@inbook{eddy_breeden_burmicky_lewis-sessoms_2024, place={London}, title={Achieving Equity at Rural Community Colleges: Case Studies from North Carolina}, ISBN={9781032581613}, booktitle={Race and Rurality: Considerations for Advancing Higher Education Equity}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Eddy, Pamela L. and Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Burmicky, Jorge and Lewis-Sessoms, Micara}, editor={Hallmark, T. and Ardoin, S. and Means, D.R.Editors}, year={2024} } @inproceedings{breeden_mcneill_2024, title={Black Women Have Bad Days Too: Exploring the Pressure of the Superwoman Complex}, booktitle={East Carolina University’s Black Student Success Summit}, author={Breeden, R.L. and McNeill, J.}, year={2024}, month={Feb} } @article{breeden_porter_2024, title={Departures and Arrivals: On the Importance of Researching Dangerously}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/he.20513}, DOI={10.1002/he.20513}, journal={New Directions for Higher Education}, author={Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Porter, Christa J.}, year={2024}, month={Nov} } @book{whitehead_2024, place={Athens, GA}, title={Linnentown: The Musical}, institution={The Classic Center}, author={Whitehead, H.T.}, editor={DeMott, T. and Breeden, R.L.Editors}, year={2024}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{breeden_2023, title={#FatonCampus: Students Navigating Place and Space in Fat Bodies}, booktitle={ECU 2023 Student Success Conference}, author={Breeden, R.}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @misc{eddy_breeden_burmicky_lewis-sessoms_2023, title={Achieving Equity at Rural Community Colleges}, ISBN={9781003446620}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003446620-25}, DOI={10.4324/9781003446620-25}, abstractNote={Using a theoretical framework based on equity-mindedness and the diversity, equity, and inclusion framework advocated by the American Association of Community Colleges, this chapter provides evidence of exemplary practices other rural community colleges can use to help reduce equity gaps. Using findings across three equity case studies, we offer advice for rural community college leaders and policymakers on ways to attend to equity gaps in the rural community college sector. The chapter focuses on a set of case studies of three rural community colleges in North Carolina to help address the gap in the literature. It includes an overview of the following topics: ambiguity in defining rural community colleges, portrait of rural community colleges, equity in rural community colleges, and unique challenges and opportunities. To study equity on various rural community college campuses, they employed a multi-sited qualitative exploratory case study design.}, journal={Race and Rurality}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Eddy, Pamela L. and Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Burmicky, Jorge and Lewis-Sessoms, Micara}, year={2023}, month={Sep}, pages={255–275} } @inproceedings{eddy_burmicky_breeden_lewis-sessoms_2023, title={Achieving Equity at Rural Community Colleges: Case Studies from North Carolina}, booktitle={2023 Council for the Study of Community Colleges (CSCC)}, author={Eddy, P. and Burmicky, J. and Breeden, R.L. and Lewis-Sessoms, M.}, year={2023} } @misc{ardoin_breeden_2023, title={Disrupting and Reimagining Faculty Success}, ISBN={9781003398783}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003398783-2}, DOI={10.4324/9781003398783-2}, journal={Creating Space for Ourselves as Minoritized and Marginalized Faculty}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Ardoin, Sonja and Breeden, Roshaunda}, year={2023}, month={Dec}, pages={3–19} } @article{burmicky_breeden_lewis-sessoms_eddy_rodriguez_2023, title={Equity Case Studies on Rural Community Colleges: A Blueprint for Campus Change}, volume={48}, ISSN={1066-8926 1521-0413}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2023.2238656}, DOI={10.1080/10668926.2023.2238656}, abstractNote={The purpose of this article is to provide a blueprint to conduct equity case studies in rural community colleges. Informed by our field work experiences applying case study design and equity-minded frameworks, this blueprint involves four distinct steps: 1) identifying rural community colleges in North Carolina; 2) operationalizing equity in rural community colleges; 3) building rapport and creating buy-in with campus presidents and stakeholders; and 4) methodological considerations. We provide details about each of these steps with the goal of sharing principles, tools, and advice that aided our research design. We conclude by providing research implications to equip future researchers and practitioners interested in advancing equity-minded research in rural community colleges.