Paul Rudershausen Rudershausen, P. J., Buckel, J. A., Gregory, R., Stilson, G. R., Dukes, A. W., Gooding, E. L., & Runde, B. J. (2024, May 30). Temporal changes in lengths of Dolphinfish revealed by sampling at sportfishing tournaments in the southeastern United States. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT. Rudershausen, P. J., Schmidt, H. M., Merrell, J. H., Runde, B. J., & Buckel, J. A. (2023). Effectiveness of Venting and Recompression for Increasing Postrelease Survival of Barotraumatized Black Sea Bass across a Range of Depths. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 43(1), 257–267. Rudershausen, P. J., Lombardo, S. M., Stilson, G. R., & O'Donnell, M. J. (2023). Relating absolute abundance of an estuarine fish to habitat area in an urbanizing environment. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 719, 77–92. Rudershausen, P. J., Cross, F. A., Runde, B. J., Evans, D. W., Cope, W. G., & Buckel, J. A. (2023). Total mercury, methylmercury, and selenium concentrations in blue marlin Makaira nigricans from a long-term dataset in the western north Atlantic. Science of The Total Environment, 858, 159947. Runde, B. J., Rudershausen, P. J., Bacheler, N. M., Tharp, R. M., & Buckel, J. A. (2022). Depredation of Demersal Reef Fishes Released with Descender Devices Is Uncommon off North Carolina, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 42(5), 1196–1201. Runde, B. J., Buckel, J. A., Bacheler, N. M., Tharp, R. M., Rudershausen, P. J., Harms, C. A., & Ben‐Horin, T. (2022). Evaluation of six methods for external attachment of electronic tags to fish: assessment of tag retention, growth and fish welfare. Journal of Fish Biology, 101(3), 419–430. Houck, E. L., Cohen, E. B., Harms, C. A., Runde, B. J., Rudershausen, P. J., & Buckel, J. A. (2021). Computed Tomographic Assessment of Hooking‐Related Injuries in Recreationally Angled Blue Marlin. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 34(1), 20–27. Runde, B. J., Bacheler, N. M., Shertzer, K. W., Rudershausen, P. J., Sauls, B., & Buckel, J. A. (2021). Discard Mortality of Red Snapper Released with Descender Devices in the US South Atlantic. MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES, 13(5), 478–495. Bacheler, N. M., Shertzer, K. W., Runde, B. J., Rudershausen, P. J., & Buckel, J. A. (2021). Environmental conditions, diel period, and fish size influence the horizontal and vertical movements of red snapper. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11(1). Rudershausen, P. J., Poland, S. J., Merrell, J. H., Pelletier, C. B., Mikles, C. S., & Buckel, J. A. (2021). Estimating discard mortality using meta-analysis and fishery-dependent sampling. Fisheries Research, 240, 105962. Runde, B. J., Buckel, J. A., Rudershausen, P. J., Mitchell, W. A., Ebert, E., Cao, J., & Taylor, J. C. (2021). Evaluating the Effects of a Deep-Water Marine Protected Area a Decade After Closure: A Multifaceted Approach Reveals Equivocal Benefits to Reef Fish Populations. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. Rudershausen, P. J., Merrell, J. H., & Buckel, J. A. (2021). Factors Influencing Colonization and Survival of Juvenile Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus in Southeastern U.S. Tidal Creeks. Diversity, 13(10), 491. Bacheler, N. M., Runde, B. J., Shertzer, K. W., Buckel, J. A., & Rudershausen, P. J. (2022). Fine-scale behavior of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) around bait: approach distances, bait plume dynamics, and effective fishing area. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES, 79(3), 458–471. Paxton, A. B., Harter, S. L., Ross, S. W., Schobernd, C. M., Runde, B. J., Rudershausen, P. J., … Taylor, J. C. (2021). Four decades of reef observations illuminate deep‐water grouper hotspots. Fish and Fisheries, 22(4), 749–761. Rudershausen, P. J., Lombardo, S. M., & Buckel, J. A. (2021). Linking Historical Changes in Salt‐Marsh Coverage to Lost Production of a Nektonic Bioindicator. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13(2), 131–139. Runde, B. J., Buckel, J. A., Shertzer, K. W., Bacheler, N. M., Rudershausen, P. J., & Sauls, B. (2020). Repetitive capture of marine fishes: implications for estimating number and mortality of releases. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(7-8), 2905–2917. Rudershausen, P. J., & Buckel, J. A. (2020). Urbanization impacts on production and recruitment of Fundulus heteroclitus in salt marsh creeks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 645, 187–204. Rudershausen, P. J., Runde, B. J., & Buckel, J. A. (2019). Effectiveness of Venting and Descender Devices at Increasing Rates of Postrelease Survival of Black Sea Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 40(1), 125–132. Rudershausen, P. J., Poland, S. J., Merten, W., & Buckel, J. A. (2019). Estimating Discard Mortality for Dolphinfish in a Recreational Hook‐and‐Line Fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 39(6), 1143–1154. Shertzer, K. W., Bacheler, N. M., Pine, W. E., III, Runde, B. J., Buckel, J. A., Rudershausen, P. J., & MacMahan, J. H. (2020). Estimating population abundance at a site in the open ocean: combining information from conventional and telemetry tags with application to gray triggerfish (Balistes capriscus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(1), 34–43. Runde, B. J., Rudershausen, P. J., Sauls, B., Mikles, C. S., & Buckel, J. A. (2019). Low discard survival of gray triggerfish in the southeastern US hook-and-line fishery. Fisheries Research, 219, 105313. Rudershausen, P. J., Hightower, J. E., Buckel, J. A., O’Donnell, M. J., Dubreuil, T., & Letcher, B. H. (2019). Survival and Density of a Dominant Fish Species Across a Gradient of Urbanization in North Carolina Tidal Creeks. Estuaries and Coasts, 42(6), 1632–1653. Rudershausen, P. J., M. Lee, L., Lombardo, S. M., Merrell, J. H., & Buckel, J. A. (2019). Survival and Habitat of Yellow‐Phase American Eels in North Carolina Tidal Creeks. