striped bass and its hybrid (striped bass × white bass Morone chrysops) and culture methods have been established, particularly for the hybrid striped bass, the fourth largest finfish aquaculture industry in the United States (US $50 million). Domesticated striped bass have been developed since the 1990s and broodstock are available from the government for commercial fry production using novel hormone‐free methods along with traditional hormone‐induced tank and strip spawning. No commercial‐scale intensive larval rearing technologies have been developed at present and current fingerling production is conducted in fertilized freshwater ponds. Larval diets have not been successfully used as first feeds; however, they have been used for weaning from live feeds prior to metamorphosis. Striped bass can be grown out in marine (32 ppt) or freshwater (<5 ppt); however, they require high hardness (200+ ppm) and some salinity (8–10 ppt) to offset handling stress. Juveniles must be 1–10 g/fish prior to stocking into marine water. Commercially available fingerling, growout, and broodstock feeds are available from several vendors. Striped bass may reach 1.36 kg/fish in recirculating aquaculture by 18 months and as much as 2.27 kg/fish by 24 months. Farm gate value of striped bass has not been determined, although seasonally available wild‐harvested striped bass are valued at about US $6.50 to US $10.14 per kg and cultured hybrid striped bass are valued at about US $8.45 to US $9.25 per kg whole; the farm gate value for cultured striped bass may be as much as US $10.00 or more per kg depending on demand and market. The ideal market size is between 1.36 and 2.72 kg/fish, which is considerably larger than the traditional 0.68 to 0.90 kg/fish for the hybrid striped bass market.}, number={3}, journal={Journal of the World Aquaculture Society}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Andersen, Linnea K. and Abernathy, Jason and Berlinsky, David L. and Bolton, Greg and Booker, Matthew M. and Borski, Russell J. and Brown, Travis and Cerino, David and Ciaramella, Michael and Clark, Robert W. and et al.}, year={2021}, month={May}, pages={710–730} } @article{tavabe_abkenar_rafiee_frinsko_2019, title={Effects of chronic lead and cadmium exposure on the oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) in laboratory conditions}, volume={221}, ISSN={["1878-1659"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.cbpc.2019.03.009}, abstractNote={During the past decade, the total population and overall reproductive performance of the oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) in the Anzali international wetland and its basin rivers has been severely reduced. This seems to be caused by an increase in heavy metal pollution from industrial wastewaters. We investigated the effects of chronic levels of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) on reproductive success, hemato-immunology, crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (cHH), Pb/Cd bioaccumulation and histopathology of hepatopancreas of oriental river prawn. The present study was separately carried out using four chronic treatments for Pb (0 (control), 0.024, 0.072 and 0.12 μM/l) and Cd (0 (control), 0.026, 0.053 and 0.08 μM/l) in experimental tanks during 60 days. The broodstock were fed by commercial shrimp diet, ad libitum, twice a day. The results revealed that reproductive activities ceased when Pb levels were 0.072 and 0.12 μM/l and also when Cd levels reached 0.08 μM/l. At 0.024 μM/l Pb, 0.026 and 0.053 μM/l Cd, the prawns showed initial reproductive activity but after spawning, the egg-clutches were found detached from the pleopods of the brood females. Hemato-immunology results showed that by increasing the Pb and Cd concentrations, large granular hemocyte (LGH) and cHH values also increased. However, small granular hemocyte (SGH) count was inversely affected. A significant increase in mortality (P < 0.05) was observed as both Pb and Cd concentrations increased. Histological observations are indicative of increased necrosis, lumen size, melanization, vacuolation and abnormal lumen shape, as the heavy metals concentrations increased. In conclusion, obtained results can help to elucidate effects of Pb and Cd on freshwater decapod crustaceans reproductive performance and related physiological parameters.}, journal={COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY}, author={Tavabe, Kamran Rezaei and Abkenar, Bahman Pouryounes and Rafiee, Gholamreza and Frinsko, Michael}, year={2019}, month={Jul}, pages={21–28} } @article{nezhadheydari_tavabe_mirvaghefi_heydari_frinsko_2019, title={Effects of different concentrations of Fe3O4@ZnO and Fe3O4@CNT magnetic nanoparticles separately and in combination on aquaculture wastewater treatment}, volume={15}, ISSN={["2352-1864"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.eti.2019.100414}, abstractNote={The present study is aimed at improving aquaculture wastewater quality using nano-materials while producing minimal environmental impact. For this purpose, zinc oxide (ZnO) and carbon nanotubes (CNT) nanoparticles were coated with iron oxide (Fe3O4) to create magnetic nanoparticles. After inclusion in the wastewater, these particles are capable of treating wastewater, facilitating their removal using a magnetic device. Properties of Fe3O4@ZnO and Fe3O4@CNT coated nanoparticles properties were analyzed by FT-IR, VSM, XRD and SEM methods. Experiments were conducted in three stages: in the first, triplicate treatments of Fe3O4@ZnO and Fe3O4@CNT were evaluated separately using a static system (10-l). During the second stage, combinations of the two best Fe3O4@ZnO and Fe3O4@CNT concentrations determined in the first stage were compared. In the third stage, the treated wastewater was then exposed to Daphnia magna zooplankton for 12 h to evaluate daphnia survival as a test of treatment toxicity. In the first and second stages, the wastewater parameters measured included: nitrate,phosphate,BOD5, TDS, coliform MPN, Cu and Cr heavy metal. According to the first stage results, 30 and 50 mg/L Fe3O4@ZnO and 15 and 20 mg/L Fe3O4@CNT showed the greatest improvement on wastewater quality. These treatments were then evaluated during the second stage, in combination. Results revealed that interactions between both nanoparticles strongly affected (P¡0.05) all the wastewater quality parameters except TDS. In the third stage, the findings showed that removal of the coated magnetic nanoparticles by a magnet is very efficient and does not produce any toxic effects to the water causing significant mortality on the Daphnia magna. The results of this study indicate that the combination of these magnetic nanoparticles at 30 mg/L Fe3O4@ZnO and 20 mg/L Fe3O4@CNT is optimal for aquaculture wastewater treatment while producing minimal environmental impact.}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION}, author={Nezhadheydari, Hasan and Tavabe, Kamran Rezaei and Mirvaghefi, Alireza and Heydari, Akbar and Frinsko, Michael}, year={2019}, month={Aug} }