}, number={9}, journal={Community College Journal of Research and Practice}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Burmicky, Jorge and Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Lewis-Sessoms, Micara and Eddy, Pamela L. and Rodriguez, Sarah L.}, year={2023}, month={Jul}, pages={573–589} } @article{vanzoest_harry_breeden_2023, title={Equity in Action: Reconnecting Adult Learners to Community Colleges in North Carolina}, volume={30}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Applied Research in the Community College}, author={VanZoest, E. and Harry, D. and Breeden, R.L.}, year={2023}, pages={61–75} } @article{stewart_breeden_collier_evans_scanlon_weston_2023, title={Fat on campus: Mitigating Anti-fat Bias in the Classroom.}, url={https://www.diverseeducation.com/opinion/article/15307367/fat-on-campus-mitigating-antifat-bias-in-the-classroom}, journal={Diverse Education}, author={Stewart, T.J. and Breeden, R.L. and Collier, J.N. and Evans, M.E. and Scanlon, D.J. and Weston, E.}, year={2023}, month={Feb} } @inbook{breeden_stewart_2023, place={London}, title={From Hattie McDaniel to Queen Latifah}, ISBN={9781003140665}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003140665-25}, DOI={10.4324/9781003140665-25}, abstractNote={Racist and sexist images of Black women historically highlight the Mammy, Sapphire, and Jezebel stereotypes; however, focusing solely on race and gender sacrifices nuance in relation to the politics of the body. In this chapter, the authors bring attention to how perceptions of Blackness and fatness create unique axes of problematic representation in film and social life. Grounded in Black women's ways of knowing, we examine three prominent examples of fat Black women, including Khadijah James in the television show Living Single, Mary Jones in the film Precious, and Kelli Prenny in the show Insecure, highlighting the ways politics of the body inherently inform how writers engage with and understand race and gender. We contend that without an analysis of how fatness is brought to bear on the representation and situatedness of Black women, an incomplete picture exists. To illuminate potential pathways forward, authors emphasize the critical need for scholars and writers to focus their thinking, researching, and theorizing on fat Black women's fullness and complexity.}, booktitle={The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Stewart, Terah J.}, editor={Farrell, Amy ErdmanEditor}, year={2023}, month={Jun}, pages={265–279} } @inproceedings{means_stanton_beckham_clemons_frierson_idehen_rose_breeden_2023, title={I Can't Just Give Up & Stop": Black Undergraduate Men Navigating HWIs to Persist in Science Degree Programs}, booktitle={2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting}, author={Means, D. and Stanton, J. and Beckham, M. and Clemons, K. and Frierson, M. and Idehen, O. and Rose, H. and Breeden, R.L.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{stewart_breeden_evans_scanlon_collier_2023, title={March).#FatonCampus: Students Navigating Place and Space in Fat Bodies}, booktitle={ACPA – College Student Educators International Conference}, author={Stewart, T.J. and Breeden, R. and Evans, M. and Scanlon, D. and Collier, J.}, year={2023}, month={Mar} } @article{breeden_wallace_bryant_2023, title={This Is Our Villages’ Degree: Reflections and Advice From Black First-Generation Doctoral Students}, volume={4}, ISSN={2690-6015 2690-6023}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/26906015.2023.2275756}, DOI={10.1080/26906015.2023.2275756}, abstractNote={While less than 6% of Black or African Americans earned doctoral degrees in 2021, Black first-generation students are graduating from doctoral programs nationwide. Although facing a series of challenges, we are creating space in the academy where little exists. Amplifying the voices of three Black first-generation scholars, this article highlights the capital and support systems we used to navigate our journey to doctoral degrees in higher education. Using song titles, we provide reflections and advice for other first-generation scholars navigating doctoral education. Although our positionalities are varied across our minoritized identities and life experiences, we contend that our collective narratives can help Black, first-generation doctoral students across any discipline, along with researchers and professionals who wish to further understand the assets and supports needed for Black, first-generation students broadly, and Black first-generation doctoral students specifically.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of First-generation Student Success}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Wallace, Jason K. and Bryant, Lamar D.