Nathan Hostetter Tharp, R. M., Hostetter, N. J., Paxton, A. B., Taylor, J. C., & Buckel, J. A. (2024). Artificial structure selection by economically important reef fishes at North Carolina artificial reefs. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 11. Rivera, D., Henderson, J. B., Lam, A. W., Hostetter, N. J., Collazo, J. A., & Bell, R. C. (2024). High-Quality, Chromosome-Level Reference Genomes of the Viviparous Caribbean Skinks Spondylurus nitidus and S. culebrae. GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 16(5). Rivera, D., Zegarra, J., Puente-Rolon, A., Arocho-Hernandez, N., Hostetter, N., Collazo, J., & Bell, R. (2024). Multiple records of the introduced parthenogenetic Smooth-scaled Tegulet, Gymnophthalmus underwoodi Grant 1958, in Puerto Rico. Reptiles & Amphibians. Coleman, N., Fox, D., Horne, A., Hostetter, N. J., Madsen, J., O'Brien, M., … Secor, D. (2024). Spawning run estimates and phenology for an extremely small population of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Marshyhope Creek-Nanticoke River system, Chesapeake Bay. MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES, 16(3). Hostetter, N. J. J., Evans, A. F. F., Payton, Q., Roby, D. D. D., Lyons, D. E. E., & Collis, K. (2023, February 12). A Review of Factors Affecting the Susceptibility of Juvenile Salmonids to Avian Predation. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT, Vol. 2. Evans, A. F., Payton, Q., Hostetter, N. J., Collis, K., Cramer, B. M., & Roby, D. D. (2022). Cumulative effects of piscivorous colonial waterbirds on juvenile salmonids: A multi predator-prey species evaluation. PLOS ONE, 17(8). Gardner, B., McClintock, B. T., Converse, S. J., & Hostetter, N. J. (2022, July 15). Integrated animal movement and spatial capture-recapture models: Simulation, implementation, and inference. ECOLOGY, Vol. 7. Hostetter, N. J., Regehr, E. V., Wilson, R. R., Royle, J. A., & Converse, S. J. (2022). 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Evaluation of camera trap‐based abundance estimators for unmarked populations. Ecological Applications. Payton, Q., Evans, A. F., Hostetter, N. J., Roby, D. D., Cramer, B., & Collis, K. (2020). Measuring the Additive Effects of Predation on Prey Survival Across Spatial Scales. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 101(4). Payton, Q., Evans, A. F., Hostetter, N. J., Roby, D. D., Cramer, B., & Collis, K. (2020). Measuring the additive effects of predation on prey survival across spatial scales. Ecological Applications, 30(8). Hostetter, N. J., Ryan, D., Grosshuesch, D., Catton, T., Malick‐Wahls, S., Smith, T. A., & Gardner, B. (2020). Quantifying spatiotemporal occupancy dynamics and multi‐year core‐use areas at a species range boundary. Diversity and Distributions. Hostettere, N. J., Gardner, B., Sillett, T. S., Pollock, K. H., & Simons, T. R. (2019). An integrated model decomposing the components of detection probability and abundance in unmarked populations. ECOSPHERE, 10(3). Payton, Q., Hostetter, N. J., & Evans, A. F. (2019). Jointly estimating survival and mortality: integrating recapture and recovery data from complex multiple predator systems. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 26(2), 107–125. Hostetter, N. J., & Royle, J. A. (2019, December 31). Movement-assisted localization from acoustic telemetry data. Regehr, E. V., Hostetter, N. J., Wilson, R. R., Rode, K. D., Martin, M. S., & Converse, S. J. (2018). Integrated Population Modeling Provides the First Empirical Estimates of Vital Rates and Abundance for Polar Bears in the Chukchi Sea. Scientific Reports. Lloyd, N., Hostetter, N. J., Jackson, C. L., Converse, S. J., & Moehrenschlager, A. (2019). Optimizing release strategies: a stepping‐stone approach to reintroduction. Animal Conservation. Felton, S. K., Hostetter, N. J., Pollock, K. H., & Simons, T. R. (2017). Managing American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) Population Growth by Targeting Nesting Season Vital Rates. Waterbirds, 40(sp1), 44–54. Hostetter, N. J., Evans, A. F., Cramer, B. M., Collis, K., Lyons, D. E., & Roby, D. D. (2015). Quantifying Avian Predation on Fish Populations: Integrating Predator-Specific Deposition Probabilities in Tag Recovery Studies. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, 144(2), 410–422. Hostetter, N. J., Gardner, B., Schweitzer, S. H., Boettcher, R., Wilke, A. L., Addison, L., … Simons, T. R. (2015). Repeated count surveys help standardize multi-agency estimates of American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) abundance. The Condor, 117(3), 354–363. Hostetter, N. J., Evans, A. F., Loge, F. J., O'Connor, R. R., Cramer, B. M., Fryer, D., & Collis, K. (2015). The Influence of Individual Fish Characteristics on Survival and Detection: Similarities across Two Salmonid Species. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT, 35(5), 1034–1045. Rivera, D., Zegarra, J., Puente-Rolón, A. R., Arocho-Hernandez, N., Hostetter, N., Collazo, J., & Bell, R. (2024). Multiple records of the introduced parthenogenetic Smooth-scaled Tegulet, Gymnophthalmus underwoodi Grant 1958, in Puerto Rico. Reptiles & Amphibians, 31(1), e21466.