@article{kato_mallard_2021, title={Autoresuscitation and pheochromocytoma multisystem crisis in a dog}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1476-4431"]}, DOI={10.1111/vec.13069}, abstractNote={AbstractObjectiveTo describe the clinical course of a dog with a pheochromocytoma multisystem crisis that exhibited autoresuscitation after cardiac arrest.Case SummaryAn approximately 10‐year‐old male neutered terrier mix dog presented for collapse. Abdominal imaging was suggestive of a pheochromocytoma, and clinical pathology data and thoracic imaging suggested the presence of a multisystem crisis. The dog developed cardiopulmonary arrest that was followed by autoresuscitation.New or Unique Information ProvidedTo the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of autoresuscitation in a dog. The phenomenon may have been associated with a pheochromocytoma multisystem crisis.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF VETERINARY EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE}, author={Kato, Michael T. and Mallard, John M.}, year={2021}, month={Jul}, pages={525–530} }