}, year={2023}, month={Dec}, pages={80–93} } @article{stewart_scanlon_evans_breeden_weston_collier_2023, title={Too fat to learn: Sizeism as a barrier to college student learning.}, volume={10}, ISSN={1938-8934 1938-8926}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000525}, DOI={10.1037/dhe0000525}, journal={Journal of Diversity in Higher Education}, publisher={American Psychological Association (APA)}, author={Stewart, Terah J. and Scanlon, Daniel J. and Evans, Meg E. and Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Weston, Erin R. and Collier, Joan}, year={2023}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{breeden_crumb_chambers_2023, title={You Won’t Break Our Soul”: Stories of Black Student Success and Achievement at ECU and Beyond}, booktitle={East Carolina University’s Black Student Success Summit}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Crumb, L. and Chambers, C.}, year={2023}, month={Feb} } @article{clayton_breeden_davis_2023, title={“My Entire Support System for Graduate School”: Black Students’ Experiences in a McNair Scholars Program}, volume={7}, ISSN={1521-0251 1541-4167}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/15210251231182683}, DOI={10.1177/15210251231182683}, abstractNote={This qualitative, multi-site case study across three McNair Scholars Programs uses interviews to explore Black students’ aspirations to attend graduate school. While the undergraduate students in this study faced various personal and academic challenges at their predominantly white institutions (PWIs), all the 13 students used community cultural wealth by way of seven forms of capital to join and engage with their institution's McNair Scholars Program. In their own words, the students in this study describe how their campus McNair Program supported their persistence, namely, the program's benefits, how the program helped to boost their confidence, and the significance of their faculty mentors. Lastly, the students describe how they used several forms of capital to overcome systemic barriers and pursue graduate education. The findings identify how institutional agents and programs, like McNair Scholars, can nurture and build upon the assets that Black students already have to support undergraduate retention and graduate persistence.}, journal={Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Clayton, Ashley B. and Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Davis, Tiffany J.}, year={2023}, month={Jul} } @misc{grimes_breeden_willis_gyamfi_2023, title={“Retention Ain't Enough”}, ISBN={9781003394648}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003394648-13}, DOI={10.4324/9781003394648-13}, abstractNote={In this chapter, the authors discuss the critical framework that shaped their work and the methods used to collect their narrative data. It outlines the authors positionality, and then presents their findings through a re-imagined conversation and brief implications institutional agents can consider right away. Spiritually led and bonded in our sisterhood, it is the powerful art of truth-telling. Spirit and faith are rarely recognized in the academe yet are at the center of our retention practice. Institutions are directly responsible for our wellness and basic needs on-campus, such as food, water, shelter, and safety. The level of professional work such as teaching, scholarship, and administrative duties elevate and help maintain the mission of our institutions. The better supported minoritized faculty are at the institution, the better supported our institutions will be as a whole.}, journal={Black Women Navigating the Doctoral Journey}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Grimes, Niah S. and Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Willis, Jenay F. E. and Gyamfi, Konadu Y.}, year={2023}, month={Aug}, pages={139–153} } @article{breeden_smith_willis_2023, title={“Strained relationships”: A participatory action research study examining relationships between Black communities and historically White institutions.}, volume={4}, ISSN={1938-8934 1938-8926}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000482}, DOI={10.1037/dhe0000482}, journal={Journal of Diversity in Higher Education}, publisher={American Psychological Association (APA)}, author={Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Smith, Tavaria L. and Willis, Aniya L.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{stewart_breeden_weston_evans_scanlon_collier_2022, title={"A Chair is Still a Chair”: Fat Students, Campus Environments, and Body Terrorism}, booktitle={Association for Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Stewart, T.J. and Breeden, R.L. and Weston, E. and Evans, M. and Scanlon, D. and Collier, J.N.