@book{parajuli_bardon_2024, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector by North Carolina Congressional District}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/economic-contribution-of-the-forest-sector-by-north-carolina-congressional-district}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2024} } @book{bardon_2024, place={Raleigh, NC}, edition={Revised}, title={Recreational Forest Trails: Plan for Success}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/recreational-forest-trails-plan-for-success}, number={29}, institution={North Carolina State University , North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2024} } @article{typhina_ile_bardon_2024, title={Segmenting Stakeholders for Effective Extension Education: A Case Study of Sustainable Forestry Practices}, volume={62}, url={https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol62/iss3/14}, number={3}, journal={The Journal of Extension}, author={Typhina, E. and Ile, O. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2024}, pages={14} } @book{parajuli_bardon_2023, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector in North Carolina, 2021}, number={AG-844}, institution={NC State Extension, North Carolina State University}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2023} } @article{bardon_peters_parajuli_jayaratne_2023, title={Educational Needs of North Carolina Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners and Barriers to Meeting These Needs}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1077-5315"]}, DOI={10.34068/joe.61.01.01}, abstractNote={Forest landowners are an important target audience for many state Extension programs. Acknowledging the differences and associations between landownership values, characteristics, and educational preferences of forest landowners should lead to improvement of educational programs and ensuring that educational needs are being met. Through an internet-based survey of forest landowners four distinct landowner typologies were identified based on respondents’ reason for owning forestland. Results also identified the educational needs and barriers to meeting these needs for the landowners. Creating typologies based on attitudinal responses will allow for a more focused approach to developing educational products and services to meet landowner needs.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF EXTENSION}, author={Bardon, Robert E. and Peters, Kristin and Parajuli, Rajan and Jayaratne, K. S. U.}, year={2023} } @book{bardon_king_2023, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Protecting working forests with Voluntary Agricultural District Programs}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/protecting-working-forests-with-voluntary-agricultural-districts-programs}, number={44}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and King, B.A.}, year={2023} } @article{ile_typhina_brannum_parajuli_bardon_2023, title={Toward the Adoption of New Farming Systems among Farmers: A Case study of Short Rotation Woody Crops in North Carolina}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1077-5315"]}, DOI={10.34068/joe.61.01.09}, abstractNote={This study explores the human dimensions of the broad-based adoption of Short Rotation Woody Crops (SRWCs) among farmers in North Carolina. We used an actor diagramming and tracing approach to explore factors influencing farmers’ adoption of SRWCs. Results suggest four factors strongly influence the adoption process: 1) market availability, 2) education awareness, 3) funding, and 4) social networking. Based on these results, we recommend that Extension professionals use the following education modules to prompt the adoption of SRWCs practices and potentially adopt other new farming practices: 1) ecological sustainability, 2) financial considerations, 3) harvesting, and 4) community building.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF EXTENSION}, author={Ile, Omoyemeh J. and Typhina, Eli and Brannum, Katie and Parajuli, Rajan and Bardon, Robert E.}, year={2023} } @book{parajuli_bardon_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector in North Carolina, 2020}, number={AG-844}, institution={NC State Extension, North Carolina State University}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2022} } @book{hovis_cubbage_bardon_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={FloodWise Flood Mitigation and Reduction Practices Budget Tools}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/floodwise-flood-mitigation-and-reduction-practices-budget-tools}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Hovis, M. and Cubbage, F. and Bardon, R.}, year={2022} } @book{bardon_braun_strnad_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Identification of Common Trees of North Carolina}, number={AG-933}, institution={NC State Extension, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Braun, W. and Strnad, R.}, year={2022} } @book{bardon_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Practicing Forestry Under Local Regulations}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/practicing-forestry-under-local-regulations}, number={41}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2022} } @book{bardon_peters_parajuli_jayarante_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={The Educational Needs of North Carolina’s Forest Landowners}, number={AG 912}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Bardon, R. and Peters, K. and Parajuli, R. and Jayarante, J.}, year={2022} } @book{bardon_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Zoning and Land Use Regulation of Forestry}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/zoning-and-land-use-regulation-of-forestry}, number={43}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2022} } @article{chizmar_parajuli_frey_bardon_sills_2021, title={Allocation versus completion: Explaining the distribution of the Forest Development Program fund in North Carolina}, volume={132}, ISSN={["1872-7050"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102594}, abstractNote={The Forest Development Program (FDP) is a nationally renowned state-administered cost-share assistance program for forest landowners in North Carolina, primarily funded through taxation on primary forest products across the state. While the demand for FDP cost-share funds often exceeds available resources, over one-fourth of annual allocations on average go unused, due primarily to application cancellations and the divergence of actual costs and treated acres from the amounts approved originally. This study evaluates various factors related to the utilization of allocated funds based on actual cost-share fund usage data in the last six years. Results suggest that FDP applications associated with the piedmont region, shearing and chemical site preparation, hand-planting activities, and larger applied acres are more likely to be completed as defined in the initial application. The methods and findings of this study provide useful insights to administrators of other similar public incentive programs. The need for similar analyses evaluating the utilization of public funds will likely grow as state and federal governments increasingly rely on incentive programs to meet ambitious goals in conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.