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 148(5), 978–990. Mikles, C. S., Harms, C. A., Buckel, J. A., & Rudershausen, P. J. (2018). Examining the Severity of Roof-Hooking Injuries in Dolphinfish: a Comparison between Computed Tomography and Gross Necropsy. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 39(1), 36–44. Rudershausen, P. J., Merrell, J. H., & Buckel, J. A. (2018). Fragmentation of habitat affects communities and movement of nekton in salt marsh tidal creeks. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 586, 57–72. Rudershausen, P. J., Hightower, J. E., & Buckel, J. A. (2016). Can optimal trap mesh size be predicted from body depth in a laterally-compressed fish species? FISHERIES RESEARCH, 179, 259–270. Rudershausen, P. J., Buckel, J. A., Dueker, M. A., Poland, S. J., & Hain, E. (2016). Comparison of fish and invertebrate assemblages among variably altered tidal creeks in a coastal landscape. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 544, 15–35. Rudershausen, P. J., & Hightower, J. E. (2016). Retention Probability Varies with Cull Ring Size in Traps Fished for Blue Crab. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT, 36(1), 122–130. Brewer, M. A., Rudershausen, P. J., Sterba-Boatwright, B. D., Merrell, J. H., & Buckel, J. A. (2016). Survival, Tag Retention, and Growth of Spot and Mummichog following PIT Tag Implantation. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT, 36(3), 639–651. Rudershausen, P. J., Price, A. B., & Buckel, J. A. (2015). Can bycatch in a flatfish gillnet fishery be reduced with rectangular mesh? FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY, 22(5), 419–431. Butler, C. M., Hanrahan, B., Buckel, J. A., Rudershausen, P. J., Juanes, F., & Smith, J. W. (2014). Size-Selective Feeding in Captive and Free-Ranging Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES, 6(1), 81–88. Rudershausen, P. J., Buckel, J. A., Dubreuil, T., O'Donnell, M. J., Hightower, J. E., Poland, S. J., & Letcher, B. H. (2014). Estimating movement and survival rates of a small saltwater fish using autonomous antenna receiver arrays and passive integrated transponder tags. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 499, 177–192. Rudershausen, P. J., Mitchell, W. A., Buckel, J. A., Williams, E. H., & Hazen, E. (2010). Developing a two-step fishery-independent design to estimate the relative abundance of deepwater reef fish: Application to a marine protected area off the southeastern United States coast. FISHERIES RESEARCH, 105(3), 254–260. Rudershausen, P. J., Buckel, J. A., Edwards, J., Gannon, D. P., Butler, C. M., & Averett, T. W. (2010). Feeding Ecology of Blue Marlins, Dolphinfish, Yellowfin Tuna, and Wahoos from the North Atlantic Ocean and Comparisons with Other Oceans. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, 139(5), 1335–1359. Butler, C. M., Rudershausen, P. J., & Buckel, J. A. (2010). Feeding ecology of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in North Carolina: Diet, daily ration, and consumption of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Fishery Bulletin (Washington, D.C.), 108(1), 56–69. Rudershausen, P. J., & Turano, M. J. (2009). The Effect of Cull Rings on Catch Rates of Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus in the North Carolina Trap Fishery. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT, 29(4), 1152–1164. Rudershausen, P. J., Baker, M. S., Jr., & Buckel, J. A. (2008). Catch rates and selectivity among three trap types in the US South Atlantic black sea bass commercial trap fishery. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT, 28(4), 1099–1107. Rudershausen, P. J., Williams, E. H., Buckel, J. A., Potts, J. C., & Manooch, C. S., III. (2008). Comparison of Reef Fish Catch per Unit Effort and Total Mortality between the 1970s and 2005-2006 in Onslow Bay, North Carolina. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, 137(5), 1389–1405. Tuomikoski, J. E., Rudershausen, P. J., Buckel, J. A., & Hightower, J. E. (2008, January). Effects of age-1 striped bass predation on juvenile fish in western Albemarle Sound. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, Vol. 137, pp. 324–339. Rudershausen, P. J., & Buckel, J. A. (2007, April). Discard composition and release fate in the snapper and grouper commercial hook-and-line fishery in North Carolina, USA. FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY, Vol. 14, pp. 103–113. Rudershausen, P. J., Tuomikoski, J. E., Buckel, J. A., & Hightower, J. E. (2005). Prey selectivity and diet of striped bass in western Albemarle Sound, North Carolina. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, 134(5), 1059–1074.