}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @article{means_stanton_mekonnen_oni_breeden_babatola_osondu_beckham_marshall_2022, title={A Deeper Calling: The Aspirations and Persistence of Black Undergraduate Students in Science at a Predominantly White Institution}, volume={46}, ISSN={1090-7009}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/rhe.2022.0019}, DOI={10.1353/rhe.2022.0019}, abstractNote={This qualitative, participatory action research study used interviews and visual data to explore the aspirations of Black undergraduate students in their final year of science degree programs at a predominantly white institution, and the assets and resources that supported persistence in pursuing their aspirations. While students experienced academic stress, including feelings of having to positively represent all Black people, they described how several influences supported their persistence: (a) aspirations to give back to their families and Black communities, (b) faith, and (c) changes in academic approaches. Findings provide insights for higher education leaders to better promote equity in the sciences.}, number={2}, journal={The Review of Higher Education}, publisher={Project MUSE}, author={Means, Darris R. and Stanton, Julie Dangremond and Mekonnen, Birook and Oni, Omowunmi and Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Babatola, Oluwadamilola and Osondu, Chimezie and Beckham, Morgan A. and Marshall, Brandon}, year={2022}, month={Dec}, pages={151–180} } @inproceedings{stewart_breeden_2022, title={ACPA Senior Scholar Grant Recipient Research & Implications for Practice}, booktitle={ACPA – College Student Educators International Conference}, author={Stewart, T.J. and Breeden, R.L.}, year={2022}, month={Mar} } @book{breeden_vanzoest_lewis sessoms_harry_meachum lewis_nichols_jaeger_thomas_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Adult learner guidebook: A guide to recruit and retain adult learners at North Carolina community colleges}, url={https://belk-center.ced.ncsu.edu/2022/07/13/belk-center-releases-adult-learner-guidebook-to-aid-in-the-recruitment-and-retainment-of-adult-learners-at-north-carolina-community-colleges/}, institution={The Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research}, author={Breeden, R.L. and VanZoest, E. and Lewis Sessoms, M. and Harry, D. and Meachum Lewis, E. and Nichols, H. and Jaeger, A.J. and Thomas, E.}, year={2022} } @article{breeden_means_beckham_rose_walls_idehen_marshall_stanton_2023, title={BLACK WOMEN, WHITE COATS: BLACK WOMEN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS' USE OF COMMUNITY CULTURAL WEALTH TO PERSIST IN HEALTHCARE CAREERS}, volume={29}, ISSN={1072-8325}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2022040103}, DOI={10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2022040103}, abstractNote={In this qualitative, participatory action research study, we examine how six Black women undergraduate students develop, cultivate, and sustain their healthcare career aspirations while examining challenges Black women undergraduate students experience during their pursuit of a healthcare career. Using community cultural wealth to frame our study, we collected two interviews per participant along with participant-generated photographs. We found that student participants experienced multiple forms of oppression, financial challenges, and lack of access to academic resources, but they were able to persist through support from family, faculty, and peers, along with faith-based practices and creative arts. Findings provide insights for higher education leaders, STEM and health sciences faculty, and the healthcare industry to advance equity for Black women pursuing healthcare careers.}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering}, publisher={Begell House}, author={Breeden, Roshaunda L. and Means, Darris R. and Beckham, Morgan A. and Rose, Hayliegh Shanice and Walls, Christin Michelle and Idehen, Osaruese and Marshall, Brandon and Stanton, Julie Dangremond}, year={2023}, pages={55–78} } @book{breeden_jay_2022, title={Community Engaged and Community Accountable Writing and Research}, url={https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thats-all-write/id1574756757?i=1000584349251}, number={4}, journal={That's All Write}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Jay, Terah}, year={2022}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{breeden_eddy_burmicky_lewis-sessoms_2022, title={Equity Case Studies: A Framework for Campus Change}, booktitle={2022 Council for the Study of Community Colleges Annual Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Eddy, P. and Burmicky, J. and Lewis-Sessoms, M.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{vanzoest_breeden_lewis-sessoms_2022, title={Equity In Action: Working with Adult Learners}, booktitle={2022 Council for the Study of Community Colleges Annual Conference}, author={VanZoest, E. and Breeden, R.L. and Lewis-Sessoms, M.