}, journal={FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS}, author={Chizmar, Stephanie and Parajuli, Rajan and Frey, Gregory E. and Bardon, Robert E. and Sills, Erin}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @article{chizmar_parajuli_frey_bardon_branan_macfarland_smith_ameyaw_2022, title={Challenges and opportunities for agroforestry practitioners to participate in state preferential property tax programs for agriculture and forestry}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2666-7193"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.tfp.2021.100176}, abstractNote={All 50 states offer preferential property tax programs that lower the taxes paid on enrolled agricultural and/or forest lands. While agroforestry is a land-use that combines elements of both agriculture and forestry, eligibility criteria and other rules and regulations may prevent landowners from enrolling agroforestry practices in one or more of the agricultural and forestry tax programs. This pilot-scale study developed conceptual and methodological frameworks to identify the current barriers to and opportunities in preferential tax policies applicable to agroforestry practices. We conducted an extensive review of state preferential property tax programs relevant for agroforestry practices, following focus group discussions with regional experts in five selected states across the United States: North Carolina, Nebraska, Wisconsin, New York, and Oregon. Based on a systematic review of statutes and their supporting documents, we developed a database of programs, which support or create barriers to enrollment of agroforestry practitioners into the programs. We found that agricultural tax assessments were more likely to favor multi-use agriculture and forestry systems than the preferential tax assessments of forestlands in the five states. Forest farming and silvopasture, followed by alley cropping, windbreaks, and riparian forest buffers, were found to be the most common agroforestry practices allowed under preferential tax classifications in the study states. This study provides a framework for cataloging and analyzing preferential property tax-programs to document barriers and facilitators to agroforestry practices in the United States.}, journal={TREES FORESTS AND PEOPLE}, author={Chizmar, Stephanie and Parajuli, Rajan and Frey, Gregory E. and Bardon, Robert E. and Branan, Robert Andrew and MacFarland, Katherine and Smith, Matthew and Ameyaw, Lord}, year={2022}, month={Mar} } @book{parajuli_bardon_2021, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector in North Carolina, 2019}, number={AG-844}, institution={NC State Extension, North Carolina State University}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2021} } @book{bardon_2021, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Management Plans – A Planning Guide for Landowners}, number={AG 890}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2021} } @article{chizmar_parajuli_bardon_cubbage_2021, title={State Cost-Share Programs for Forest Landowners in the Southern United States: A Review}, volume={119}, ISSN={0022-1201 1938-3746}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jofore/fvaa054}, DOI={10.1093/jofore/fvaa054}, abstractNote={AbstractThe largest concentration of state-level forest cost-share programs in the United States can be found in the southern states. Since the inception of the first programs in the 1970s, the state-level forest cost-share programs in the US South have acted as models for the rest of the country. Cost-share programs compensate landowners through direct reimbursements to address barriers such as limited owner capital and cash flow in the initial years of investment. Through a review of the literature and progress reports from southern state forestry agencies, we qualitatively assessed state-level cost-share programs and their status in the southern states. We identified the common themes in the literature related to cost-share programs: market, nonmarket, and landowners’ perceptions and knowledge. Many of the programs enacted between the 1970s and 1980s aimed to ensure a sustainable timber supply, a market good, from private forestlands. A few of the programs enacted more recently compensate landowners for nonmarket benefits such as forest health or soil and water conservation. Two of the nine available programs are practically inactive in recent years because of a lack of funding. We discuss current prospects regarding funding, partnerships, and broadening the focus of incentives to cover forest-based ecosystem services.Study ImplicationsRegionally, cost-share programs in the US South differ in eligibility criteria, funding source and status, and resource management objectives. The majority of state-level cost-share programs in the US South were enacted 30 to 50 years ago. The first cost-share programs were designed to support a continued timber supply from private forestlands, but a few recent programs have expanded their objectives to protect forest health and soil and water quality. Forest-based ecosystem service markets, specifically reforestation to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide and provide clean air and water, have become more prevalent in recent years. Funding for forest commodity incentive programs is a continual challenge. New funding sources and new programs are crucial to meet demands for incentives for landowners to provide both timber and ecosystem services outputs.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Forestry}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Chizmar, Stephanie J and Parajuli, Rajan and Bardon, Robert and Cubbage, Frederick}, year={2021}, month={Jan}, pages={177–195} } @book{bardon_megalos_miller_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Communities thrive on trees}, number={Agricultural Publication}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A. and Miller, K.}, year={2020} } @book{parajuli_bardon_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector in North Carolina}, number={AG-844}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2020} } @article{parajuli_chizmar_megalos_bardon_2020, title={Educating Landowners on Forest-Based Alternative Income Streams in North Carolina: Program Evaluation and Lessons Learned}, volume={118}, ISSN={["1938-3746"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1093/jofore/fvaa037}, DOI={10.1093/jofore/fvaa037}, abstractNote={AbstractForest-based payments for ecosystem services markets have grown considerably in recent years. Besides timber products from harvests, forests offer multiple nontimber and intrinsic benefits, which could be important sources of income for landowners. In summer 2019, we organized four region-specific educational workshops all across North Carolina to educate landowners, Extension agents, and natural resource professionals about these alternative forest-based income streams. In this article, we cover the topics included in those workshops, postworkshop evaluation, and lessons learned from those events, which provide useful insights for Extension and outreach professionals in program design and delivery in forest-based payments for ecosystem service markets.Study ImplicationsThis article presents the details of a program, postworkshop evaluation, and lessons learned, which serve as useful guidelines for Extension and outreach educators in designing and delivering similar programs in forest-based alternative income streams. Although markets for ecosystem services are improving worldwide along with increasing research and outreach efforts in forest-based intrinsic benefits, results from evaluation surveys suggest that attendees had limited knowledge in forest carbon markets, wetland mitigation banking, and conservation easements in North Carolina. More region-specific Extension and outreach programs highlighting the locally available nontimber market options are recommended all across the country. Similarly, partnerships with other state agencies and institutions in program planning, advertisement, and delivery would improve effectiveness of similar Extension and outreach programs.