@article{kushelman_mcgrath_2024, title={On Liouville's Theorem for Conformal Maps}, ISSN={["1930-0972"]}, DOI={10.1080/00029890.2024.2344409}, abstractNote={A theorem of Liouville asserts that the simplest angle-preserving transformations on Euclidean space—translations, dilations, reflections, and inversions—generate all angle-preserving transformations when the dimension is at least 3. This note gives a proof which uses only elementary multivariable calculus and simplifies a differential-geometric argument of Flanders.}, journal={AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY}, author={Kushelman, Mathew and Mcgrath, Peter}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{kusner_mcgrath_2024, title={On Steklov eigenspaces for free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball}, volume={146}, ISSN={["1080-6377"]}, DOI={10.1353/ajm.2024.a937942}, abstractNote={abstract: We develop new methods to compare the span $\Coord(\Sigma)$ of the coordinate functions on a free boundary minimal submanifold $\Sigma$ embedded in the unit $n$-ball $\B^n$ with its first Steklov eigenspace $\firsteigen(\Sigma)$. Using these methods, we show that $\Coord(A)=\firsteigen(A)$ for any embedded free boundary minimal annulus $A$ in $\B^3$ invariant under the antipodal map, and thus prove that $A$ is congruent to the critical catenoid. We also confirm that $\Coord=\firsteigen$ for any free boundary minimal surface embedded in $\B^3$ with the symmetries of many known or expected examples, including: examples of any positive genus from stacking at least three disks; two infinite families of genus $0$ examples with dihedral symmetry, as well as a finite family with the various Platonic symmetries; and examples of any genus by desingularizing several disks that meet at equal angles along a diameter of the ball.}, number={5}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS}, author={Kusner, Robert and McGrath, Peter}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @article{mcgrath_zou_2024, title={On the Areas of Genus Zero Free Boundary Minimal Surfaces Embedded in the Unit 3-Ball}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1559-002X"]}, DOI={10.1007/s12220-024-01726-2}, number={9}, journal={JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS}, author={Mcgrath, Peter and Zou, Jiahua}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @article{kusner_mcgrath_2023, title={On the Canham Problem: Bending Energy Minimizers for any Genus and Isoperimetric Ratio}, volume={247}, ISSN={["1432-0673"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00205-022-01833-w}, abstractNote={Building on work of Mondino–Scharrer, we show that among closed, smoothly embedded surfaces in $${\mathbb {R}}^3$$ of genus g and given isoperimetric ratio v, there exists one with minimum bending energy $${\mathcal {W}}$$ . We do this by gluing $$g+1$$ small catenoidal bridges to the bigraph of a singular solution for the linearized Willmore equation $$\Delta (\Delta +2)\varphi =0$$ on the $$(g+1)$$ -punctured sphere $${\mathbb {S}}^2$$ to construct a comparison surface of genus g with arbitrarily small isoperimetric ratio $$v\in (0, 1)$$ and $${\mathcal {W}}< 8\pi $$ .}, number={1}, journal={ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS}, author={Kusner, Robert and McGrath, Peter}, year={2023}, month={Feb} } @article{mcgrath_meekins_2023, title={Two-point functions and constant mean curvature surfaces in R3}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1944-4184"]}, DOI={10.2140/involve.2023.16.467}, abstractNote={. Using a two-point maximum principle technique inspired by work of Brendle and Andrews-Li, we give a new proof of a special case of Alexandrov’s theorem: that there are no embedded constant mean curvature tori in Euclidean three-space.}, number={3}, journal={INVOLVE, A JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS}, author={Mcgrath, Peter and Meekins, Everett}, year={2023}, pages={467–482} } @article{hoisington_mcgrath_2022, title={Symmetry and isoperimetry for Riemannian surfaces}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1432-0835"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00526-021-02117-z}, abstractNote={For a domain $$\Omega $$ in a geodesically convex surface, we introduce a scattering energy $$\mathcal {E}(\Omega )$$ , which measures the asymmetry of $$\Omega $$ by quantifying its incompatibility with an isometric circle action. We prove several sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequalities involving $$\mathcal {E}(\Omega )$$ and characterize the domains with vanishing scattering energy by their convexity and rotational symmetry. We also give a new of the sharp Sobolev inequality for Riemannian surfaces.}, number={1}, journal={CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS}, author={Hoisington, Joseph Ansel and McGrath, Peter}, year={2022}, month={Feb} } @article{mcgrath_2020, title={Bases for Second Order Linear ODEs}, volume={127}, ISSN={["1930-0972"]}, DOI={10.1080/00029890.2020.1803626}, abstractNote={The usual analysis of the constant coefficient ODE ay″+by′+cy=0 —which concludes that ert is a solution when r=(−b±b2−4ac)/(2a) —fails to produce a basis for the solution space when b2−4ac=0 . Redu...}, number={9}, journal={AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY}, author={McGrath, Peter}, year={2020}, month={Oct}, pages={849–849} }