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{clayton_breeden_davis_2022, title={My Entire Support System for Graduate School”: Black Students’ Experiences in a McNair Scholars Program}, booktitle={2022 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting}, author={Clayton, A. and Breeden, R.L. and Davis, T.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @book{breeden_2022, title={Report on 21st Century Employment in Higher Education}, institution={ACPA College Student Educators International}, author={Breeden, R.L.}, year={2022} } @inproceedings{stewart_porter_breeden_2022, title={Researching Dangerously: A Scholarship of Consequence and Pushing Barriers in Educational Research and Praxis}, booktitle={2022 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting}, author={Stewart, T.J. and Porter, C.J. and Breeden, R.L.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{breeden_bryant_wallace_2022, title={This is OUR degree”: The significance of partners, custodial staff, and family support for Black first-generation doctoral students in the doctoral journey}, booktitle={2022 SACSA Meeting}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Bryant, L.D. and Wallace, J.K.}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{stewart_scanlon_evans_breeden_weston_collier_2022, title={Too fat to learn? Sizeism as a barrier to college student learning}, booktitle={Association for Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Stewart, T.J. and Scanlon, D.J. and Evans, M.E. and Breeden, R.L. and Weston, E. and Collier, J.N.}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{breeden_jaeger_leatherwood_smith_riegle_2022, title={Working Collaboratively to Reengage Adult Learners in North Carolina Community Colleges}, booktitle={2022 Emerging Issues Forum}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Jaeger, A.J. and Leatherwood, L. and Smith, J. and Riegle, J.}, year={2022}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{breeden_2022, title={You couldn’t have done this without us: Building relationships, sharing power, and centering spirit with Black students and communities in participatory action research}, booktitle={Association for Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L.}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{breeden_smith_willis_2021, title={"I just let them start talking”: Using Performative Counter-Storytelling to Present Participatory Action Research Findings}, booktitle={Association for Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Smith, T.L. and Willis, A.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{breeden_smith_willis_2021, title={"We worked at UGA, but we never attended UGA”: A Participatory Action Study Examining the Relationship with Black Communities and the University of Georgia}, booktitle={History of Slavery at the University of Georgia Symposium}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Smith, T.L. and Willis, A.}, year={2021}, month={May} } @book{breeden_2021, title={Athens vignettes: A dialogue with the African American community}, institution={Town and Gown Theater}, author={Breeden, R.L.}, year={2021}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{means_stanton_beckham_breeden_idehen_rose_walls_2021, title={Black Women, White Coats: Black Women Undergraduate Students’ Persistence to Pursue Medical Careers}, booktitle={American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting}, author={Means, D.R. and Stanton, J.D. and Beckham, M.A. and Breeden, R.L. and Idehen, O.C. and Rose, H.S. and Walls, C.M.}, year={2021}, month={Apr} } @article{breeden_2021, title={Our Presence is Resistance: Stories of Black Women in Senior-Level Student Affairs Positions at Predominantly White Institutions}, volume={14}, ISSN={2637-9112 2637-9120}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/26379112.2021.1948860}, DOI={10.1080/26379112.2021.1948860}, abstractNote={Black women have made tremendous progress in higher education. However, despite increases in enrollment and graduation, research regarding Black women’s experiences in senior-level positions in the student affairs field is limited. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of seven Black women in senior-level positions in student affairs at predominantly White institutions (PWIs). Analyzed using a Black feminist thought theoretical framework and narrative inquiry, this study amplified the unique standpoints of Black women in student affairs leadership positions at PWIs. The findings revealed strategies used and barriers faced when navigating racism and sexism for Black women in senior-level administrative positions in student affairs.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Breeden, Roshaunda L.