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF FORESTRY}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Parajuli, Rajan and Chizmar, Stephanie and Megalos, Mark and Bardon, Robert}, year={2020}, month={Nov}, pages={551–554} } @book{parajuli_chizmar_megalos_bardon_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Financial Incentives for Forest Management}, number={4}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Parajuli, R. and Chizmar, S. and Megalos, M. and Bardon, R.}, year={2020} } @book{kays_fawcett_query_thompson-welch_bardon_2020, place={Raleigh NC}, title={Fire-Resistant Landscaping in North Carolina}, number={AG-874}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Kays, L. and Fawcett, J. and Query, J. and Thompson-Welch, H. and Bardon, R.}, year={2020}, pages={16} } @book{bardon_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Selling your timber? Don’t make an uninformed decision!}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/selling-your-timber-dont-make-an-uninformed-decision}, number={AG series publication}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2020} } @book{parajuli_bardon_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={The North Carolina forest sector: Forestry and forest product industries}, url={http://go.ncsu.edu/forestryimpact}, institution={NC State Extension Forestry}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2020} } @article{fawcett_parajuli_bardon_boby_kays_strnad_2020, title={Tools for Quickly Adapting during Pandemics, Disasters, and other Unique Events}, volume={58}, url={https://joe.org/joe/2020april/tt1.php}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Fawcett, Jennifer E and Parajuli, Rajan and Bardon, Robert and Boby, Leslie and Kays, Laurel and Strnad, Renee}, year={2020}, month={Apr}, pages={Article v58-2tt1} } @book{bardon_king_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Who is responsible for the trees? A citizens’ guide to trees in the community}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/who-is-responsible-for-the-trees-a-citizen-guide-to-trees-in-the-community]}, number={AG-696}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and King, B.A.}, year={2020} } @book{bardon_parajuli_chizmar_2019, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector by North Carolina Congressional District}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/economic-contribution-of-the-forest-sector-by-north-carolina-congressional-district}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R. and Parajuli, R. and Chizmar, S.}, year={2019} } @book{parajuli_bardon_2019, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector in North Carolina 2017}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/economic-contribution-of-the-forest-sector-in-north-carolina}, number={AG-844}, institution={NC State Extension}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2019} } @book{parajuli_bardon_2018, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Economic Contributions of the Forest Sector in North Carolina, 2016}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/economic-contribution-of-the-forest-sector-in-north-carolina-2016}, number={AG-844}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Parajuli, R. and Bardon, R.}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{bardon_hazel_2018, place={Chania, Greece}, title={Evaluation of Forestry Programming Following the Reorganization of the North Carolina, USA Cooperative Extension Service}, url={http://www.esee2017.gr/uploads/attachments/61/Bardon___Hazel.pdf}, booktitle={Proceedings: Transformative learning: new directions in agricultural extension and education, The 23rd European Seminar on Extension and Education}, publisher={Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Hazel, D.W.}, year={2018} } @book{megalos_kea_bardon_2018, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Understanding Forestry Terms: A Glossary for Private Landowners}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/understanding-forestry-terms-a-glossary-for-private-landowners}, number={2626}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Megalos, M. and Kea, J. and Bardon, R.}, year={2018} } @article{diaz_bardon_hazel_bruce_jayaratne_velez_2017, title={Factors Influencing the Success of a Market Based Conservation Initiative to Promote Rural Land-use Compatibility}, volume={5}, ISSN={2331-625X 2331-6268}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.13189/eer.2017.050605}, DOI={10.13189/eer.2017.050605}, abstractNote={Encroachment of incompatible land uses increasingly threatens military training across the country. In many states, military training grounds are part of the rural landscape resulting in significant interest from military leadership in the maintenance and enhancement of land uses that are compatible with training operations. In the southeast, a vast majority of the rural landscape is under private ownership increasing the needs for policies that address the interests of landowners and provide meaningful incentives for maintaining land-use compatibility. Market-based conservation strategies have the potential to provide an effective means for conserving large landscapes used for military training. This issue is particularly salient in North Carolina that has an extensive military training footprint. We conducted a case study to evaluate a cross-sector partnership in the state that collaboratively developed a Market-Based Conservation Initiative Pilot to promote land use compatibility by engaging private landowners in performance-based contracts. This study determined the factors that influenced pilot project outcomes and lessons learned when developing market-based strategies that integrate military interests. Data analysis identifies five key factors that are 1) military funding authority to establish agreements, 2) development of landowner trust and program credibility, 3) military understanding the purpose and associated risks of a pilot program, 4) military perception of rural landownership patterns, and 5) institutional mandates of the Navy.}, number={6}, journal={Environment and Ecology Research}, publisher={Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.}, author={Diaz, John M. and Bardon, Robert E. and Hazel, Dennis and Bruce, Jackie and Jayaratne, K.S.U and Velez, Anne-Lise}, year={2017}, month={Oct}, pages={443–452} } @article{diaz_bardon_hazel_bruce_jayarante_2017, title={Lessons Learned for Military-Based Partnerships for Landscape-Scale Conservation: A Case Study of the North Carolina Sentinel Landscapes Partnership}, volume={10}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship}, author={Diaz, J. and Bardon, R. and Hazel, D. and Bruce, J. and Jayarante, K.S.U.}, year={2017}, pages={24–35} } @article{diaz_bardon_hazel_bruce_jayarante_2017, title={Role of Extension in Building Sustainable Partnerships with Multiple Stakeholders for Land Conservation}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Human Sciences and Extension}, author={Diaz, J.M. and Bardon, R.E. and Hazel, D. and Bruce, J. and Jayarante, K.S.U.}, year={2017}, pages={53–70} } @book{king_bardon_megalos_2017, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Zoning and land use regulation of forestry}, number={4343}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={King, B.A. and Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A.}, year={2017} } @book{diaz_addor_moore_bardon_hazel_2016, place={Raleigh}, title={Establishing a partnership for Sentinel Landscapes: The North Carolina Experience. A Dissemination Guide for other states}, number={AG-825}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Diaz, J. and Addor, M. and Moore, S. and Bardon, R. and Hazel, D.}, year={2016} } @book{kays_mcconnell_bardon_hazel_2016, title={Key Sector Analysis of Western North Carolina Forest-Based Industries}, url={http://sofew.cfr.msstate.edu/papers/2016_proceedings.pdf}, number={SRS-218}, journal={Forest economics and policy in a changing environment: how market, policy, and climate transformations affect forests—Proceedings of the 2016 Meeting of the International Society of Forest Resource Economics}, institution={U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station}, author={Kays, L. and McConnell, T.E. and Bardon, R. and Hazel, D.}, editor={Frey, Gregory E. and Nepal, PrakashEditors}, year={2016}, pages={127–130} } @book{mcconnell_jeuck_bardon_hazel_altizer_new_2016, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Methodology for Determining Forest Sector Contributions to North Carolina’s Economy}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/north-carolinas-forest-and-forest-products-industry-by-the-numbers/methodology-for-determining-forest-sector-contributions-to-north-carolinas-economy}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={McConnell, T.E. and Jeuck, J. and Bardon, R. and Hazel, D. and Altizer, C. and New, B.}, year={2016} } @book{mcconnell_jeuck_bardon_hazel_2016, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={North Carolina’s Forests and Forest Products Industry by the Numbers, 2013}, number={AG-817}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={McConnell, T.E. and Jeuck, J. and Bardon, R. and Hazel, D.}, year={2016} } @book{bardon_morris_2015, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={A Guide to Managing Small Woodlots}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Morris, P.}, year={2015} } @article{typhina_bardon_gharis_2015, title={Collaborating with your clients using social media & mobile communications}, volume={53}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Typhina, E. and Bardon, Robert E. and Gharis, Laurie W.}, year={2015} } @book{bardon_morris_2015, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Management Planning for Small Woodlots}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Morris, P.}, year={2015} } @article{diaz_jayaratne_bardon_hazel_2014, title={A Framework for Integrating and Managing Expectations of Multiple Stakeholder Groups in a Collaborative Partnership}, volume={52}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2014june/iw6.php}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Diaz, John and Jayaratne, K.S.U. and Bardon, Robert E and Hazel, Dennis}, year={2014}, pages={Article 3IAW6} } @article{jeuck_cubbage_abt_bardon_mccarter_coulston_renkow_2014, title={Assessing Independent Variables Used in Econometric Modeling Forest Land Use or Land Cover Change: A Meta-Analysis}, volume={5}, ISSN={1999-4907}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f5071532}, DOI={10.3390/f5071532}, abstractNote={We conducted a meta-analysis on 64 econometric models from 47 studies predicting forestland conversion to agriculture (F2A), forestland to development (F2D), forestland to non-forested (F2NF) and undeveloped (including forestland) to developed (U2D) land. Over 250 independent econometric variables were identified from 21 F2A models, 21 F2D models, 12 F2NF models, and 10 U2D models. These variables were organized into a hierarchy of 119 independent variable groups, 15 categories, and 4 econometric drivers suitable for conducting simple vote count statistics. Vote counts were summarized at the independent variable group level and formed into ratios estimating the predictive success of each variable group. Two ratios estimates were developed based on (1) proportion of times the independent variables had statistical significance and (2) proportion of times independent variables met the original study authors’ expectations. In F2D models, we confirmed the success of popular independent variables such as population, income, and urban proximity estimates but found timber rents and site productivity variables less successful. In F2A models, we confirmed success of popular explanatory variables such as forest and agricultural rents and costs, governmental programs, and site quality, but we found population, income, and urban proximity estimates less successful. In U2D models, successful independent variables found were urban rents and costs, zoning issues concerning forestland loss, site quality, urban proximity, population, and income. In F2NF models, we found poor success using timber rents but high success using agricultural rents, site quality, population, and income. Success ratios and discussion of new or less popular, but promising, variables was also included. This meta-analysis provided insight into the general success of econometric independent variables for future forest-use or -cover change research.}, number={7}, journal={Forests}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Jeuck, James and Cubbage, Frederick and Abt, Robert and Bardon, Robert and McCarter, James and Coulston, John and Renkow, Mitch}, year={2014}, month={Jul}, pages={1532–1564} } @article{bardon_taylor_hubbard_gharis_2014, title={Calculating the "Green" Impact of Online Extension Programs}, volume={52}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2014june/iw2.php}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Bardon, Robert E and Taylor, Eric and Hubbard, William G and Gharis, Laurie W}, year={2014}, pages={Article 3IAW2} } @article{gharis_bardon_evans_hubbard_taylor_2014, title={Expanding the Reach of Extension Through Social Media}, volume={52}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2014june/a3.php}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Gharis, Laurie W and Bardon, Robert E and Evans, Jennifer L and Hubbard, William G and Taylor, Eric}, year={2014}, pages={3FEA3} } @article{gharis_bardon_evan_hubbard_taylor_2014, title={Expanding the reach of extension through social media}, volume={52}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Gharis, L. W. and Bardon, R. E. and Evan, J. L. and Hubbard, W. G. and Taylor, E.}, year={2014} } @book{gharis_bardon_belk_diaz_hazel_ross_snelgrove_2014, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Linking Lands and Linking Missions to Advance Working Lands, Conservation and National Defense: NC Sentinel Landscapes}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Gharis, L. and Bardon, R.E. and Belk, D. and Diaz, J. and Hazel, D. and Ross, W.G., Jr. and Snelgrove, T.