}, year={2021}, month={May}, pages={166–186} } @inproceedings{breeden_smith_willis_2021, title={Strained Relationships”: A PAR Study Examining Relationships Between Black communities and historically white institutions}, booktitle={Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Smith, T.L. and Willis, A.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{clayton_means_breeden_bostick_2021, title={Supporting College Students Who Experience Food Insecurity and Homelessness: A Campus-Based Resource Case Study}, booktitle={American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting}, author={Clayton, A. and Means, D.R. and Breeden, R.L. and Bostick, D.}, year={2021}, month={Apr} } @article{breeden_2021, title={We Want to do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom}, volume={4}, ISSN={2578-7608}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.36021/jethe.v4i2.259}, DOI={10.36021/jethe.v4i2.259}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education}, publisher={University of North Carolina Wilmington - The Centers for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Leadership}, author={Breeden, Roshaunda L.}, year={2021}, month={Oct}, pages={135–139} } @article{stewart_breeden_2021, title={“Feeling good as hell”: Black women and the nuances of fat resistance}, volume={10}, ISSN={2160-4851 2160-486X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21604851.2021.1907964}, DOI={10.1080/21604851.2021.1907964}, abstractNote={Activism and resistance are two often conflated terms in both academic and social movement discourses. However, the conflation renders invisible the ways oppressed people engage in activism and/or resistance that give nuance to the praxis of the terms. Grounded in Black women's ways of knowing, we explore the philosophical bounds of fat activism and fat resistance and through citing examples of Black women engaged in resistance to body- oppressive structures, we highlight the ways fat people and their accomplices (nonfat and non- fat identifying people) contribute to the collective effort for fat justice. We illuminate potential pathways forward for recognizing a range of actions that contribute to the freedom of fat bodies.}, number={3}, journal={Fat Studies}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Stewart, Terah J. and Breeden, Roshaunda L.}, year={2021}, month={Apr}, pages={221–236} } @inproceedings{whitehead_grimes_breeden_2020, title={Deepening Spirit: An Ethnographic Performance Bridging Black Diasporic Homemaking to Liberation Work in Higher Education}, booktitle={Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Whitehead, M.A. and Grimes, N.S. and Breeden, R.L.}, year={2020}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{breeden_collier_lacy_stewart_2020, title={More than survive: Abolitionist practice and research in student affairs}, booktitle={ACPA - College Student Educators International}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Collier, J.N. and Lacy, M.C. and Stewart, T.J.}, year={2020}, month={Mar} } @inproceedings{breeden_2020, title={Our presence is resistance: The experiences of Black women in senior-level positions in student affairs}, booktitle={Association for Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L.}, year={2020}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{breeden_2019, title={Fat bodies matter: Creating space for all bodies in the student affairs job search}, booktitle={Southern Association for College Student Affairs conference}, author={Breeden, R.L.}, year={2019}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{breeden_2019, title={Our presence is resistance: The experiences of Black women in senior-level positions in student affairs}, booktitle={Association for Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L.}, year={2019}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{breeden_2018, title={Black “womentorship” in higher education: Centering stories of mentorship and advancement of Black women in senior-level administrative positions}, booktitle={College of Education Symposium}, author={Breeden, R.L.}, year={2018}, month={May} } @inproceedings{breeden_mclamb_2014, title={Advising under-resourced students}, booktitle={National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L. and McLamb, J.}, year={2014}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{breeden_wright_2014, title={Conflict management across cultures}, booktitle={NC State Human Resources Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Wright, M.R.}, year={2014}, month={Mar} } @inproceedings{breeden_wright_2014, title={G-School project: Guiding Students of Color through the graduate school pipeline}, booktitle={National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Conference}, author={Breeden, R.L. and Wright, M.R.}, year={2014}, month={Apr} }