}, year={2014} } @book{gharis_typhina_bardon_gonzalez-jeuck_2014, place={Athens, GA}, title={Step by Step Process for Creating and Delivering Effective Webinars}, url={https://sref.info/resources/publications/step-by-step-process-for-creating-and-delivering-effective-webinars/at_download/file}, number={SREF-TT-001}, institution={University of Georgia}, author={Gharis, L. and Typhina, E. and Bardon, R.E. and Gonzalez-Jeuck, G.}, year={2014} } @article{gharis_bardon_hubbard_taylor_gonzalez-jeuck_2014, title={Using Survey Responses to Determine the Value-Added Features of a Webinar Portal System for Adoption by Natural Resource Professionals}, volume={52}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2014december/rb4.php}, number={6}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Gharis, L. and Bardon, R.E. and Hubbard, W. and Taylor, E. and Gonzalez-Jeuck, G.}, year={2014} } @book{bardon_hazel_2014, place={Athens, GA}, title={Wood Energy: Understanding the Forest Connection}, url={http://www.se-ibss.org/publications-and-patents/extension-and-outreach-publications/wood-energy-understanding-the-forest-connection}, institution={Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Hazel, D.W.}, year={2014} } @book{jeuck_bardon_2013, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Cutting at Financial Maturity: A Basic Principal in Maximizing the Economic Return of Your Woodland}, number={62}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Jeuck, J. and Bardon, R.}, year={2013} } @book{osborne_bardon_hazel_2013, place={Athens, GA}, title={Rapid sampling of scattered and piled forest harvest residue: A biomass energy feedstock and important environmental component}, url={http://www.se-ibss.org/documents/publications/rapid-sampling-of-scattered-and-piled-forest-harvest-residue}, institution={Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems}, author={Osborne, N. and Bardon, R.E. and Hazel, D.}, year={2013} } @article{serenari_peterson_bardon_brown_2013, title={The Impacts of the Great Recession on State Natural Resource Extension Programs}, volume={51}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2013august/a11.php}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Serenari, Christopher and Peterson, M. Nils and Bardon, Robert E. and Brown, Robert D.}, year={2013}, pages={Article 4FEA11} } @inproceedings{jeuck_hazel_bardon_2012, title={Accurately Assessing Woody Biomass Potential in North Carolina, US}, url={https://ag.tennessee.edu/sungrant/Documents/2012%20National%20Conference/ConferenceProceedings/Volume%202/Vol2.pdf}, booktitle={Proceedings from Sun Grant National Conference: Science for Biomass Feedstock Production and Utilization}, publisher={UT Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee}, author={Jeuck, J. and Hazel, D. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2012}, pages={241–250 } } @article{golden_peterson_deperno_bardon_moorman_2012, title={Factors shaping private landowner engagement in wildlife management}, volume={37}, ISSN={1938-5463}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/wsb.235}, DOI={10.1002/wsb.235}, abstractNote={AbstractThe changing demographics of rural landowners have the potential to affect wildlife management on private land and therefore, there is a need to determine what factors influence landowner participation in wildlife management. We surveyed 1,368 North Carolina, USA, private landowners to determine socio‐demographic factors predicting participation in a variety of wildlife management practices. Wildlife management practices most commonly implemented by landowners were providing supplemental feed (21.8%), mowing to improve habitat (16.2%), erecting nesting boxes (14.7%), and planting food plots (14.6%). Ecologically valuable management activities such as prescribed burning (2.3%) were among the least practiced. Hunting or having a family member that hunted was the most consistent predictor of participation in wildlife management practices. Landowners who hunted, resided on their property, were younger and were male were more likely to implement wildlife management practices than their counterparts. Resident landowners, especially those who hunt, may be the most receptive to outreach efforts promoting wildlife habitat management on private lands. Our results indicate outreach efforts should target habitat management practices with longer term wildlife benefits (e.g., prescribed fire, controlling invasive plants), because practices with immediate short‐term benefits (e.g., food plots, supplemental feeding, mowing) are currently 3–4 times more prevalent. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.}, number={1}, journal={Wildlife Society Bulletin}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Golden, Katherine E. and Peterson, M. Nils and DePerno, Christopher S. and Bardon, Robert E. and Moorman, Christopher E.}, year={2012}, month={Dec}, pages={94–100} } @book{osborne_bardon_hazel_2012, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={How to Rapidly Inventory Scattered and Piled Forest Harvest Residue}, number={AG-754W}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Osborne, N. and Bardon, R.E. and Hazel, D.W.}, year={2012} } @article{shaw_hazel_bardon_jayaratne_2012, title={Landowners' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Aspirations Towards Woody Biomass Markets in North Carolina}, volume={50}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2012august/a9.php}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Shaw, Jasmine and Hazel, Dennis and Bardon, Robert and Jayaratne, K.S.U.}, year={2012}, pages={Article 4FEA9} } @article{bradley_driscoll_bardon_2012, title={Removing the Tension from Extension}, volume={50}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2012april/tt1.php}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Bradley, Lucy and Driscoll, Elizabeth and Bardon, Robert}, year={2012}, pages={Article 2TOT1} } @article{bardon_2012, title={Understanding the Factors Influencing Standing Timber Prices}, url={http://www.woodlandowners.org/Publications/Magazine(2012-04).pdf}, number={Spring}, journal={National Woodlands}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2012}, pages={8–9} } @article{jeuck_bardon_2012, place={Spring}, title={When to Cut Your Woodlot: Maximizing the Economic Returns}, url={http://www.woodlandowners.org/Publications/Magazine(2012-04).pdf}, number={Spring}, journal={National Woodlands}, author={Jeuck, J. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2012}, pages={49–51} } @book{bardon_2011, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Financial Incentives for Forest Management}, number={4}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{golden_deperno_moorman_peterson_bardon_2011, title={Predicting North Carolina Landowner Participation and Interest in Wildlife Related Fee Access}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies}, author={Golden, K. E. and DePerno, C. S. and Moorman, C. E. and Peterson, M. N. and Bardon, R. E.}, year={2011}, pages={65:21–26} } @inproceedings{megalos_hazel_bardon_2011, title={Rural Biomass Development: NCSU’s Approach to Sustainable Forestry Knowledge Exchange}, booktitle={Proceedings: Competence development for forestry, IUFRO Conference}, author={Megalos, M.A. and Hazel, D.W. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2011} } @book{hamilton_bardon_2011, place={North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC}, title={Utilization of Storm Damaged Timber}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/utilization-of-storm-damaged-timber}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Hamilton, R.A. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2011} } @inbook{hamilton_bardon_hazel_2010, title={Developing a forest management plan}, ISBN={9781581738230}, booktitle={Managing forest on private lands in Alabama and the Southeast}, publisher={Sweetwater Press/Alabama Forestry Foundation}, author={Hamilton, Rickey A. and Bardon, Robert E. and Hazel, Dennis W.}, editor={Foundation, Alabama ForestryEditor}, year={2010} } @book{bardon_megalos_new_brogan_2010, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={North Carolina forest resources assessment: A statewide analysis of the past, current, and projected future conditions of North Carolina forest resources, 2010}, publisher={NC Division of Forest Resources}, year={2010} } @article{kleist_moorman_deperno_bardon_2010, title={Opportunities for Planned County-Based Wildlife Programming}, volume={48}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2010april/rb7.php}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Kleist, Andrea M. and Moorman, Christopher E. and DePerno, Christopher S. and Bardon, Robert E.}, year={2010}, pages={Article 2RIB7} } @article{bardon_meyer_moore_overholt_peterson_simon-brown_smith_stortz_vandenberg_2009, title={Communication Techniques for Initiating Discussion About Complex Value-Laden Issues}, volume={47}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2009february/tt1.php}, number={1/1TOT1}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Bardon, Robert and Meyer, Nate and Moore, Susan and Overholt, Gail and Peterson, Georgia and Simon-Brown, Viviane and Smith, Sanford S. and Stortz, Peter J. and Vandenberg, Lela}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{bardon_hazel_miller_2009, place={Hot Springs, Arkansas August 2-4, 2006}, title={Preferred methods for delivering education information to forest landowners}, volume={General Te}, booktitle={A Southern Region Conference on Technology Transfer and Extension.}, publisher={Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service}, author={Bardon, Robert E. and Hazel, Dennis and Miller, Kevin}, editor={Ashton, S. F and Hubbard, W. G. and Rauscher, H. M.Editors}, year={2009}, pages={General Technical Report SRS-116; 149–155} } @book{king_bardon_2009, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Protecting working forests with Voluntary Agricultural District Programs}, number={44}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={King, B.A. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2009} } @article{bardon_meyer_moore_overholt_peterson_simon-brown_smith_2009, title={Riskometer—Voting with Your Feet}, volume={47}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2009april/tt2.php}, number={2/2TOT2}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Bardon, Robert and Meyer, Nate and Moore, Susan and Overholt, Gail and Peterson, Georgia and Simon-Brown, Viviane and Smith, Sanford S}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{bardon_megalos_2009, place={Hot Springs, Arkansas August 2-4, 2006}, title={Understanding working forest landowners in North Carolina: integrating participant survey results in programming and delivery.}, booktitle={A Southern Region Conference on Technology Transfer and Extension.}, publisher={Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service}, author={Bardon, Robert E. and Megalos, Mark A.}, editor={Ashton, S. F and Hubbard, W. G. and Rauscher, H. M.Editors}, year={2009}, pages={General Technical Report SRS-116; 149–155} } @article{bardon_meyer_moore_overholt_peterson_siomne-brown_smith_stortz_2009, title={`Riskometer?: Voting with your feet}, volume={47}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Bardon, R. E. and Meyer, N. and Moore, S. and Overholt, G. and Peterson, G. and Siomne-Brown, V. and Smith, S. and Stortz, P.}, year={2009} } @book{bardon_2008, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={A biomass and bioenergy glossary for forest landowners}, number={WB-0001}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2008} } @book{bardon_megalos_graul_miller_2008, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Developing successful tree ordinances}, number={AG-693}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A. and Graul, A.L. and Miller, K.T.}, year={2008} } @article{hazel_bardon_2008, title={Evaluating wood energy users in North Carolina and the potential for using ...}, volume={58}, url={http://proxying.lib.ncsu.edu/index.php?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true{\&}db=bth{\&}AN=32508393{\&}site=ehost-live{\&}scope=site}, number={5}, journal={Forest Product Journal}, author={Hazel, Dennis and Bardon, Robert}, year={2008}, pages={34–39} } @article{hazel_bardon_2008, title={Evaluating wood energy users in North Carolina and the potential for using logging chips to expand wood fuel use}, volume={58}, number={5}, journal={Forest Products Journal}, author={Hazel, D. W. and Bardon, R. E.}, year={2008}, pages={34–39} } @book{bardon_megalos_2008, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Minimizing wildfire risk with biomass harvesting}, number={ WB-0009}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A.}, year={2008} } @book{bardon_king_megalos_2008, place={Athens, GA}, title={Practicing forestry under local regulations: A Guide for Landowners}, url={http://www.sref.info/regionalpublications/SREF-FM-013.}, number={SREF-FM-013}, institution={Southern Regional Extension Forestry}, author={Bardon, R.E. and King, B.A. and Megalos, M.A.}, year={2008} } @book{king_bardon_2008, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Protecting and retaining trees: A guide for municipalities and counties in North Carolina}, number={AG-705}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={King, B.A. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2008} } @book{bardon_king_2008, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Who is responsible for the trees? A citizens’ guide to trees in the community}, number={AG-696}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University}, author={Bardon, R.E. and King, B.A.}, year={2008} } @book{bardon_megalos_miller_2007, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Communities thrive on trees}, number={AG-677}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A. and Miller, K.}, year={2007} } @book{bardon_megalos_graul_miller_2007, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Construction and tree protection}, number={AG-685}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A. and Graul, A.L. and Miller, K.T.}, year={2007} } @article{bardon_hazel_miller_2007, title={Preferred Information Delivery Methods of North Carolina Forest Landowners}, volume={45}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2007october/a3.php}, number={5/5FEA3}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Bardon, Robert E. and Hazel, Dennis and Miller, Kevin}, year={2007} } @inproceedings{bardon_moore_2007, place={Troutdale, OR. May 10-13, 2005.}, title={Video-Teleconferencing: A Powerful Tool For Technology Transfer}, url={http://fresc.usgs.gov/products/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductNumber=1745}, booktitle={International Conference on Transfer of Forest Science Knowledge and Technology}, publisher={USDA Forest Service PAcific Northwest Research Station}, author={Bardon, Robert E. and Moore, Susan E.}, editor={Miner, Cynthia and Jacobs, Ruth and Dykstra, Dennis and Bittner, BeckyEditors}, year={2007}, pages={General Technical Report PNW-GTR-726; 65–71} } @book{king_bardon_megalos_2007, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Zoning and land use regulation of forestry}, number={43}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={King, B.A. and Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A.}, year={2007} } @book{hamilton_bardon_2006, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={North Carolina’s forestry present-use property tax program}, number={40}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Hamilton, R.A. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2006} } @book{king_bardon_megalos_2006, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Practicing forestry under local regulations}, number={41}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={King, B.A. and Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A.}, year={2006} } @inproceedings{bardon_hazel_miller_2006, title={Preferred methods for delivering education information to forest landowners}, booktitle={A Southern Region Conference on Technology Transfer and Extension}, author={Bardon, R. E. and Hazel, D. and Miller, K.}, year={2006}, pages={149–155} } @book{hamilton_bardon_2006, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Reforestation as an investment: does it pay?}, number={08}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Hamilton, R.A. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2006} } @book{bardon_hamilton_2005, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Financial incentives for forest management}, number={4}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Hamilton, R.A.}, year={2005} } @book{bardon_van druten_2005, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Firewise landscaping in North Carolina}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Van Druten, K.}, year={2005} } @book{bardon_2005, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={First... See a forester}, number={AG-619}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2005} } @book{feitshans_bardon_2005, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Land ownership, liability, and the law in North Carolina}, number={21}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension}, author={Feitshans, T. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={2005} } @book{bardon_2005, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Selling your timber? Don’t make an uninformed decision!}, number={186}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2005} } @article{bardon_2004, title={Cost sharing assistance: find out more}, volume={63}, number={2}, journal={Forest Landowners}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2004}, pages={33} } @inproceedings{moore_bardon_2004, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Enhancing the Southern Appalachian Symposium Proceedings}, url={http://www.ncsu.edu/feop/symposium/proceedings_2003}, booktitle={The Southern Appalachian Symposium Proceedings}, publisher={NC State University}, year={2004} } @inproceedings{s. e. moore_bardon_2004, title={Enhancing the Southern Appalachian forest resource}, booktitle={Symposium proceedings [CD-ROM]}, publisher={Raleigh, NC: NC State University}, year={2004} } @book{bardon_2004, title={Extension Forestry Exhibit}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2004} } @article{bardon_2004, title={Hardwood crop tree release: intermediate stand treatments on an individual tree basis}, volume={63}, number={2}, journal={Forest Landowners}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2004}, pages={13–15} } @article{robison_bardon_cubbage_frederick_moorman_schuler_harper_siry_2004, title={Management approaches for hardwoods in the south}, volume={63}, number={2}, journal={Forest Landowners}, author={Robison, D.J. and Bardon, R.E. and Cubbage, F.W. and Frederick, D. and Moorman, C. and Schuler, J.L. and Harper, C.A. and Siry, J.}, year={2004}, pages={5} } @book{bardon_neill_hardin_2004, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Tree planting guide}, journal={Extension’s Successful Gardener}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Neill, K. and Hardin, R.}, year={2004} } @article{bardon_moore_2004, title={Video-teleconference continuing education program for professional foresters at North Carolina State University}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Bardon, R. E. and Moore, S. E.}, year={2004} } @book{bardon_hamilton_2003, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Financial incentives for forest management}, number={WON-4}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Hamilton, R.A.}, year={2003} } @book{jahn_bardon_mitchell_2003, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Forest and the North Carolina economy}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Jahn, L.G. and Bardon, R.E. and Mitchell, P.H.}, year={2003} } @book{bardon_2003, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Forestry Drain Survey}, journal={North Carolina Estimated Income From Sale of Farm Products and Government Payments, By County, Extension District, and State}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2003} } @article{bardon_2003, title={Providing Knowledge at the Click of a Mouse: Forestry and Natural Resources Desktop Reference Library}, volume={41}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2003june/tt2.php}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Bardon, Robert E.}, year={2003}, pages={Article 3TOT2} } @book{bardon_harkins_megalos_2003, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Recreational forest trails: Plan for success}, number={WON-29}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Harkins, L. and Megalos, M.A.}, year={2003} } @book{bardon_2003, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Timber sales: A planning guide for landowners}, number={AG-640}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2003} } @book{bardon_megalos_kea_2003, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Understanding forestry terms. A glossary for private landowners}, number={WON-26}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A. and Kea, J.B.}, year={2003} } @book{bardon_2002, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Estimating the volume of a standing tree using a scale (Biltmore) stick}, number={5}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2002} } @article{bardon_2002, title={Focus on ... Forestry Extension: Forestry and Natural Resources Desktop Reference Library}, volume={100}, url={http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/saf/jof/2002/00000100/00000008/art00003}, number={8}, journal={Journal of Forestry}, publisher={Society of American Foresters}, author={Bardon, Robert E.}, year={2002}, pages={4–4(1)} } @book{bardon_2002, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Forestry Drain Survey}, journal={The North Carolina Estimated Income From Sale of Farm Products and Government Payments, By County, Extension District, and State}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2002} } @article{bardon_2002, title={Forestry and natural resources desktop reference library}, volume={100}, number={8}, journal={Journal of Forestry}, author={Bardon, R. E.}, year={2002}, pages={4} } @article{bardon_moorman_hamilton_2002, title={Response: The Urbanization of North Carolina}, volume={100}, number={7}, journal={Journal of Forestry}, author={Bardon, RE and Moorman, CE and Hamilton, RA}, year={2002}, pages={57–58} } @misc{bardon_moorman_hamilton_2002, title={Response: The urbanization of North Carolina}, volume={100}, number={7}, journal={Journal of Forestry}, author={Bardon, R. E. and Moorman, C. E. and Hamilton, R. A.}, year={2002}, pages={57–58} } @article{bardon_2001, title={Evaluation of Forestry Programming: Leading to Recommendations for Improvement}, volume={39}, url={http://www.joe.org/joe/2001june/rb3.php}, number={3/3RIB3}, journal={Journal of Extension [On-line]}, author={Bardon, Robert E.}, year={2001} } @book{bardon_2001, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={First... See a forester}, number={AG 619}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2001} } @book{bardon_2001, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Forestry Drain Survey}, journal={The North Carolina Estimated Income From Sale of Farm Products and Government Payments, By County, Extension District, and State}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2001} } @book{bardon_2001, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Selling your timber? Don’t make an uninformed decision!}, number={AG 186}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2001} } @book{bardon_2000, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={CEMP 15: A home for forestry}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2000} } @book{bardon_2000, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Compass and pacing}, number={39}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2000} } @inproceedings{bardon_payne_2000, place={Columbia, MO}, title={Distance Learning and Extension: Using RealAudio and the World Wide Web to Support Field Faculty Training Needs}, url={http://www.snr.missouri.edu/meetings/3rdconference.html}, booktitle={Proceedings: Third Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources}, publisher={University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Natural Resources}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Payne, W.S.}, year={2000} } @inproceedings{bardon_hamilton_payne_2000, place={Columbia, MO}, title={Time and Space Independent Extension: The Potential of Video Teleconferencing as an Outreach Medium}, url={http://www.snr.missouri.edu/meetings/3rdconference.html}, booktitle={Proceedings: Third Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources}, publisher={University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Natural Resources}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Hamilton, R. and Payne, W.S.}, year={2000} } @article{bardon_2000, title={Woodscaping Your Woodlands: An On-line Guide}, volume={98}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Forestry}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={2000}, pages={5} } @inproceedings{summerville_gardner_hinseley_bardon_1999, place={Newport News, VA}, title={Atlantic white-cedar plant production}, booktitle={Proceedings: Atlantic White-Cedar: Ecology and Management Symposium}, publisher={Christopher Newport University}, author={Summerville, K.O. and Gardner, W.E. and Hinseley, L.E. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={1999}, pages={68–75} } @book{summerville_gardner_hinseley_bardon_1999, place={Asheville, NC}, title={Atlantic white-cedar plant production}, number={SRS-27}, journal={Proceedings: Atlantic White-Cedar: Ecology and Management Symposium (USDA Forestry Service General Technical Report SRS-27)}, institution={Southern Forestry Service Research Station}, author={Summerville, K.O. and Gardner, W.E. and Hinseley, L.E. and Bardon, R.E.}, year={1999}, pages={68–75} } @book{bardon_1999, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Croptree management}, number={33}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={1999} } @inproceedings{summerville_gardner_bardon_myers_1999, place={Asheville, NC}, title={Ecotypic variation in Atlantic white-cedar in Eastern North Carolina}, booktitle={Proceedings: 10th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference}, publisher={Southeastern Forest Experiment Station}, author={Summerville, K.O. and Gardner, W.E. and Bardon, R.E. and Myers, R.J.}, year={1999}, pages={185–189} } @book{summerville_gardner_bardon_myers_1999, place={Asheville, NC}, title={Ecotypic variation in Atlantic white-cedar in Eastern North Carolina}, number={SRS-30}, institution={USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station}, author={Summerville, K.O. and Gardner, W.E. and Bardon, R.E. and Myers, R.J.}, year={1999} } @article{bardon_countryman_hall_1999, title={Tree Shelters Reduced Growth and Survival of Underplanted Red Oak Seedlings in Southern Iowa}, volume={16}, url={http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/saf/njaf/1999/00000016/00000002/art00008}, number={2}, journal={Northern Journal of Applied Forestry}, publisher={Society of American Foresters}, author={Bardon, Robert E. and Countryman, David W. and Hall, Richard B.}, year={1999}, pages={103–107(5)} } @article{bardon_countryman_r._1999, title={Tree shelters reduced growth and survival of underplanted red oak seedlings in southern Iowa}, volume={16}, number={2}, journal={Northern Journal of Applied Forestry}, author={Bardon, R. and Countryman, D. and R., Hall}, year={1999}, pages={103–107} } @book{bardon_megalos_willingham_1998, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Planting your new stewardship forest}, number={37}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Megalos, M.A. and Willingham, O.}, year={1998}, month={Mar} } @book{bardon_1998, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Woodscaping your woodlands}, number={AG 584}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={1998} } @book{bardon_1997, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Managing for hardwood}, number={36}, institution={North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Bardon, R.E.}, year={1997} } @article{bardon_countryman_hall_1995, title={A REASSESSMENT OF USING LIGHT-SENSITIVE DIAZO PAPER FOR MEASURING INTEGRATED LIGHT IN THE FIELD}, volume={76}, ISSN={["1939-9170"]}, url={http://www.jstor.org/stable/1939365}, DOI={10.2307/1939365}, abstractNote={......... .. .. .. ... . . . ... . . ........ ....... . ... . . . . .. . .. .... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... ..... .. .. . . ..... .. ..... ....... .. . .. . .... .. ... . . .... ... . ....... .... .. ........ . . ..... .. . .. .. ..... ... . . . . .. ... . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . ..... . . ... ...... ...}, number={3}, journal={ECOLOGY}, publisher={Ecological Society of America}, author={BARDON, RE and COUNTRYMAN, DW and HALL, RB}, year={1995}, month={Apr}, pages={1013–1016} } @inproceedings{bardon_countryman_1993, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Survival and growth for the first-growing season of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings underplanted in mixed upland hardwood stands in south central Iowa}, number={NC-161}, booktitle={Proceedings: Ninth Central Hardwood Forestry Conference}, publisher={USDA Forestry Service}, author={Bardon, R.E. and Countryman, D.W.}, year={1993}, pages={195–209} }